List of 99 Asmaul Husna and their meanings that you need to know!

Check out the following list of 99 Asmaul Husna that you need to know! – As good Muslims, it is appropriate for us to learn good things and apply them to our daily lives. Because in practicing these good things we indirectly also practice the good qualities of God Almighty, namely Allah SWT, who we also know as asmaul husna. The names that characterize the attributes of Allah SWT are a collection of beautiful and good names that we can find in the holy book of the Qur’an. By studying them, we will know the names of Asmaul Husna and provide new knowledge for us as people who practice their religion. well.

And it should also be noted that there are 99 beautiful names that represent the obligatory attributes of Allah SWT. However, are you familiar with the names of Allah SWT or what is commonly referred to as Asmaul Husna? If not, then in this discussion, sinaumedia friends will be presented with a list of the 99 asmaul husna, complete with the history and meaning of the good names of Allah SWT.

Furthermore, we have summarized the discussion and present it below!

Getting to Know Asmaul Husna Closer

The word Asmaul Husna comes from the Arabic word Al-Asma’u which means name, many names, and al-Husna which means good, beautiful. According to the term Asmaul Husna means the beautiful names of Allah SWT. Asmaul Husna deserves to be owned only by Allah in accordance with His greatness and majesty. Even though there are people who have names like Asmaul Husna, the names are the same. Allah’s Asmaul Husna is perfect, while a person’s name has many flaws, not based on circumstances.

In the Qur’an, Allah explains that Asmaul Husna is a name and attribute that belongs to Him, as in At-Thaha: 8 which means:

“He is God, there is no god (who has the right to be worshiped) but Him. He has Asmaul Husna (good name)”.

Then Allah also explained in Surat Al-Baqarah: 31 which means “He who taught Adam the names” and called the people to say Asmaul Husna in prayer, this is explained in Surat Al-A’raf: 130, which means “The Names the names of Allah are beautiful and pray saying these names to him.”

Asmaul Husna (Arabic: الأسماء الحسنى, translated al-asmā’ el-ḥusnā) are the beautiful names of Allah. The number mentioned in the hadith is only 99 names, but in the Al-Qur’an there are also the names of Allah besides the 99 names. Asma means name (name) and husna means good or beautiful, so Asmaul Husna is the good and beautiful name of Allah.

Since ancient times, scholars have discussed and interpreted these names a lot, because the names of Allah are the addresses of substances that we must worship properly. Even though there are differences of opinion regarding the meaning, meaning and interpretation of opinions, it is clear that we must not be polytheists in using or mentioning the names of Allah.

In addition to differences in the interpretation and understanding of names, there are also differences in the number of names, some say 99, 100, 200, even 1000 and even 4000 names, but according to them the most important thing is the nature of the name. The essence of God must be understood and understood by people who believe like the Prophet Muhammad.

Asmaul Husna literally are the names of Allah, values, good and great values ​​according to His attributes. The great and glorious names of Allah are a unity that shows the greatness and majesty of Allah.

Scholars believe that truth is in harmony with other truths. So Muslims don’t just write “Allah is…” because nothing compares to Allah, but they have to be able to understand Allah by heart and the descriptions of the Qur’an. The following discussion is just an approach adapted to our very limited understanding of the mind. All words addressed to God must be understood differently from the usual usage of these words. Allah cannot be imitated or compared to anything, as stated in Al-Ikhlas.

“Say: “He is God, the One and Only. God on whom all things depend. He is childless and unbegotten, and there is none equal to Him.” (Al-Ikhlas 112:1-4) “

The scholars emphasized that God is a name for a substance that must have a name. All values, absolute truth, exist (and depend) on Him alone.

Understanding Asmaul Husna is an important thing that every Muslim must know because it includes monotheism so that a Muslim can understand and practice full faith in God. The learned Asmaul Husna is found in two monotheisms as follows.

