Meaning of Imaging: Definition, Types, Purpose, and Examples

Meaning of Image –  Image is an effort to highlight a good self-image to the public. The impression of this image itself is usually bad because many then practice it with lies and exaggeration. Even so, what was really wrong was not the image but the elements who then made the fake image.

Imaging will also be wrong if someone then performs a fake image by presenting something completely different from the original conditions. Imaging can be said as proof of self-quality that is in accordance with actual abilities which will be better if done consistently, and for a longer period of time. Imaging also in a popular positive connotation is also known as personal branding.

So, to find out more about imaging, then you can see this article till the end, Sinaumed’s. Here below is further imaging from various sources:

Definition of Imaging

Image is an effort made to describe someone or something as better or worse in the eyes of the public. The meaning of imaging itself can be defined in several meanings, among others.

  • An attempt to highlight the best image for someone or something in the public eye.
  • The attempt to prove one’s existence in public and also to show what one actually feels is so exaggerated that it doesn’t match the truth.

The term image itself is often used in politics and art. However, basically this term is used to explain that there are efforts or efforts that are then made to describe something or someone to be better in front of the public, so that it will influence public opinion.

Meanwhile, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), imagery is a process, a way of forming a personal mental image or an image of something or a description.

Understanding Imaging According to Experts

The following is an explanation of what imaging is according to experts:


According to Huddleston (Buchari Alma, 2008: 55), the notion of image is a series of beliefs which are then connected with an image that is owned or obtained from experience.

2. Bill Canton

According to Bill Canton (S. Soemirat and Ardianto. E 2007:111), the meaning of image is impressions, feelings, self-image of the public to the company; the impression that is deliberately created from an object, person or organization.

3.Philip Kotler

According to Philip Kotler (2009: 299), the meaning of imagery is a set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions that a person has of an object.

4. Frank Jeffkins

According to Frank Jefkins (Soemirat and Adrianto, 2007:114), the notion of image is the impression of a person or individual about something that arises as a result of their knowledge and experience.

5. Suharta Abdul Manjid

According to Suharta Abdul Majid (2009: 70), the notion of image is a picture that is formed in society (consumers/customers) about the good and bad of a company.

Recommended Books Related to Imaging that You Must Read

Introduction to the Psychology of Intelligence

Saifuddin Azwar, the author of this book, is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University, teaching courses in Test Construction, Thesis Writing Techniques, and Learning Psychology. Besides that, he also teaches as a non-permanent lecturer for Psychology and Statistics courses at the Faculty of Psychology, Wangsa Manggala University, Surakarta Muhammadiyah University, Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta, and the Islamic University of Indonesia. The author’s books include: Achievement Test (Edition 2-1996), Introduction to the Psychology of Intelligence (1996), Human Attitudes Theory and Measurement (1995, 1997), Reliability and Validity (Edition 3-1997)

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman is one of the most important thinkers of this century. His ideas had a profound and far-reaching impact on a variety of fields including economics, medicine and politics. In this highly anticipated book, Kahneman describes two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more purposeful, and more logical. Kahneman points out the extraordinary abilities as well as the shortcomings and biases of quick thinking, and reveals the impact intuitive impressions have on our thoughts and behavior. By knowing how these two systems shape our judgments and decisions, we can understand, among other things:

  • The impact of loss of enthusiasm and too much trust in corporate strategy.
  • It’s hard to predict what will make us happy in the future
  • The challenge is to create a clear framework for risks in the workplace as well as at home.
  • The profound impact of cognitive biases is on everything from trading in the stock market to planning your next vacation.
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The Power Of Now : A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment

Before we had control over our thoughts, they controlled us. The mind is constantly talking to itself and it is difficult to stop. The mind has many opinions, but all of them are usually based on what has happened in the past. As a result, it becomes difficult for us to perceive things that exist today as something new. Constantly thinking makes us unable to enjoy the present moment. Accept it—then act. Whatever is in the present, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always cooperate with the present, don’t fight it. Make the present your friend and ally, not your enemy. It will miraculously change your whole life. The Power of Now focuses intensely on the problems we face today and who we are today. The most practical of all practical guides, success or spiritual, and can be used to change our lives.


Live Once Wise Execute

“Life is not only about sharing and loving. It’s not just about giving and loving. Not only about depriving and oppressing. This life never escapes the name of loss, struggle, and letting go. Isn’t that what life is like? As long as we are alive, we have made many decisions. The decision is for ourselves or others. However, is it true that the decision is good for us? Or is it just not the best? Therefore, you only live once, so use it as best you can. Choose a good friend to live in, choose a good environment to live in, and so on. If you have chosen, then decide, execute it. Before executing it, don’t forget to ask Allah SWT for guidance. That way we will get good things for us and others.”


