Meaning, Types and Examples of Press Releases

Meaning, Kinds and Examples of Press Release – In the world of Public Relations , it cannot be separated from what is called a Press Release. Press Release is an activity to notify information, whether it is in the form of the implementation of an institution or company’s activities, product launch, company launch, and so on. Simply put, Press Release can be said to be a way to do a soft sell .

With a Press Release, the company or institution will be better known by many people so that it can improve the image of the company or institution. However, currently there are still some companies or institutions that have not used Press Releases. This kind of thing is very unfortunate because it can make other people not know an institution or company.

Therefore, it is highly recommended for companies or institutions to use Press Releases. However, for some people, they do not know what a Press Release is. Below will be discussed about the Press Release to the examples. Reader, happy reading this article.

Definition of Press Release

Press Releases in a company or institution are usually written by the Public Relations department or public relations department. Public relations is short for community relations. Therefore, this part of public relations connects the company or institution with the community. Usually in the form of information in the form of writings from companies or institutions so that many people know.

That information is called Press Release. With a Press Release, the public will know what information is being conveyed. In fact, not only the community knows, but other companies and other institutions know the information.

So, Press Release is information in the form of writing given to the community, other companies, and other institutions with the aim of promoting the image of the company or institution. This press release can be published through offline or online newspapers , to social media.

However, there are some companies or boards that hand over the task of creating a Press Release to a third party. This is done because third parties are considered more competent in making Press Releases.

If seen at a glance, a press release is shaped like a news, but a promotion or branding of a company or institution is inserted. Therefore, the writing of Press Releases requires precision and the choice of language that is interesting for many people to read.

Even for newly established companies, Press Releases are very suitable to be used as a way to introduce new companies. If there are many readers who read the Press Release, then it is most likely that the existence of the company will be seen and its products will be known by many people.

The use of Press Releases in some companies is used to promote new products. The more people who know about a company’s new product, the greater the chance that the new product will be sold in the market.

Why is a press release needed?

“Why is Press Release so needed by companies or institutions? Perhaps such questions often appear in our minds. Actually there is no definite answer, but in general there are three answers. First, the Press Release becomes important because it can introduce a company’s product. Second, Telling an information related to an activity that will be carried out by the company or institution. Third, provide information related to the company or institution.

If seen based on the three answers, then making a Press Release requires a very high level of thinking ability so that there are no mistakes in writing, using language that can attract the reader, until diverting slanted news related to the company or institution.

Press Release Structure

In order to make it easier to make a Press Release, it is necessary to know the structure. See the structure of the Press Release below.

1. Title (head)

The first thing to note when making a Press Release is the title. The title should be made as interesting as possible so that the information provided is read by many. In addition, the writing of the title should represent the contents of the Press Release. Titles with active sentences will make it easier for readers to understand the message or meaning of the information presented by the company or institution.

2. Core (lead)

After the title, the next structure that should be observed is the core or lead . The core of the Press Release can be interpreted as the opening part of a news story. Because of this, cores are usually first and foremost in the news. In writing the core, it is best to use subjects that are added with 5W+1H elements and written in a short, clear, and concise manner.

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3. Fill (body)

The inverted pyramid method is very good to use in creating content from a Press Release. The inverted pyramid method places very important information at the top or beginning of the news. After that, gradually general information is written under it, then less meaningful information is written under it. Important information that is placed at the top or at the beginning aims to attract the attention of the readers.

Basically, when making a Press Release, not only observe the structure, but also need to observe several things, such as the time the Press Release will be published, the date of the Press Release, providing the company or agency contact at the end of the Press Release, using the 5W+1H elements, and avoid specific terms.

Various Press Releases

Press Release is one of the ways that a company or institution does to introduce itself so that it is better known by the wider community. Press Release itself is divided into three types, namely Basic Publicity Release, Product Release, and Financial Release .

1. Basic Publicity Release

Basic Publicity Release is a Press Release that only provides information that exists within a company or institution. In addition, the information provided has news value that can be accepted by the mass media, whether it is value for local media or value for national media.

2. Product Release

Product Release is a Press Release that only focuses on soft selling or promotion of a new product, new company, and the like. However, usually at Product Release it is usually used to promote new products from a company. In general, this type of Press Release is published in media related to economics and business.

3. Financial release

Financial Release is a Press Release made with the purpose of providing information about the company’s financial condition to the general public. However, Press Release Financial Release is very rarely done by companies. If there is a company that makes a Financial Release , then it is most likely that the general public will believe in that company.

Examples of Press Releases

1. New Product Press Release


Golden King Launches New Variant Chocolates . From the title alone, the reader can already imagine what information will be delivered by PT Golden King Chocolate. The easy-to-understand title makes readers interested in knowing what products will be launched by PT Golden King Chocolate in Sabuga, Bandung.


