Plural Prayer Intentions and Procedures for Plural Prayers

The intention to pray plural taqdim – Establishing prayer is a pillar of Islam that is required by Allah SWT to be carried out for His servants. The pillars of Islam this prayer includes the second pillar of Islam. The practice of prayer is also the practice that is first held accountable in the hereafter.

Prayer worship is a worship that is forbidden to miss, especially praying 5 times a day. For Muslims who are constrained in performing their prayers, Islam has made it easy for them to perform the plural prayers. The plural prayer itself is divided into two, namely the plural taqdim prayer and the plural taqdim prayer

The Definition of Plural Prayer

Plural Prayer is collecting two fardhu prayers which are done in one prayer time. The five daily prayers are obligatory for Muslims. Therefore, don’t let us miss it even once.

Remembering the commands and sins that have been written in the Qur’an and hadith, then try not to ever leave them. Even when traveling, the five daily prayers are also mandatory. However, Allah SWT provides relief by allowing plural taqdim or plural takhir prayers when you are on a long journey. .

When we travel or go home, it is of course important to know the procedures for praying the noon and afternoon prayers. Even on a long journey, obligatory prayers should not be abandoned. The plural prayer is summing up two prayer times at one time.

There is another opinion, which says that plural prayer is a form of relief in Islam. For example, doing Maghrib and evening prayers or midday and Asr prayers together.

Meanwhile, there is no plural that must be perfected for the morning prayer. There are two kinds of them, namely plural taqdim and plural takhir. The first plural prayer is the plural taqdim prayer which means combining the prayers before entering the prayer time. For example, combining the noon prayer with Ashar at midday.

Meanwhile, the second is the plural takhir prayer, which combines the prayers at the time of the second prayer. For example, combining the midday prayer with the asr prayer at asr time.

Rasulullah SAW in his hadith explains about plural prayers. From Anas RA, he said, ” When Rasulullah SAW left for the journey before the sun slipped, he ended the midday prayer until the time of Asr. Then he stopped to join the second prayer. And if the sun goes down before he leaves, he prays the midday prayer first and then gets on the vehicle “. Narrated by Bukhari ).

Taqdim Plural Prayer

The Meaning of Taqdim Plural Prayer

The plural taqdim prayer is combining the two obligatory prayers at the start of the prayer. For example, midday and ashar prayers are performed at noon time. In addition, maghrib and evening prayers are performed at maghrib time.

Requirements for Carrying Out Plural Prayers

Plural prayer is reserved for someone who is allowed, among others:

  1. On long journeys not for immoral purposes.
  2. The minimum distance traveled in the journey must reach farsakh or according to some opinions of the scholars is 64 km, 80 km or 94.5 km.
  3. Plural prayers are performed while on the way.
  4. Plural prayers are performed muwalat (sequentially). After the first prayer is completed, you must immediately perform takbiratul ihram for the second prayer.

Procedure for the Taqdim Plural Prayer

Mentioned in the book Islamic Religious Education: Jurisprudence for Class VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah written by Zainal Muttaqin MA, the procedures for praying Jama taqdim, include:

  1. I recite the call to prayer and then Iqamah or just iqamah.
  2. Do the midday prayer first.
  3. After performing the midday prayer, it is sunnah to recite the Iqamah and then continue with the Asr prayer.

Reading the Intentions for the Plural Prayers of Taqdim Dzuhur and Asr

1. The intention of the midday prayer

Latin pronunciation: “ Ushalli fardhazh Zhuhri arba’a raka’aatin majmuu’am ma’al Ashri adaan lillaahi ta’aala ”

Meaning: ” I intentionally pray the fardhu dzuhur 4 cycles which are plural asr, fardhu because of Allah Ta’ala “.

2. The intention of the Asr prayer

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Latin pronunciation: ” Ushalli fardhazh Ashri arba’a raka’atin majmuu’an ma’al dzuhri ada’an lillahi ta’ala “.

Meaning: ” I intend to pray Asr prayer four cycles in jama’ with Dhuhur, fardhu because of Allah Ta’ala “.

Reading the Intentions for the Plural Taqdim Maghrib and Isya Prayers to be Done at Maghrib

1. The intention of Maghrib prayer

Latin pronunciation: ” Ushollii fardhol maghribi thalaatha raka’atin majmuu’an ma’al ‘isya’i jam’a taqdimi adaa-an lillahi ta’aalaa “.

Meaning: ” I deliberately pray fardhu maghrib 3 cycles which is jama’ with isya, with jama’ taqdim, fardu is because of Allah Ta’ala “.

