Paying Agent: Definition, How to Get Started, Benefits and Tips

Paying Agent – ​​Every month, almost every family has an obligation to pay various kinds of bills, starting from paying electricity bills, telephone bills, BPJS payments, PDAM, data packages, pulses and other needs. Payment of the bill, can be done directly by coming to the outlet or by way of online . Even though paying some of these bills is fairly easy, there are still some people who have difficulty paying bills online .

In fact, paying online is certainly easier than paying in cash. Constraints experienced by some people, can be a good business opportunity for Sinaumed’s. The business opportunity in question is to become an online paying agent that provides services to pay for monthly needs in a faster and more practical way. Interested in becoming a payment agent? Check out the explanation further here!



Definition of Paying Agent

The paying agent is usually the designated bank to make payments of dividends, securities and principal to the security holders on behalf of the issuer. In the case of bonds, for example, the bond agreement will reveal the name of the paying agent who has responsibility for making payments of interest as well as principal.

The agreement from the payment agent will generally state up front, the date of the agreement as well as the parties involved along with the physical address if applicable and where the principal amount will be stored.

The existing agreement will specify the exact time and method by which the payment agent will pay interest on the securities or other issued notes. For example, the issuer must give the paying agent no later than five working days before the interest on the note is due and payable by including the name, address, amount of each registered user accompanied by bank account information.

Paying agent is also known as PPOB or Payment Point Online Bank. Broadly speaking, PPOB is a locker like a bank that can be used to pay various kinds of bills in one place.

PPOB can be owned by anyone and anywhere, as long as that person has capital and knows how to become a paying agent.

To open a paying agent kiosk, generally does not require a large amount of capital, because the initial capital is only a set of computers accompanied by a printer and a good internet connection.

For operational costs, Sinaumed’s only requires a monthly internet fee and the availability of paper to print invoices. Apart from that, Sinaumed’s also requires a certain amount of balance which is commonly referred to as a deposit.

This balance will later be used to pay the bills of those who pay. Then, if the balance is used up or insufficient, Sinaumed’s needs to add the deposit balance back.

From the explanation regarding the paying agent or PPOB, was Sinaumed’s interested in starting this business? If so, then here are some tips and advantages if you become a paying agent.

Why Become a Paying Agent?

A paying agent is a service that might be able to help many people to make online payment methods . The business of becoming a paying agent might be more suitable for Sinaumed’s who live in rural areas, where the majority of the population lacks technology literacy. But what other reasons would make someone a paying agent? And what are the advantages of being a paying agent? Here’s an explanation.

In the current era of globalization, there are many conveniences offered thanks to technological advances. An example is the existence of a marketplace that provides convenience in shopping. Even so, there are still many people who are not good at using the internet or the latest technology. This factor may be the main reason why paying agents are still needed. What are the other factors?

1. Not Everyone is Proficient in Using the Internet

The first reason why paying agents still exist today is because there are still some people who are not proficient in using the internet. Many people think that making payments via the internet is difficult and dangerous, especially for people who don’t understand how to do it.

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In general, people who are less proficient are the older generation. Therefore, they find it difficult to adapt to the internet or technology.

2. Has a Complete Service

The next factor is that payment agents usually provide a complete service. Instead of making cash payments, customers have to go to one counter and another to switch.

For example, when someone wants to pay for electricity, they have to pay at the official PLN counter, if they want to pay the water bill, they have to go to the PDAM counter.

This is of course complicated and inconvenient, so payment agents are the right solution for the community, because they provide a complete service in one place.

3. One Flexible Business

Does Sinaumed’s dream of having a job that is flexible and can be done anytime, anywhere? If so, then becoming a paying agent could be one of the answers.

A paying agent can be one of the right business opportunities, especially for Sinaumed’s who have a main job that requires going to the office and want to open a business.

Sinaumed’s also doesn’t need to open a shop first, just put up a banner and broadcast a number to advertise the payment services that Sinaumed’s has.

4. Minimal capital

Another reason why paying agents still exist today is because the capital spent is not large, but they can still bring in quite a large amount of income.



Advantages of Being a Paying Agent

An online payment agent is a person or company that acts as an intermediary to pay various bills in one place.

Online paying agents offer quite a large advantage, because paying agents generally have a broad and clear target market. When Sinaumed’s becomes a paying agent, Sinaumed’s can serve a number of household needs, for example, BPJS, PDAM, PLN, telecommunication products and others.

In addition, Sinaumed’s can also serve credit purchases for all operators, data packages, E-wallet and telephone top ups which will provide additional income for Sinaumed’s.

The main source of profit from online paying agents among others is from the difference and commissions obtained from each payment process made. So, the more payments made, the greater the profit Sinaumed’s will get.

How to Become a Paying Agent

As previously explained, that payment agent is a business that does not require a lot of capital and has a fairly flexible time. If Sinaumed’s is interested in starting a business as a paying agent, here’s how to become a paying agent and start this business.

1. Preparing Capital

All businesses, of course, start by setting up some initial capital. Whether it’s a large or small amount, capital is important in starting a business. For Sinaumed’s who wants to seriously become a paying agent, Sinaumed’s needs to set aside some money for business capital.

To become a paying agent, Sinaumed’s needs to have a stable internet connection, paper to print proof of payment, a computer and of course print .

After that, of course the most important capital is to prepare a number of balances for deposits. Sinaumed’s can start with a minimum deposit balance and it doesn’t need to be too high.

