How to S2 Abroad and the Requirements that Must Be Fulfilled

For some Indonesian students, getting a Masters scholarship abroad is one of their biggest dreams. Apart from being able to add experience, the benefits that will be obtained after studying abroad can be felt, namely the ease in achieving a dream career. Because, of course, there are many companies that are more interested in recruiting graduates from abroad. Opportunities to study abroad are always wide open. However, the opportunity to obtain the scholarship is still considered difficult. Even though in reality, the opportunity to continue Masters abroad is quite easy, if you know the trick. For those of you who are curious about the trick, see the full explanation below. We will discuss how to get Masters abroad easily.

A. Destination Countries for Overseas Masters Scholarships Worth Trying

For those of you who are still confused, which countries open opportunities for students from abroad to study there? Until now, Germany is still the most popular destination for continuing Masters studies. Even though in reality, there are still many other countries in the world that open scholarship opportunities for foreign students, including:


You can make Australia a destination country when you want to continue your Masters higher education. The Australian government itself even dares to invest $200 million annually in educational activities. There are many of the best universities in Australia that you can try. Starting from the University of Sydney, The University of Melbourne, to the Australian National University (ANU). These three universities have been proven to provide partial scholarships for students from various countries in the world. Not to mention, there is additional health protection aimed at students who have high academic achievements.

2. England

Next is England. There are several universities in the UK that are known for equipping foreign students with a variety of specific skills. So, this will certainly be a differentiator between competitors who come from their home countries later. Not only that, for outstanding students, the UK will also provide various facilities, one of which is the best university that has been registered in the QAA.

In addition, these outstanding students will also be given the opportunity to be able to travel around Europe. It can be used as a place to gain experience. Therefore, the UK is one of the countries of choice for scholarship destinations to pursue a Master’s degree abroad which is very worthy of consideration.

3. Canada

Canada is also one of the countries that offers scholarship opportunities for meritorious foreign students. Basically, most of the scholarships given are partial. That means, the costs are only partially borne. Not only that, if you are interested in continuing your Masters in Canada, then all the files and data needed must be sent directly to the destination university.

4. New Zealand

Who would have thought that New Zealand would also open up great opportunities for scholarships for foreign students from Southeast Asia. Indonesia is no exception. Lots of universities in New Zealand offer partial scholarship services for each level of higher education. Starting from S1 to S2 and S3.

5. United States

You can also choose the United States as a destination country for students who are interested in finding scholarships to study Masters degrees abroad. Most of the universities there will offer scholarships based on student achievement. The main requirement is good academic achievement as well as other supporting factors, for example organizational to extracurricular experience.

B. How to S2 Abroad with Scholarships

After discussing various countries that can be used as foreign scholarship destinations. Now is the time for us to discuss how to study masters abroad in order to obtain a master’s degree abroad. Basically, there are several steps that you have to go through. The following are several ways to study masters abroad that you can try.

1. Preparation for the TOEFL and IELTS Tests

To be able to study abroad, of course the main requirement that must be met is proficient in English. Therefore, this ability can be seen from the TOEFL or IELTS tests. Generally, the score for the TOEFL test is at least 550, while for IELTS it usually has to be at least 6.0. Even so, it is likely that each university abroad will apply different requirements.

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However, if you want to study abroad without having to use English as your main language, then try to learn the language of your destination country. So you will get added value. For example, when you want to continue your education at a Chinese university, you need to deepen your Mandarin language. So your chances of being accepted will be even greater.

2. Do Research About Universities and Interested Fields of Study

Before deciding to apply for a Masters scholarship abroad, it would be better if you first learn about the university and the field of study you are interested in. At least, think about why you want to choose that campus? Why do you want to choose this study program? That’s the question you have to find the answer to.

3. Strive to have work experience according to the field of interest

After graduating from a bachelor’s degree, it never hurts to gain experience by working in a company or any field. While waiting for the scholarship application to take Masters abroad in the process. However, try to work in a field that is in accordance with the field of specialization that you will take to study abroad. This will obviously make it easier for you to get the scholarship.

4. Write more scientific papers

You need to know, that not only work experience can support success in obtaining Masters scholarships abroad. Experience in writing scientific papers can also help you in obtaining the scholarship. Therefore, it would be better, you need to write more scientific papers or journals related to the field of study you want to take.

You can try to write several essays or books related to your chosen field of study. There’s nothing wrong with starting to think about plans to do research when you’re studying for a master’s degree later. Maybe, this will be asked during the interview session. That way, you can give an idea of ​​the purpose of choosing the study.

5. There is a Letter of Recommendation

Having a letter of recommendation will also greatly support success in obtaining a Masters scholarship abroad. This recommendation letter will give confidence to the appraisers if indeed the applicant really has. ability. Basically, recommendation letters made especially for the benefit of foreign scholarships must be written by at least 2 people.

Therefore, it would be better to choose two people to write the recommendation letter. Make sure that both are still related in the chosen field of study. Maybe it could be from the lecturer or it could also be from the office where they work. Generally, parties like that will help to accentuate the positive abilities they have.

6. Consult Experienced People

If you are already feeling confused when you want to try to apply for a Masters scholarship abroad, there is an easy way to do it. One of them is by asking directly to people who have tried the scholarship and succeeded. The way to get acquainted with these people is by joining forums or educational institutions that do facilitate scholarship activities.

In that community, there will be a lot of information about how to apply for Masters scholarships abroad. Starting from the requirements that must be met, the process flow, and so on. Not only that, professional fellow scholarship recipients will generally not hesitate to use various tricks that can be applied. So that the preparation for applying for scholarships becomes more mature.