2. The intention of the evening prayer

After the Maghrib prayer, it is continued with the Isya prayer by reading the following intention:

Latin pronunciation: “ Ushollii fardlol ‘isyaa’i arba’a raka’atin majmu’ah ma’al maghribi jam’a taqdiimin adaa-an lillaahi ta’aalaa ”.

Meaning: ” I intend to pray isya four rak’ahs in the plural with maghrib, with jama’ taqdim, fardhu because of Allah Ta’ala “.

Final Plural Prayer

Definition of the Final Plural Prayer

The final plural prayer is a provision of obligatory prayers which are performed at the same time at the time of the last obligatory prayer. When performing the plural takhir prayers (dzuhur and asr), then it is done at the time of the asr prayer. While the plural takhir maghrib and isya are done at isya time.

Reading the Intentions for the Plural Prayers at the End of Dhuhr and Asr

1. Reading the intention of the final plural prayer (dzuhr and asr) / performed at the time of asr

Latin inscription: “Usholli fardhazh Zhuhri arba’a raka’atin majmuu’an ma’al Ashri adaa’an lillaahi ta’aala”.

Meaning: “I deliberately pray fardhu dhuhur 4 cycles which are plural asr, Fardu because Allah Ta’aala”.

2. After the midday prayer then proceed with the Asr prayer by reading the intention as follows:

Latin pronunciation: “Ushollii fardhol ‘ashri arba’a roka’aatin majmuu’an ma’azh Zhuhri ada’an lillahi ta’aalaa”.

Meaning: “I deliberately pray fardhu Asr 4 cycles which is jama’ with Dhuhur lillahi ta’ala”.

Reading the Intentions for the Final Maghrib and Isya Prayers

1. Maghrib and Isha prayers/ performed during Isya’ time

Latin pronunciation: “Usholli fardhol Maghribi thalatah raka’atin majmuu’an ma’al isya’i jam’a ya-kirimin adaa-an lillaahi ta’aalaa”.

This means: “I intentionally pray the fardhu Maghrib 3 cycles which is plural with isya’, with the jama’ takhir fardhu because of Allah Ta’ala.”

2. After the Maghrib prayer then continue with the evening prayer by reading the intention as follows:

Latin pronunciation: “Ushalli fardhazh ‘isya’i arba’a raka’atin majmuu’an ma’al Maghribi jama ta-kharimin adaa-an lillahi ta’ala”.

Meaning: “I intend to pray isya’ 4 cycles which are joined with Maghrib, with the last congregation, fardhu because of Allah Ta’ala.”

As for some of the obligatory prayers that may be pluralized are the midday prayer with Asr and Maghrib prayer with Isha. As for the prayers that are prohibited to be plural, namely the morning prayer and the Asr prayer with Maghrib.


Qasr prayer

The qashar prayer is performing the obligatory prayer by reducing or summarizing the number of
cycles of the prayer in question. There are 3 fardhu prayers that may be recited, namely midday, asr and isya which originally amounted to 4 cycles. If performing the qashar prayer, then the number of cycles that are done is sufficient 2 cycles. In addition, to perform the qashar prayer is only permissible for those who are on a trip or traveling far away.

As for long distance travel it is permissible to perform the Qashar prayer in the hadith of Ibn Syaiban which states that the qashar prayer is a day and night journey, riding a camel or walking normally. After calculating, get a distance of about 4 burd or 16 farsakhs or 88.657 km. In Ibn Abbas’s explanation regarding the distance that the qashar prayer is permissible, that is 4 burd or 16 farsakhs. 1 farsakh = 5,541 meters to 16 farsakh = 88,656 km. The result is the same and the majority of scholars such as Imam Shafi’i, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad believe in this.

Procedure for Qashar Prayer

1. The intention of the Zuhur Qashar Prayer

Latin pronunciation: “Usholli fardhol dhuhri rok’ataini qoshron lillaahi ta’aala” .

Meaning: “I intend to pray fardhu dzuhur 2 cycles of qashar because lillaahi ta’aalaa” .

2. The intention of the Qashar Asr prayer

Latin pronunciation: “Usholli fardhol Ashri rak’ataini qashran lillaahi ta’aala”.

Meaning: “I intend to pray fardhu Asr 2 cycles of Qashar because of Allah Ta’ala”.

3. The intention of the Qashar Isya prayer

Latin pronunciation: “Usholli fardhol isya’i rak’ataini qoshron lillaahi ta’ala”.