Especially if Sinaumed’s is still starting a business and still introducing Sinaumed’s paying agent services. Furthermore, after finding loyal customers, the right target market, then Sinaumed’s can add a larger nominal deposit balance.

2. Looking for Vendors

The next step to becoming a paying agent is to find a vendor. Make sure that the vendor has good credibility and is experienced in their field.

Currently, in Indonesia there are many vendors that provide facilities for paying agents to start a business. Each vendor, of course, has different services, policies, and how to use it from one another.

The more vendors, the more careful and clever Sinaumed’s must be in finding the best vendors, so that the vendors that Sinaumed’s chooses suit Sinaumed’s’ business needs. In addition, vendors that provide the best service will certainly open up quite large opportunities to bring in consumers for Sinaumed’s.

3. Determine the location of the business

Even though currently there are many payment service providers that use the online system, it is possible that this business will continue to grow, until finally a physical store is needed to support the business.

The place will later become a shop or kiosk that can be directly visited by customers who feel bothered if they have to make payments via online.
Sinaumed’s can choose a place that is not too broad, but is in a strategic location.

4. Marketing Strategy

Paying agents are a business that has great opportunities, but Sinaumed’s must also have a plan or strategy to market this service in an appropriate and attractive way.

The goal, of course, is that the business that Sinaumed’s has is no less competitive than other competitors and brings in lots of customers. Apart from that, Sinaumed’s also needs to attract customer trust, so that they are loyal to using Sinaumed’s services.

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When you first started, Sinaumed’s could introduce Sinaumed’s’ business door to door, if it was felt that Sinaumed’s’ business environment was too unfamiliar to know the internet and was reluctant to leave the house.

Alternatively, Sinaumed’s can also send broadcast messages via SMS or other media to Sinaumed’s’ target market.

5. Payment Records

In order to maintain growing and good business liquidity, Sinaumed’s certainly needs to run its business carefully and thoroughly. So, keeping records to make billed payments is an important thing.

The goal is that Sinaumed’s’ business does not suffer losses, because there are customers who are in debt and Sinaumed’s forgets to record it as proof of payment to collect. Irregular payments, of course, will make it difficult for businesses to develop.

6. Compile Financial Bookkeeping

No less important than the record is to record finances. This bookkeeping is not just a record, but also a technique for evaluating the entry and exit of funds during certain periods.

This documentation must be considered from the start of building a business. The purpose of this bookkeeping is to evaluate and view daily financial reports. In addition, bookkeeping can also help determine the extent to which Sinaumed’s’ business is profitable.

Later, the profits that have been recorded in the books can be used by Sinaumed’s to continue to develop Sinaumed’s’ business so that it continues to grow.

Tips to Become a Paying Agent

If Sinaumed’s really intends to start a business by becoming a payment agent, then Sinaumed’s needs to know some tips on becoming a payment agent which of course are still related to how to be a good paying agent. Here’s an explanation.

1. Be careful when you have an application or provider

The first tip if Sinaumed’s wants to grow or start a business by becoming a paying agent is to carefully choose an application or provider to facilitate Sinaumed’s services as a paying agent.

Choose a provider that provides complete facilities with a choice of various payment methods and of course guaranteed security.

No less important, if the provider provides a wide selection of banks, then Sinaumed’s can reach more and more customers, because Sinaumed’s does not have market restrictions due to only certain banks.

2. Look for applications that don’t cost a lot

The profit earned by the paying agent is from the difference in payment and the rewards obtained from the transactions made. Therefore, applications or providers that take a lot of fees or admin fees will be detrimental to the paying agent.

Choose a provider that does not require registration fees and low admin fees. That way, Sinaumed’s doesn’t need a large amount of capital and the deposit balance that Sinaumed’s keeps won’t run out because of admin fees taken by the provider.

3. Disseminate Information or Ads

The next tip for success as a paying agent is to advertise Sinaumed’s services. If you don’t disseminate information by way of advertising, then the services that Sinaumed’s sells will not be known by potential customers, so as a result Sinaumed’s will have difficulty getting customers.

The more diligently Sinaumed’s advertises, the more people will know that Sinaumed’s is a paying agent and the easier it will be for Sinaumed’s to attract new customers.

4. Serve Friendly

No less important than advertising is service that satisfies customers. With friendly and satisfying service, it will be easy for Sinaumed’s to get loyal, loyal customers.

Friendly service will make customers feel close and at the same time feel comfortable making various kinds of payments. Therefore, they don’t hesitate to use Sinaumed’s again.

If the customer is satisfied, then the customer will unconsciously help advertise by spreading information about Sinaumed’s services.

5. Giving Bonuses and Gifts

Who doesn’t like rewards in the form of bonuses or prizes? So, this method can be a tip for attracting loyal customers. Garameds can create a bonus program for loyal customers, if they make a certain number of transactions.

Sinaumed’s doesn’t need to give a big prize or bonus, for example giving a bonus electricity token worth IDR 20,000 or a discount of a certain amount.

6. Not Setting Too Expensive Tariffs

The next tip is not to set rates that are too expensive. Of course, Sinaumed’s definitely wants to get a big profit and immediately grow Sinaumed’s’ business.

However, if the tariff is too high, customers will easily find another paying agent who charges their services at a more affordable price. Therefore, set reasonable rates and start the Sinaumed’s business little by little.




That’s the explanation about the paying agent . Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for you. Interested in books about business to start a business? If so, then Sinaumed’s can learn it by reading books.

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Author: Khansa