The opening sentence in the Press Release above, directly explains the important information to be conveyed, “PT Golden King Chocolate launched a new variant chocolate product on Monday (18/3).


The content of the Press Release written by PT Golden King Chocolate has applied an inverted pyramid where important information has been placed at the top or the first paragraph. After other general information is placed at the bottom. What’s more, this Press Release provides a contact that can be contacted so who knows if there are consumers who want to buy the new product.


2. Hotel Press Release


The title from the Press Release above explains about the Grand Istana Rama Hotel that has passed the Ministry of Energy’s certification. However, this title is still incomplete because it does not explain the purpose of the certification.


Although the title is incomplete, but at the core, Grand Istana Rama Hotel directly provides very important information. The information was in the form of Grand Istana Rama Hotel very compliant with the Covid-19 health protocol. With the Press Release, tourists do not need to worry if they want to stay at the Grand Istana Rama Hotel.


The content of the example Press Release above explains that the Grand Istana Rama Hotel strongly supports the prevention of Covid-19 so that it follows the health protocol implemented by the government. From the Press Release example above, Grand Istana Rama Hotel insists that tourists can stay at the hotel safely and comfortably.

3. Activity Press Release


From the title alone, the reader can already imagine the contents of the Press Release example of an activity in the form of a competition organized by KFC and followed by 10 universities. The competition in question is to create a solution to the problem of garbage.


The opening sentence in the example Press Release above does not directly provide important information, but explains the background of the event. General information placed at the beginning of the Press Release can make the reader less interested in reading the Press Release example.


The contents of the Press Release example above put important information at the bottom so that the reader should read it to the end first. The point of the Press Release example above is to announce the winner of the competition held by KFC.

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4. Press Release News


The example of the press release above uses active sentences so that the reader can easily understand it and be interested in reading the example of the press release until the end. From the title of the Press Release example, the reader will know that the information to be provided in the form of PTPP experienced an increase in net profit of 38%.


The opening sentence in the example Press Release above directly explains the point that matches the title. After that, the next sentences provide information about the cause of the PTPP profit increase.


Although at the beginning of the sentence you already know that PTPP experienced an increase in profits, but overall the contents of the Press Release example above are too much to make the reader confused.


5. Press Release Event


Readers already get an idea when reading the title in the Press Release example above. The Press Release above gives a press release that a tribute concert will be held for Erros Chrisye Yockie.


From the opening sentence in the example of the Press Release about the event, important information has been immediately given in the form of the place and date of the Erros Chrisye Yockie tribute concert. In addition, an example of the Press Release event was published on January 30, 2019, which indicates that the Erros Chrisye Yockie tribute concert will be held in two days


The content of this Press Release is very complete and directly explains important information from each paragraph. Not only is the time and place explained in the example of the Press Release, but the singers who liven up the concert are also informed.

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6. Press Release Seminar


The title from the example Press Release of the seminar above has the title “Indonesia 2040: Trapped or Missed?” From the title alone, people who see and read immediately understand what will be discussed at the seminar later.


Although there is no opening sentence in the Press Release example above, the reader immediately knows that the resource person will be present at the seminar


The content of the press release example of the seminar in the form of a picture and a title where both of these things are able to explain the essence of the press release example.

7. Company Press Release


The use of the title in the company’s Press Release example above already uses active sentences. Therefore, the reader will know what information is in the Press Release and be interested in reading the sample Press Release until it is finished.


The example of the Press Release above uses an opening sentence that is easy to understand and directly explains the important information to be conveyed. The important information contains about PT Bank Tabungan Pensiun Nasional Syariah (BTPN Syariah) preparing to release its shares to the public.


The example Press Release above contains the release of BTPN sharia shares to the public which is continued with the amount of shares to be released as much as 10%. At the end of the paragraph it is explained that BTPN Syariah has always experienced an impressive increase.

8. Press Release Notification


An example of the press release notification above, if seen from the title, it will look like it only explains the press release made by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). Some readers will feel confused about the meaning of the title.


The opening sentence in the example Press Release above indicates that BMKG is giving a statement related to the earthquake that will occur in Banten at 22:30-22:59. It was only in the next sentences that BMKG explained that the information about an earthquake in Banten was a lie.


An example of the Press Release notification above contains the statement made by BMKG regarding the information of an earthquake that will occur in Banten. The content of this Press Release example uses inverted pyramid elements so that it is easy to understand and comprehend.

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For many companies, it is no longer strange to use a press release when they want to introduce a company or a product from a company. Every Press Release that is made must be in accordance with the purpose or meaning that is to be conveyed to the public. The point is, companies or institutions still desperately need a press release.