Know the Parts of the Keyboard (Piano)

Keyboard parts (piano) – Keyboards include a wide variety of modern musical instruments from around the world. In this modern era, the use of keyboards has been widely found in several groups of music games in several countries, especially in Indonesia. Keyboard games are of interest to everyone who loves music and musical instruments.

At this time, the keyboard became part of the entertainment for the general public, for young to old, for small children, teenagers, to adults. The existence of the keyboard really gives a color that really captivates the listeners. This is because the playing style and techniques presented from the keyboard game vary.

This keyboard instrument has various tempos, rhythms, and musical sounds that are presented differently. In general, the keyboard is programmed, so the keyboard player can play it by simply pressing the buttons that have been set to produce the rhythm, tempo, or whatever sound you want.

According to Soewito (1996) the keyboard is part of various musical instruments and components of musical instruments which are designed with a row of scales or commonly called white or black keys and also parts of other musical instruments called pianos and organs.

In playing a keyboard instrument, it is necessary to understand the parts of the keyboard first. It aims to make it easy for keyboard players to learn various techniques for playing keyboard musical instruments. Come on Sinaumed’s! Let’s understand first, what’s in the keyboard instrument before we learn how to play it.

Keyboard Parts 

1. Power button on or off

The power on or off button is the button that will be used the first time. The power button is used to turn on the keyboard after the keyboard has been connected to the power supply. In addition, the power button is also used to turn off the keyboard when it is finished using. When the power on button is pressed and the keyboard is automatically turned on, it is certain that when pressing the keys a piano sound will appear.

In general, the power on or off button on a piano uses a symbol shaped like the letter “I” and the letter “O”. Usually the power on or off button has been engraved with a perpendicular line like the letter “I” inside sticking out a bit or above a circle shape like the letter “O”.

2. Volumes

Volume on a keyboard instrument is something related to sound. The volume is defined as the level of strength or height of the sound that is issued. When the volume is increased, the sound produced or issued will be even louder. Conversely, when the volume is lowered, the sound produced will be smaller.

The volume buttons on the keyboard are part of the function to increase and decrease the sound. Keyboard users can set the big and small or the overall high and low sound that will come out on the keyboard after the keyboard is turned on.

The use of the volume buttons is not only on the keyboard (piano), but on smartphones, TVs, speakers, and others. Unlike the use of the volume button besides increasing and decreasing the sound on a smartphone, it also functions to take photos, screen captures, and others. However, the volume buttons on the keyboard (piano) can only function to increase and decrease the sound.

The volume buttons on the keyboard are given symbols in the form of a plus (+) or a plus sign and the minus button (-) or a minus sign. The (+) shaped symbol on the keyboard is used to magnify or amplify the sound. While the symbol in the form (-) is used to reduce or lower the voice.

3. Start or stop

The start on a keyboard instrument is intended as a sign that the musical rhythm that will be issued on the keyboard has started. Meanwhile, stop means that the rhythm of the music coming out of the keyboard stops.

The start or stop button on a keyboard instrument is used to start or stop a musical rhythm which is commonly called a rhythm. When a keyboard player wants to use a rhythm, he can press the start button, where the rhythm on the keyboard that will come out first is in the form of a drum sound. If the player wants to stop the rhythm, they can press the Stop Back button a second time, so the music rhythm will stop automatically.

In general, the start and stop buttons are designed to unite into a single unit on a keyboard instrument. Therefore, players can easily start a musical rhythm or rhythm by pressing the start button once. In addition, you can also easily stop the rhythm of the music or rhythm by pressing the stop button once if previously the rhythm was on.


Sync itself is defined as synchronization. So that sync on a keyboard instrument means that there is synchronization in keyboard play, between the rhythm of the music and the melody of the song being played according to what the player wants.

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The sync button located on a keyboard instrument is usually used by keyboard players to adjust the music melody so that it can be played together with the rhythm of the music or rhythm. The sync button can set how to harmonize with the desired song melody.

When the keyboard instrument player presses the sync button to activate it, then if the keys on the keyboard on the left are touched by something, then immediately the drums along with the musical accompaniment will run simultaneously.

5. Rhythm 

Rhythm itself is defined as a musical rhythm related to tempo. Rhythm is part of the melody of a song as one of the basic and important elements in producing music. Rhythm comes from a combination of sounds with beats in long and short levels and long and short beats of these sounds so as to create a pattern.

The Rhythm button on a keyboard instrument is generally used by keyboard players in selecting various types of musical rhythms to be played. The choice of musical rhythms, including: waltz, bossanova, rhumba, and so on. The rhythm button on the keyboard instrument of some people or players also sometimes call it the style button.


In playing keyboard instruments, basically ACMP is an accompaniment or so-called accompaniment. The ACMP button on a keyboard is generally used to hide sounds originating from various types of musical rhythms when the rhythm button or style button is pressed or turned on.

If the rhythm button or style button and the ACMP button are pressed, they will automatically turn on so that the keys on the left side of the keyboard instrument will function as chord accompaniment.

In addition, the ACMP key used in playing keyboard instruments is also intended to synchronize chords with the style chosen by the player. This makes the drum set along with other instruments will also sound according to the chords.

