Know 15 Characteristics of Humble People, Are You One of Them?

What are  the characteristics of a humble person?  Humility is one of the attitudes that a person can have. However, it turns out that not everyone can have a humble attitude.

People who have a humble attitude are those who can feel a peace within themselves. Someone who is humble will let them know how much ability or capacity they have. Humble people also don’t meddle in other people’s business.

Moreover, the characteristics of a humble person? This article will discuss the characteristics of a humble person.

The Kimi and Kino series is a continuation of the Kimi and Mimi series. This series will encourage children to behave well from an early age. Delivered through the everyday experiences of Kimi and his little brother, Kino, and their cat, Mimi. From their stories, children will be taught to respect, love others as well as animals, be fair, learn to compromise, forgive, empathize, be grateful, share, be honest, humble, and persistent.

Characteristics of a Humble Person

1. Respect the views of others

People who have a humble attitude can respect the views of others. They will respect other people’s point of view, even if it is different from their own. According to them, everyone has the same right to have their ideas considered.

However bad or good. Those who are humble will be willing to hear and accept the viewpoints of others. It was done without any interruption.

In addition, the characteristics of a humble person will not belittle other people. They will always cherish someone. Even if they don’t approve of another person’s treatment or thought, they won’t just cut it short and blame someone else.

2. Good listener

One of the characteristics of a humble person is being a good listener. When someone is telling something, then he will listen carefully. In addition, the characteristics of humble people are that they will listen more than talk.

A humble person does not exaggerate what is said. They talk about something as it is. In another sense, humble people tend to tell the truth.

A person who has humility will not act to be accepted by someone. They are not looking for a validation. A humble person certainly wouldn’t ask someone for acknowledgment.

Someone who is humble will have high empathy. When someone needs help, he will try to be able to help. Not solely because you want to be dominant, but because you sincerely want to help.

3. Don’t feel jealous of other people’s fun

For those who are humble, the success or pleasure of others is a good thing. They will feel happy when other people succeed in doing something. The characteristics of a humble person in this case are not jealous of the pleasures or success that others receive.

Humble people will actually celebrate it. They will also feel happy with the pleasure or success that someone gets. Humble people will also sincerely congratulate you on the achievement you receive.

Instead of feeling jealous, those who are humble will use that as a reference. What this means is that they will use the success of others to motivate themselves. When they see others succeed, they will use it to motivate them to achieve similar success.

4. Accept criticism, opinions and suggestions from others

The characteristics of humble people can also accept input from others. Whether it’s input in the form of criticism, opinions or suggestions from others. Also, they will understand that there are two sides to any argument or opinion.

Both sides are the side of criticism and suggestions and in the form of praise. Humble people will happily accept both sides of an argument. For them, criticism and suggestions are things that can build.

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Not to discourage, it will actually make them even more excited. In this case, humble people will try to be even better in the future. The way to get better is to accept input from others.

The opposite is also true when receiving a compliment. Compliments are given for a good thing. However, those who are humble are not immediately satisfied with the praise they receive.

5. Treat everyone equally

The characteristics of a humble person will also treat everyone equally. They will see that everyone has the same rights and obligations. A humble person will treat everyone with kindness and equality.

They will not see others in a better or worse light. They will not discriminate against a person. Everyone has the same dignity, that’s the characteristics of a humble person.

A humble person will also not see himself as a very special person. They will not see themselves as people who should get special treatment. People who have a humble attitude will put themselves on equal footing with others. In fact, they are also quick to appreciate the contributions of others.

Characteristics of a Humble Person

6. Willing to admit mistakes

Of course, everyone can make mistakes. Mistakes made also vary. It can occur due to an element of accident or on purpose.

A mistake made will certainly result in something. However, it is not his fault that we will discuss here. But how to behave after making a mistake.

There are some people who actually run when they make a mistake. Others will admit their mistakes. Then it will apologize and correct the mistake.

People who are willing to admit mistakes are humble people. That’s because it has become the characteristics of humble people. Humble people are willing to admit mistakes and will try to fix them.

Admitting mistakes is not an easy thing to do. However, for those who are humble it is certainly not a difficult thing. People who have a humble nature will always admit the mistakes they have made and will correct them.

When they make a mistake, they don’t look for excuses. The only thing to do is apologize. On the other hand, if they were right then they would not be arrogant or snobbish. So, the characteristics of a humble person are willing to admit mistakes that have been made.

