Learn Effectively using the Pomodoro method

Lack of focus when studying is a problem for every student. Maybe it’s time for you to replace your study technique with the pomodoro technique .

When studying there are people who find it difficult to focus and are easily distracted by other things. For example, the desire to play mobile phones, watch movies , or talk to other people. 

However, there are also people who are so focused on studying that they forget time to rest. As a result, the brain will be exhausted and allow the occurrence of burnout due to too long studying. 

The pomodoro technique can be a solution to the two problems above. 


What is the Pomodoro Technique? 

The pomodoro technique is a learning technique introduced by Francesco Cirillo

In Italian, pomodoro means tomato. This name was taken because while developing the pomodoro technique, Francesco used a tomato-shaped timer. 

The essence of the pomodoro technique is a focused learning technique for a certain period of time, ignoring distractions, and interspersed with rest periods. 


How to Apply the Pomodoro Technique

Then how to apply the pomodoro technique? Check out the following explanation, yes.

1. Avoid Things That Can Be Distracted

The first step is to avoid things that make you lose focus. Usually, what often happens is being distracted by the cellphone. 

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Whether it’s because there is an incoming notification or just a desire to check the cellphone and end up not doing the task. 

Therefore you can change the cellphone mode to silent. Or turn off the cellphone internet and turn it into airplane mode. 

Also, choose a quiet room. The goal is that no one else interferes with your focus on studying and doing assignments. 


2. Prepare the task to be done

The second step is to prepare the tasks to be done. It would be better if you do the task from the highest priority scale. 

You can make a list of the tasks you have and the deadlines for their collection. Choose and work on the task with the closest submission deadline. 

This will help you remember to do your assignments and be able to submit them on time. 


3. Set Timer For 25 Minutes

The third step is to set a timer for 25 minutes.

As previously explained, the pomodoro technique is a technique of learning and doing work within a certain time. 

It doesn’t take too long, the important thing is that you can focus on the task you’re doing and make good use of your time

For example, by giving 25 minutes to do assignments in each session. You can use a cellphone or an alarm clock to set this time. 


4. Focus on Your Tasks

The fourth step is to do the task with focus. 

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Use the 25 minutes well. Focus on the task you are working on. 

Try not to glance at your phone or chat with other people. That is why in the first step when you want to apply this pomodoro technique, you are required to avoid things that can break your focus. 


5. Rest for a while

The timer will sound after 25 minutes. That’s a sign you’re entering time to rest. 

Take at least 5 minutes to rest before continuing to work on the task for another 25 minutes. 

You can use this break to drink, eat a snack, go to the toilet, listen to music , or just stretch. 


6. Do Repetition

When the 5-minute break is over, you can set an alarm for another 25 minutes. 

After a break, return to focus on unfinished tasks. Repeat the steps above at least 4 times. 

After the alarm goes off for the fourth time, you can give yourself a longer break. For example 15-30 minutes. The most important thing is that you can get your energy back to do the task again later. 



Those are the steps to apply the pomodoro technique from sinaumedia. This pomodoro technique not only serves to increase focus, but can also increase productivity and avoid burnout due to studying too long.