7. Voices

The voice button found in voice musical instruments is the same as the tone button or timbre button. Tone itself is an effect in sound settings that can allow setting the timbre or quality of sound according to what the keyboard instrument player wants or wants. Timbre is known as tone color or tone quality which is the quality of sound that will be felt by listeners or music connoisseurs that come from musical notes, sounds or tones.

The function of the voice button is used to select various sounds of existing musical instruments according to the wishes of the players. Examples of the sound of musical instruments, namely: organ, guitar, trumpet, flute, violin, cello, saxophone, drums, and many more.

In general, Voice or tone is divided into 3 (three) buttons, including: Main voice or right 1, layer voice or right 2, and left voice. Main voice or right 1 is a program that can activate the work function of one sound found on a keyboard instrument with various voice choices.

Layer voice or right 2 is a program on a keyboard instrument that can activate the work function of two sounds, but it can also produce two different sounds by pressing just one key bar. Meanwhile, the left voice is a program that is found on a keyboard instrument that can activate the voice work function on the part of the keyboard instrument on the left with a certain range limit.

8. Tempo

The Tempo button in a keyboard instrument game is used to adjust the speed or slowness of the beats of the music rhythm or what is commonly called rhythm according to what the player wants. The Tempo button can function if the start button on the keyboard has been pressed or turned on.

With regard to tempo, there is also a metronome on a keyboard instrument which has a function to assist keyboard players in stabilizing the beat of the song being played so that it is not too fast or not too slow.

9. Sustain

The sustain button on a keyboard instrument is used to make the sound that comes out of the keyboard not be interrupted immediately when the key is pressed. It is also intended that the sustain button is used to extend the sound of the instrument coming out of the keyboard instrument.


Transpose is a feature found in playing keyboard instruments that is used to adjust the tone without moving the position of the fingers when playing it. This feature is able to change the basic tone of a keyboard instrument by raising or lowering the tone according to the player’s needs or desires.

If the player wants to raise half the pitch from the initial note, then the player needs to press the (+) button once. Conversely, if the player wants to lower the pitch halfway from the initial note, then the player needs to press the (-) button once.

11. Intro/ending button

Intro has a function to start a song by using the existing intro arrangements for each rhythm in playing keyboard instruments. While the ending has a function to end a song by using the existing arrangements for each rhythm in playing a keyboard musical instrument.

In playing keyboard instruments, the intro or ending button is used by pressing the button to start playing the keyboard and pressing the Back button a second time as the button to close the song.

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In a keyboard instrument there is a program called song. The program is especially useful for keyboard players, as it can be used to record or play back songs or instruments. The song demos are already available on keyboard instruments, so that players can use them directly.

In general, the keyboard instrument already provides several songs that can be played directly by the player, but the keyboard player can also easily play the song he wants through a midi file or mp3. To turn it on, players only need to press the play song button as desired.

12. Fill in

The Fill in button on a keyboard musical instrument has a function to reproduce or add variations in beats and drum variations. Fill in is divided into 2, namely Fill in to variation and Fill in to original. Fill in to variation functions to produce variations on the beat before entering the chorus of the song being played. Meanwhile, Fill in to original has a function to produce variations on the beat after the song chorus has been played.

13. Breaks

Breaks in playing keyboard instruments function in variations of drum playing style or rhythm. This break has a bit of the same function as fill in. The variation in break is quite monotonous compared to fill in.

14. Main Variations

Main Variation is a selection of various musical variants for style. This Main Variation aims to make the style of playing keyboard instruments played by players look complete and full.

15. One Touch Settings

One Touch Setting in playing a keyboard instrument is a program that can maximize the work of the keyboard instrument in its ability to store data. The program is a program that can make it easy for keyboard instrument players to choose the style they want automatically that has been presented.

If the keyboard instrument player has chosen the style he wants, then the program will store it in memory and can be played automatically by simply pressing the button.

16. Music Finder

In playing keyboard instruments, Music Finder is a program found on keyboard instruments that has a function to automatically provide settings for a song being played by the player. Music Finder is not only intended for sound management. The program is able to adjust the style, tempo, effects, and others.

17. Registration Memory

The existence of registration memory in playing keyboard musical instruments is related to everything related to data storage on the keyboard musical instrument. The intended data is, the selection of styles, voices, and others. In general, a keyboard instrument consists of 8 (eight) data storage areas, which are written in numerical order.

Registration memory has another function, which is to make it easier for keyboard instrument players to change styles and voices without pressing the button. This is because the registration memory program has stored the settings needed by the player.

Well, above are the various parts found on a keyboard musical instrument along with an explanation. You already know, right? It turns out that there are lots of parts on a keyboard instrument that many people don’t understand. If you already understand it, Sinaumed’s can easily learn how to play the keyboard until you are proficient. Sinaumed’s can get various ways of playing keyboards at .

Thus the discussion about the parts of the keyboard, I hope all the discussion above can make you interested in learning the keyboard and piano. To support Sinaumed’s in adding insight, sinaumedia always provides quality and original books so that Sinaumed’s has #MoreWithReading information.

Author: Nabila Frithania

Reference source

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