7. Can be invited to work together

Sometimes, people who think they are great actually make them arrogant or arrogant. Then, people who are arrogant or arrogant tend to be difficult to work with or compromise. The opposite is true for humble people.

The characteristics of humble people are that they can be invited to work together. They will make time to meet and work together. In addition, the cooperation carried out certainly has benefits between the two parties.

This applies in all aspects. Both in terms of work or relationship aspects. They will gladly agree to cooperate and compromise.

8. Have many friends

A humble person will certainly be liked by others. That is the reason they will have many friends. Humble people tend to think flexibly.

In addition, they are people who easily get along with anyone. Even though the other person has a different mindset from him. The difference in mindset actually becomes a color for the relationship.

This is one of the characteristics of a humble person. They have many friends. People who have a humble attitude get along well. In addition, they will rarely experience a dispute or a conflict with others.

9. Can control the ego

By definition, ego means “I” or “self”. Ego can be said as a person’s perception. This perception is related to self-esteem which will further affect self-confidence.

Of course, everyone has an ego. However, what must be underlined is that every ego is not always negative. Sometimes, a person’s ego can direct that person to positive things.

However, there are times when a person cannot control his ego properly. This happens in reality, and creates a selfish attitude. Therefore, selfishness is an attitude in a person who emphasizes or prioritizes himself. In another sense, they feel that their desires are the most important thing above other interests.

People who have a humble attitude are generally able to control their ego. It is less likely to get involved in a dispute. Especially things that will involve an ego.

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This is because they will understand that every human being will have a different perspective. This is what makes the characteristics of humble people able to control their ego. They will assume that the perspective of the other person has a valuable value, just like the perspective he has.

10. Often put the interests of others first

Often prioritizing the interests of others does not mean always giving in and not having a  power . However, people who have a humble nature will understand how their pride is. Therefore, they will rarely stand out or present themselves in front of others.

Especially if the goal is just to show how great and smart they are. They would not do such things. They tend to show more often in terms of action, rather than talk.

In addition, they will also realize that many things may be more important than what they want. They will determine the priority scale. Even if the interests of others are more important, they will still take precedence.

This is one form of their concern for others. Humble people will let others meet their needs first. After that, they will carry out their needs.

11. Have high curiosity

Humble people will have high curiosity. They are abashed learners, or thirsty for knowledge. People who have humility generally want to always want to know more. It has become the characteristics of a humble person.

However, being curious here doesn’t mean bad things. For example, curiosity about science. Not that they are always dissatisfied, but they will think that having more knowledge is a good thing.

They will take more time to learn something. Either academically, or learn about experience from a source. This is also what makes humble people identified as serious people.

12. Always say thank you

Saying thank you seems trivial. However, one’s goal in saying thank you is to appreciate. They will appreciate what they receive from someone through words of thanks.

So it is with humble people. The characteristics of humble people are often say thank you. Even in small things though.

It includes a humble attitude. They will always say thank you for any help or something given by others. A simple example is the courier who delivers the package, or the parking attendant who helps cross the street.

13. Not ashamed to ask for help

The next characteristic of a humble person is that they don’t feel proud easily. Examples include asking for help for trivial or simple things. Those who have a humble attitude will not hesitate to do so.

If they really need help, they will ask for it. Another example when finding a difficulty in doing something. They will not hesitate to ask for help from others.

14. Have empathy

Humility is closely related to empathy. This is another characteristic of humble people. They will try to understand the other person’s position.

In addition, people who are humble will certainly not judge other people’s certain situations. When other people have difficult circumstances, they don’t judge them. Those are the traits of a humble person.

They also don’t only empathize with those closest to them. However, to everyone who is going through a bad situation. They will try to help the person as best they can.

People who have a humble attitude will try to be useful for others. This was done without thinking of a profit. They will not demand a reward from the people they help.

15. Don’t blame others

When a problem occurs, a humble person will not easily blame others. They will see from the problems that occur first. After that, then they will see how the problem can arise or can happen.

This is one of the characteristics of a humble person. They will see from all points of view. They will not easily blame others.

Those are 15 characteristics of humble people. It’s good to be a humble person. However, don’t let something good make you arrogant.

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Author: Wida Kurniasih

Source: from various sources

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