Tauhid al-ilmi al-khabari al-I’tiqadi namely. monotheism is related to knowledge or experience, the source of which is news or revelation from God and includes faith in the human heart. This monotheism is the determination of the perfect attributes of Allah and the purification of the attributes of His imitation. The second monotheism is a form of self-serving to Allah and not associating partners with Him.

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List of 99 Asmaul Husna and their meanings

After previously we discussed the meaning of asmaul husna along with several verses which state the essence of asmaul husna itself, then we will see a summary of the list of the good names of Allah SWT below. Asma means name or designation, Husna means good or beautiful. The name 99 means that the name belongs to Allah SWT, the Most Beautiful. The following is a list of 99 asmaul husna that we as Muslims must know:

  1. Ar Rahman الرحمن = The Most Gracious
  2. Ar Rahim الرحيم = The Most Merciful
  3. Al Malik الملك = The Most Reigning or Mastering
  4. Al Quddus القدوس = The Most Holy
  5. As Salam السلام = The One Who Gives Prosperity
  6. Al Mu`min المؤمن = The Most Giver of Security
  7. Al Muhaymin المهيمن = The Most Regulating
  8. Al Aziz العزيز = The Almighty
  9. Al Jabbar الجبار = Who Has Absolute Valor
  10. Al Mutakabbir المتكبر = The Most Magnificent
  11. Al Khaliq الخالق = The Creator
  12. Al Bari البارئ = The Creator or Designer
  13. Al Musawwir المصور = The Creator of Forms
  14. Al Ghaffar الغفار = The Most Forgiving
  15. Al Qahhar القهار = The Most Compelling
  16. Al Wahhab الوهاب = The Most Merciful
  17. Ar Razzaq الرزاق = The Most Giver of Fortune
  18. Al Fattah الفتاح = The Most Opener of Mercy
  19. Al `Alim العليم = The All-Knowing
  20. Al Qabdah القابض = The Most Constricting
  21. Al Basith الباسط = The Most Expensive
  22. Al Haafidh الخافض = The Most Condescending
  23. Ar Raafi الرافع = The Most Exalted
  24. Al Muizz المعز = The Most Glorious
  25. Al Mudzil المذل = The Most Humiliating
  26. Al Samii السميع = The All Hearing
  27. Al Bashiir البصير = The All Seeing
  28. Al Hakam الحكم = The Most Determined
  29. Al `Adl العدل = The Most Just
  30. Al Lathiif اللطيف = The Most Gentle or Most Thorough.
  31. Al Khabiir الخبير = The Knower or Knower.
  32. Al Haliim الحليم = The Most Forbearing
  33. Al `Azhiim العظيم = The Most High
  34. Al Ghafuur الغفور = The Most Forgiving
  35. As Syakuur الشكور = The Most Avenger of Kindness
  36. Al `Aliy العلى = The Most High
  37. Al Kabiir الكبير = The Most Great
  38. Al Hafizh الحفيظ = The Most Preserver
  39. Al Muqiit المقيت = The One Who Gives Sufficiency
