How to Review Good and Correct Books and Examples

Did you know that it turns out that reviewing books abroad is actually a trend there. Even though the awareness of reviewing books abroad has become ingrained and has become commonplace. However, it seems that in Indonesia is also not much different. In the past, newspapers and print media were destinations for someone who wanted to review books.

Because the competition is intense and it takes quite a long time, stretching to do a review is not as interesting as it is today. Since social media emerged, book review activities have also increased. Many people do book reviews more freely and as attractively as possible.

At least, there is no more competition or selection of editors to review books in newspapers or print media. Because, currently book reviews can be uploaded on their respective social media. So, how do you review a book? Before knowing how to review a book, let’s first know the definition or meaning of a book review.

Definition of Book Review

Based on the origin of the word, the word “review” comes from English which means “review”. Meanwhile, based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) states that the word “review” means “responses, comments and interpretations”.

So that the word “review” can be interpreted as a response, interpretation, or comment on something, for example books, films, and so on. In general, in conducting a review, it is necessary to include an assessment and comparison between one product and similar products.

So, the notion of a book review is a response, interpretation, assessment of the quality or content of a book by emphasizing scientific judgment and arguments. Another understanding, from a book review, is an activity to peel, evaluate, consider, criticize, dissect the substance to provide comments on a book.

How to Review Books

How to review a book is not too difficult, because the important key in doing this book review lies in your ability to understand the contents of what you read then summarize, and put it in written form. So, what happens if you’ve never done it at all?

Take it easy, here are some book review ways that you can do. Of course, how to review this one book will make it easier for you to do a book review. Well, then how? Let’s pay attention to the explanation below about how to review books.

1. Write Book Identity

The first way to review a book and become the main point is to start by writing the identity of the book. His name is also reviewing books, so identifying a book is very important.

Identity can be interpreted as certain characteristics or circumstances attached to something. So that when interpreted, the notion of book identity is certain characteristics or conditions that are inherent in a book.

The goal is clear, so that readers know the book, then explain and convey the theme. Even though that’s an outline, it’s the most powerful way to answer all readers’ questions.

There are several identity books that you need to write. Well, what are they? The following is the identity of the book that needs to be written when you want to review a book, including:

– Author name
– Year published
– Publisher name
– Number of pages
– Book price
– ISBN number
– Author profile

The mistake that often occurs when someone reviews a book is often writing plot twist spoilers. Even so, it is something that must be avoided. Why? Because it can reduce the reader’s interest in the reviews and contents of a book.

One thing you need to underline is that the secret to success in reviewing an interesting book is to make the reader curious about the contents of the book. So avoiding writing plot twists is very important.

2. Read Table of Contents & Synopsis

Another way to review a book is to write a little synopsis or give a brief description of the contents of the book. Of course, this requires skill for you to write and express as attractively as possible.

Before reading the whole, you can start by reading the table of contents and synopsis. The goal is that you have a broad picture related to the contents of the book.

3. Read Books

How to review other books, namely by reading the book as a whole. If you are required to be fast, then you can read books quickly and mark which parts are important parts of the book.

4. Reveal What Things You Like From the Contents of the Book

How to review the fourth book, namely by expressing what you like about the contents of the book. Although this method seems trivial, it is actually very important. The trick, you just need to say what things you like about the contents of the book, then you can write it down.

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By pouring out something that you feel when reading a book, you can give the reader a different spirit and feeling. At least this book review is really written from the heart. Not based on science.

So when reviewing a book, make sure you have read the entire contents of the book. Because many people review books only to read the synopsis.

When you get here, maybe you are still having trouble how to review a book? Take it easy, because there are tricks so you don’t find it difficult to review books. One way is by asking questions. There are several questions you can answer to make the review easier.

For example, which part or chapter do you like the most? And what’s the reason? You can write it down and tell it, then you’ve made up a small part of the book review. There are other questions that might help you master how to review books.

Like, giving reasons for the character you like the most, the moral message the author wants to convey and what things you catch. So, then you can determine what title you can write to review the book.

5. Convey the Author’s Techniques in Writing a Book (Language and Plot)

You can easily do a book review by writing or alluding to writing techniques in writing a book. Actually, not only that, you can also explain and reveal about the settings used by the author.