Meaning: “I intend to pray fardhu isya 2 cycles of Qashar because of Allah Ta’ala”.

Procedures for Plural Prayers with Qashar, Takhir

  1. Intentions, reading intentions in accordance with the process.
  2. Muwalah or hasten.
  3. Between the two combined or plural prayers, it must be continued immediately.
  4. There is no separator for performing Sunnah prayers.
  5. Still have status as a traveler or still on a long journey, have not yet reached the destination. For example, when takbiratul ihram until the second prayer, it is still within the legality of the plural prayer.
  6. Orderly.
  7. Do the prayer order according to the rules, as explained earlier. Example: if the Taqdim qashar plural prayer, then do Maghrib 3 cycles first and then 2 cycles isya.
See also  difference between manuscript and inscription

Procedures for Obligatory Prayers in Vehicles and in Nature

One of the obligations of Muslims is to pray five times a day. This prayer should not be abandoned because it is mandatory. Even though you are busy with various activities, this worship must still be done. When traveling far and in a vehicle, prayer is not a barrier. This is because prayer can be done even in the middle of a vehicle.

Likewise, when you are on vacation at the beach or in nature where it is difficult to find a place of worship, you can pray. One of the obligations of Muslims is to pray five times a day. This prayer should not be abandoned because it is mandatory.

Therefore, it can be said that when traveling far and in a vehicle, prayer is not a hindrance.

In addition, the obligatory prayers can also be performed in the vehicle. Likewise, when you are on vacation at the beach or nature where it is difficult to find a place of worship, prayers can be carried out in the vehicle. However, you must first know the procedures for obligatory prayers in vehicles and in nature. The Prophet Muhammad also once performed prayers on a camel and did not face the Qiblah.

In a hadith, Jabir bin Abdillah radhiyallahu ‘anhu said, ” The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam performed Sunnah prayers on a vehicle without facing the Qibla” . Narrated by Bukhari 1094 ).

The condition for the permissibility of praying in a vehicle does not allow it to stop the vehicle, while he is worried that the time for the obligatory prayer will be missed. Worries about the short time of fardhu prayers, such as Maghrib. Until the rush coincided with the evening prayer.

Then, there is no proper and safe stopping place to pray. Like in an airplane or a small ship.

In the same way as before the obligatory prayer, one must perform ablution first, so to pray in a vehicle or in nature one must also begin with ablution. If you can’t find water to purify, then you can do tayammum. Except, if on the train you find a toilet with a washbasin for ablution which is clean, it can be used for ablution..

Procedures for Obligatory Prayers in Vehicles

Shaykh Mustafa Al Adawi was also asked about praying when in a car (including buses and the like) he explained how: ” If you are traveling for a long distance and it is not possible to stop, pray while sitting “. Because the Prophet Shallallahu ‘alaihi Wasallam said: ” Pray while standing, if you can’t then sit, if you can’t then lie down “. HR. Al Bukhari 1117 ).

Except, if you are traveling by ferry or the like which provides ablution and prayer rooms. Preferably, pray in that place, no need to overindulge yourself. Even better, when praying in a vehicle, it is better to face the Qibla direction, but if it is not possible to face the Qibla.

You can pray by facing the direction of the vehicle. Like a ship that has a prayer room, the Qibla direction is always forward. Even though the ship’s journey can turn and go straight depending on the destination and wind direction.

Procedures for Obligatory Prayers in Nature

As a backpacker, there must be times when you get the obligatory prayer times in unexpected places. Especially when traveling abroad with Muslim minorities, it must be difficult to find a mosque or place of worship. Make sure you always carry a small and lightweight prayer rug, especially for traveling.

Bring a cloth to cover your private parts, if you don’t use the hijab you can wear a jacket, wear socks, cover the tight pants with a jacket or cloth too and so on. Choose a place that is clean, protected from unclean animal excrement and allows for prayer.

You can pray under a lonely park tree, clear land in the forest and sand on the beach. If you don’t have a compass with you to indicate Qibla, use the sun and stars as directions. For example, if it’s still not possible because it’s cloudy at night, pray facing whichever direction you believe.

Obligatory prayer is a prayer that must be performed by Muslims. If not, of course you will get a very big sin. So, when you are on a long journey, you can pray in plural.

This plural and qashar prayer itself can be done individually or in congregation. However, it should be done in congregation in order to get more reward from praying than praying alone.

In order to understand more about plural prayers, Sinaumed’s needs to read a book as a prayer guide available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides the best products, so you have #MoreWithReading information. Hope it’s useful!