  40. Al Hasiib الحسيب = The One Who Makes Calculations
  41. Al Jaliil الجليل = The Most High
  42. Al Karim الكريم = The Most Gracious
  43. Ar Raqiib الرقيب = The Most Watchful
  44. Al Mujiib المجيب = The Most Answering
  45. Al Waasi الواسع = The Most Extensive
  46. Al Hakimim الحكيم = The Most Wise
  47. Al Waduud الودود = The Most Compassionate
  48. Al Majiid المجيد = The Most High
  49. Al Baa`its الباعث = The Most Awakening
  50. As Syahiid الشهيد = The Witness
  51. Al Haqq الحق = The Most True
  52. Al Wakiil الوكيل = The Most Preserver
  53. Al Qawiyyu القوى = The Most Powerful
  54. Al Matiin المتين = The Most Sturdy
  55. Al Waliyy الولى = The Most Protecting
  56. Al Hamiid الحميد = The Most Praised
  57. Al Muhshii المحصى = The Calculating One
  58. Al Mubdi المبدئ = The Originator
  59. Al Mu`iid المعيد = The One Who Restores Life
  60. Al Muhyi المحيى = The One Who Gives Life
  61. Al Mumit المميت = The Most Deadly
  62. Al Hayyu الحي = The Living One
  63. Al Qayyum القيوم = The Most Independent
  64. Al Waajid الواجد = The Most Inventor
  65. Al Majid الماجد = The Most High
  66. Al Wahid الواحد = The One and Only
  67. Al Ahad الاحد = The One and Only
  68. As Shamad الصمد = The Most Needed
  69. Al Qadir القادر = The Most Determined
  70. Al Muqtadir المقتدر = The Almighty
  71. Al Muqaddim المقدم = The Most Prioritizing
  72. Al Mu`akhir المؤخر = The Most Ending
  73. Al Awwal الأول = The Most Beginning
  74. Al Akhir الأخر = The Last One
  75. Az Zahir الظاهر = The Most Real
  76. Al Batin الباطن = The Most Unseen
  77. Al Wali الوالي = The Most Ruler
  78. Al Muta`aalii المتعالي = The Most High
  79. Al Barru البر = The Most Beneficent
  80. At Tawwab التواب = The Most Recipient of Repentance
  81. Al Muntaqim المنتقم = The Most Merciful
  82. Al Afuww العفو = The Most Forgiving
  83. Ar Ra`ouf الرؤوف = The Most Compassionate
  84. Malik Ul Mulk مالك الملك = The Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom
  85. Dzul Jalali Wal Ikram ذو الجلال و الإكرام = The Supreme Owner of Greatness and Glory
  86. Al Muqsit المقسط = The Supreme Giver of Justice
  87. Al Jami` الجامع = The Most Collecting
  88. Al Ghani الغنى = The Most Rich
  89. Al Mughni المغنى = The Most Giver of Wealth
  90. Al Maani المانع = The Most Preventing
  91. Ad Dahar الضار = The One Who Befalls Harm
  92. An Nafi النافع = The Most Beneficial
  93. An Nuur النور = The Most Radiant
  94. Al Hadi الهادي = The Most Guiding
  95. Al Badi’ البديع = The Creator
  96. Al Baaqii الباقي = The Everlasting One
  97. Al Waarits الوارث = The Most High Heir
  98. Ar Rasyiid الرشيد = The Most Clever
  99. As Shabuur الصبور = The Most Patient