Imaging Type

Image or personal branding can now also be interpreted as credibility, character, impression, perception and opinion in the public. The person who performs the image then has no value or is meaningless if it is only based on lies only to influence public opinion.

Image itself is not always negative, because imagery that is based on value or meaning can then benefit the perpetrators. The impression of a good image itself is referred to as personal branding.

This imaging can be further divided into several types. The various types of imaging include the following:

1. Visual imagery

Visual imagery is imagery that arises due to the presence of visual aids.

2. Auditory imagery

Auditory imagery is an image that arises through the image of the ear to then evoke a certain atmosphere.

3. Olfactory imagery

Olfactory imagery is an imagery that is done by going through the sense of smell and depicting an abstract idea into a concrete idea.

4. Imagery of feelings

The feeling image is an image that arises through emotional stimulation and then directs one’s imagination as if the taste buds feel something.

5. Tactile imagery

Tactile imagery is an image that arises through touch, so that a person can then feel as if he is being touched or anything that involves the effectiveness of his skin senses.

6. Motion imagery

Motion imagery is imagery which then aims to make a picture more lively by depicting something that is still as if it is moving.

Imaging Purpose

From the explanation above, we then know that image is all efforts made as a way to form or build a good opinion of something or a person or company so that then get attention and a response that is in accordance with the intent and purpose.

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In addition to discussing the meaning and types of imagery, we will also discuss the purpose of imagery. Following are some of the purposes of imaging.

1. Predicting Results 

Imaging that is carried out will then help reasoning and problem solving, namely by giving someone the ability to be able to predict the results of an action. For example, when someone sees that the contents of the house are messy, he will immediately understand how to tidy it up.

2. Reasoning 

With imaging, one can then reason abstract concepts by visualizing a symbol, such as a diagram or graph about something.

3. Describe the Situation 

Imaging abilities can also then assist a person in providing a verbal description of something or someone.

4. Recall 

Imaging can also be used to recall visual or spatial information. For example, when someone tries to remember about the dinner that was served the previous day.

5. Memorizing Information 

Through imaging, one can also memorize information. For example, if a person’s memory will increase sharply when he visualizes various objects which are then given names as if the names of these objects interact with each other.

6. Improve Ability 

Imaging can also then help a person improve his abilities by visualizing himself by taking an action so that it will then direct him to that action.

7. Provide Ideas or Insights 

Every image that is done by someone will then remind him of an important insight, or give an idea.

Relationship of Self Image with Other Aspects of Self 

Self-image in psychology is closely related to what a person sees when he is looking in the mirror, but the true meaning of self-image is much deeper than that. This self-image refers to how a person sees himself at a broader level, both internally and externally.

By definition, self-image is about how a person then perceives himself. Self-image as a number of self-impressions that have been built over time. In addition, self-image also has a relationship with other aspects of self. The following is the relationship between self-image and other aspects of self.

1. Self-Concept 

Self-image can be said to be related to a person’s self-concept. Self-concept is our personal knowledge of who we are including all thoughts and feelings about ourselves physically, personally and socially.

These two things would then be closely related, but they are not the same thing. Self-concept is also more comprehensive than self-image, will involve how a person sees himself, thinks about himself and how he then feels about himself so that it develops into types of self-concept. Self-image is also a component that forms self-concept, according to Mc Leod (2008).

2. Self Esteem 

Self-image is related to self-esteem. This is because how we see ourselves will then be a major factor in how we feel about ourselves. However, self-esteem also has a deeper meaning than self-image.

Overall self-esteem is the respect we have for ourselves that involves how favorable or unfavorable this feeling is towards us. Negative self-image will greatly affect self-esteem and concepts in psychology. Low self-esteem can be said to tend to be accompanied by negative self-image, and vice versa.

3. Identity 

Identity as a concept that is closely related to self-image in psychology, identity is bigger and more comprehensive than self-image. Identity is the whole idea of ​​who we are, as stated by Roy Baumeister: The term identity refers to the definition that is made and superimposed on someone’s self (1997:681).

Thus, it can be said that identity is the whole picture of who we are that we believe in or believe in the importance of finding identity, and self-image is part of the whole picture.

Self-image in healthy psychology is mainly based on an individual’s personal feelings and perspective, where a person will no longer be influenced by other people’s opinions about them or by social expectations which then build self-concepts in communication psychology. Instead, he will establish his own mind regarding internal mental pictures and ideas about himself.


Basically, everyone will always try to show their image to everyone, especially workers. Self-image can be said as a way for a person to be known by many people. Therefore, to do that, one needs to know oneself first.

From all the discussion above it can be said that imagery is an action that shows a positive attitude in front of many people. Thus the discussion about the meaning of imagery, starting from the meaning, types, to the purpose of doing imagery.

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Author: Sofyan

Source: from various sources