C. Recommended Fully Funded Overseas Masters Scholarships

Have you ever imagined studying abroad and away from your family? Meet new friends from other countries and of course get used to using foreign languages? Must be cool, right? Well, you can make this dream come true through the scholarship program. No need to worry, there are lots of institutions that not only cover educational costs, but also cover all living necessities to accommodation while abroad. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, here’s how you can do a master’s degree abroad.

1. MEXT Scholarship

The MEXT Scholarship is provided by the Japanese government and is intended for those of you who wish to continue their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in Japan. You do not have to be proficient in Japanese to apply for this scholarship, however it is recommended that you are proficient in Japanese, at least at the basic level. There are three types of MEXT scholarships, namely Undergraduate or Gakubu, Specialized Training College or Senshu, and College of Technology or Kosen. Each of these programs has a different focus and study period.

MEXT Scholarship Terms:

– Graduated from a formal high school/vocational school/equivalent level.
– Maximum age of 24 years when registering
– You can see specific requirements for each program on the page

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MEXT Scholarship Coverage:

– Tuition fees are fully borne (including school fees and preparation).
– Get a living allowance of ¥117,000 (Rp. 15,652,560) per month.
– Provided return flight tickets Indonesia-Japan.
– Free of charge for student visa processing.
– No service ties.

2. Mitsui Bussan Scholarship

Next is the Bussan Scholarship, where this scholarship is intended for those of you who intend to continue their education in Japan. Generally, this scholarship will last for 5 years and 5 months, consisting of 1.5 years of Japanese language courses, and 4 years of lectures. The scholarship participants will later receive language training at the Tokyo Japanese Language Education Center of Independent Administrative Institution, Japan Student Services Organization, Tokyo, Japan.

Requirements for the Mitsui Bussan Scholarship:

– Indonesian citizens.
– Age less than 20 years
– Not married and willing not to get married during the period of receiving the scholarship.
– Open to high school/MAN graduates majoring in Science or Social Sciences
– Willing to study Japanese and obtain education at universities that use Japanese.
– Physically and mentally healthy and have no history of infectious diseases.

Mitsui Bussan Scholarship Coverage:

– FREE scholarship application fee,
– Get a living expenses allowance of 145,000 yen (± Rp. 18 million) every month,
– Get an economy class airplane ticket PP Indonesia – Japan at the beginning and end of the scholarship grant period,
– Get an arrival allowance of 50,000 yen (± Rp. 6) million) which will be given upon arrival in Japan,
– FREE tuition fees including registration fees and Japanese language course fees.

3. Orange Tulip Scholarship

Orange Tulip Scholarship is a scholarship provided by the Dutch government through Nuffic Neso Indonesia. This scholarship is intended for students who intend to continue their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the Netherlands. Where this scholarship has collaborated with 25 of the best universities in the country. Before registering, make sure the campus you choose is registered as a partner of this scholarship program.

Orange Tulip Scholarship Requirements:

– Indonesian citizens.
– The status when applying for this scholarship is not currently working or studying in the Netherlands.
– Currently in the registration process, or have been accepted at one of the partner universities of the Orange Tulip Scholarship Program.
– Meet the special requirements set by each Orange Tulip Scholarship scheme.

Orange Tulip Scholarship Coverage:

– Free education fees of 30 – 100% until graduation

4. IFA Paris Scholarships

Do you aspire to become a world-class designer? If so, then you need to know about this one scholarship. International Fashion Academy Paris opens scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Specifically for the undergraduate program, you can choose 4 study programs, namely Bachelor Visual Merchandising, Bachelor Fashion Design and Technology, Bachelor Fashion Sustainability, and Bachelor Fashion Marketing.

IFA Paris Scholarship Coverage:

– Full Scholarship (100 percent free of tuition fees), deadline: March 15, 2022.
– Excellence Scholarship (reduced tuition fees of 40 percent), there is no submission deadline.
– Distinction Scholarship (20 percent reduction in tuition fees), there is no submission deadline.

IFA Paris Scholarship Requirements:

– Have completed SMA/SMK/equivalent.
– Minimum age of 16 years
– Have a minimum IELTS score of 5.5 or TOEFL 65
– Have an interest in fashion design or business as well as fashion marketing.
– Applicants for the Bachelor in Fashion Design & Technology and Bachelor Fashion Sustainability with Design Major programs must attach a portfolio.
– Pay the registration fee of 150 Euros.
– Willing to conduct interview selection via Skype or directly at the university.
– Fill out the registration form and upload document files that have been translated into English using sworn translator services.

5. KAIST Scholarships

This scholarship is perfect for those of you who are interested in studying technology in South Korea. KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) is one of the best technology campuses that has produced the best alumni. Starting from Rim Ji Hoon, the founder of the Kakao Talk application, and Hae Jin Lee, the founder of the LINE application.

KAIST Scholarship Coverage:

– Free tuition for 8 semesters,
– Support for living costs of $ 300 or IDR 4.3 million per month,
– Health insurance costs.

KAIST Scholarship Requirements:

– International students (including Indonesia),
– Have/will graduate from high school before 31 August 2022, and are ready to attend college in the fall season/fall 2022,
– Meet the English language requirements with the recommended score for the TOEFL iBT min. score 83 / TOEFL PBT min. score 63 / TOEFL CBT min. score 220 / IELTS min. score 6.5 / TOEIC Listening & Reading min. score 720 / TEPS min. score 326,
– Especially for students who graduate from schools with English as the language of instruction, English language requirements documents are not required.