The list of names of asmaul husna above are the good names of Allah SWT that we must know and practice these good qualities so that our lives are full of grace and are blessed by Allah SWT. By practicing the good names of Allah SWT, this will also become new knowledge for us in the field of religion.

Wisdom and Benefits of Practicing Asmaul Husna

As previously explained, reading Asmaul Husna is one of the monotheistic religions that Muslims must practice to fulfill and practice their faith in God alone. Apart from strengthening our faith, reading Asmaul Husna also provides wisdom and benefits, including the following:

  • Reading and reading Asmaul Husna in the daily life of Muslims to get closer to Allah SWT. This practice enables me to draw closer to God. This they do every morning and after the Maghrib prayer, depicting Asmaul Husna with the Dhikr of the Prophet.
  • Opens the door of happiness. The closer a servant is to God, the easier it is to attain and achieve worldly things such as livelihood issues. The closer a servant is to Allah, the more Allah SWT is pleased with his worldly affairs. It’s easier and enough.
  • Bridge to Heaven. Heaven is one of Allah’s promises to His servants who draw closer to Allah and stay away from His prohibitions. All Muslims definitely want to reach heaven, so one way to get closer to Allah SWT is through various practices such as reading Asmaul Husna. Indirectly, if you understand the meaning of Asmaul Husna well, humans are always submissive and always behave well. Paradise for those who always behave in the way of Allah SWT.
  • Under the protection of Allah SWT. Servants who draw closer to Allah and multiply good deeds, Allah’s mercy follows them every step of the way.
  • Allah SWT guides to the straight path. The fifth benefit is wisdom, which believers can learn even by doing the slightest good, such as reciting Asmaul Husna. As previously mentioned, understanding the meaning of Asmaul Husna can make a person behave well because the names of Allah SWT show good qualities that humans can apply in everyday life.
  • Calms the mind and heart. Muslims who are close to Allah SWT and always try to avoid evil and are more calm and peaceful in their hearts and minds. Understanding the good names of Allah SWT brings positive thoughts so that our hearts also become calm. Remembering asmaul husna always makes us remember Allah SWT.
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Verses or hadiths that explain the asmaul husna

Allah swt says as follows.

وَلِلَّهِ الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا وَذَرُوا الَّذِينَ يُلْحِدُونَ فِي أَسْمَائِهِ

It means :

“Only belongs to Allah Asmaul Husna (good names), so ask Him by saying Asmaul Husna and leave those who deviate from the truth in His names. Later they will get a reward for what they have done “. (QS Al-A’raf/7:180).

قُلِ ادْعُوا اللَّهَ أَوِ ادْعُوا الرَّحْمَٰنَ ۖ أَيًّا مَا تَدْعُوا فَلَهُ الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَىٰ ۚ وَلَا تَجْهَرْ بِصَلَاتِكَ وَلَا تُخَافِتْ بِهَا وَابْتَغِ بَيْنَ ذَٰلِكَ سَبِيلًا

It means

“Say: “Call on Allah or call on Ar-Rahman. With whichever name you call, He has al asmaaul husna (the best names) and do not raise your voice in your prayers and do not belittle it and seek a middle way between the two.” (QS Al-Isra/17:110 )”

In general, Muslims think that there are 99 names of al-asma’ ul-husna. This assumption is based on the hadith of the prophet

تِسْعَةً وَتِسْعِينَ اسْمًا مِائَةً إِلَّا وَاحِدًا مَنْ أَحْصَاهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ

“Indeed Allah has 99 names, one hundred minus one, whoever memorizes them will enter heaven (al-Bukhari and Muslim)”

The assumption that there are 99 names of Allah is reinforced by the hadith narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi, which mentions the details of the names

إِنَّ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى تِسْعَةً وَتِسْعِينَ اسْمًا مِائَةً غَيْرَ وَاحِدَةٍ مَنْ أَحْصَاهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ هُوَ اللَّهُ الَّذِى لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الرَّحْمَنُ الرَّحِيمُ…. الْوَارِثُ الرَّشِيدُ الصَّبُورُ.

“Indeed, Allah has 99 names, one hundred minus one, whoever memorizes them will enter heaven, He is Allah who has no gods apart from Him, ar rahman (Most Gracious), ar-rahim (Most Merciful) … , al-waarits (the Most Inheriting) ar-Rashid (The Most Instructive) ash-Shabuur (The Most Patient) (HR at-Tirmidhi)”

أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ، سَمَّيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ، أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أَحَدًا مِنْ خَلْقِكَ، أَوِ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الْغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ،

“I ask You with all Your names (namely) that You call Yourself by that name, or that You pass down in Your book, or that You teach to one of Your servants (HR Ahmad)”


That’s all for a brief discussion of the list of 99 asmaul husna that we need to know. Not only discussing the list of 99 asmaul husna, but also discussing what the definition of asmaul husna is, knowing the meaning of naming the 99 names of asmaul husna and knowing the wisdom and benefits of knowing and practicing asmaul husna. Reading and understanding asmaul husna is a good role model for a Muslim and should be practiced in life so that a Muslim’s life is filled with grace and becomes a civilized and knowledgeable Muslim.