If what you are reviewing is a novel, then there is nothing wrong if you also mention the character of the character. But keep in mind that the principle of the review is to make the reader feel curious about the contents of the book.

However, if the book being reviewed is a motivational book or a reading book, then you can explain the appeal that you can get and the new knowledge that you can get from the book. It’s a little different between reviewing novels and non-novels. Even so, the principle of reviewing books is to highlight the interesting things from each book being reviewed.

6. Give Rating

The way to properly review a book, both fiction and non-fiction, is to show the segmentation of the readers. This means that the book you are reviewing is intended for students only, students only, or for the public.

This reader segmentation is to be mentioned, because this will determine and help the reader know the classification and designation. In addition, you can provide an assessment. You can give an assessment using a range of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10.

What if there is no segmentation recommendation? Segmentation recommendations may not be written down. However, actually here it also depends on your capture in reading the book. In general, there is a categorization intended for the front of the book and the back of the book. So you can choose this method if you find it difficult to determine reader segmentation.

7. Making Conclusions

The easiest way to review a book is by pouring your personal conclusions. So you can draw the final conclusion after reading the book by writing it down. Because your subjective conclusions will help you determine the end of the review.

The question is, should the review be honest or should it be fabricated? Of course, the review must be honest. So what did you feel at that time, if you felt sad, tense, happy, and so on, then that’s what you must write down. Because, your dafu’s subjective conclusions will determine the readers out there.

If necessary, you can also follow the current application style by giving an assessment using stars. The goal of this star rating can be a picture of readers out there.

Example of a book review

Once you know, how to review books. The following are two examples of book reviews, including:

Book Review Example 1

Healthy Living by Knowing Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases
Book Title : Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Development Post
Author : Yandrizal, et al
Category : Reference Books
in Science : Health
ISBN : 978-602-401-900-6
Size : 14×20 cm
Pages : viii, 51 pages
Price : Rp. 56,000
Year of Publication : 2017

The integrated development post for non-communicable diseases (Posbindu PTM) by Yandrizal and friends is a book that is expected to be able to realize community participation in early detection activities. So this book educates the public about how to respond and monitor risk factors for infectious diseases independently and continuously.

Lately, many people live fast-paced lives. Thus, many people also do not care about the risk factors for non-communicable diseases. What’s more, this non-communicable disease is one of the diseases that don’t show symptoms.

This 51-page book is highly recommended for reading. In this book, the author provides an explanation of the objectives and roles of stakeholders in the process of forming, preparing for implementation, monitoring evaluation in order to increase knowledge.

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In fact, it is not only capable of improving and shaping in preparation and implementation. But it also shapes attitudes and behavior of the community to carry out early detection. However, the risk factors and possibilities that occur in the body can lurk you.

The advantages of this book explain the objectives of the integrated non-communicable disease development post, namely to mobilize the role of stakeholders in an effort to increase awareness for the community. So that people have self-awareness to carry out early examinations and start living in a healthy way.

In addition, there are also efforts to prevent and control disease risk factors. Then, on page 9 you will be invited to identify what non-communicable diseases are like and how. One of them is by always implementing a healthy life.
Based on WHO (2011) states that the category of non-communicable diseases is cardiovascular disease which includes heart disease and stroke. There are also other diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease.

Even so, a number of non-communicable diseases are still the forerunners of these diseases due to several factors. With one of them namely unhealthy diet, smoking habits, consuming food and drinks from alcohol to lack of physical activity.

Non-communicable diseases can be interpreted as chronic conditions that do not result from an infectious process, and therefore are not contagious. It could also be because this disease has a long journey that cannot heal spontaneously. Still referring to WHO that the characteristics of non-communicable diseases can be influenced by several causes, risk factors, non-infectious origin, prolonged illness, occurrence of functional disorders or disabilities, and others.

This book was published in 2017. In it, the contents of the book learn about how to form an integrated non-communicable disease development post. However, unfortunately this book in terms of delivery still seems stiff and too formal. However, in terms of the tips and knowledge that is shared, it really gives insight to the readers.

Book Review Example 2

Want to Live Healthy? Master Food and Nutrition Economics Here
Book Title : Food and Nutrition Economics
Author : Nanik Rustanti
ISBN : 978-602-401-144-4
Size : 15.5×23 cm
Page : xviii, 194 pp.
Price : Rp. 106,500
Year of Publication : 2015

Want to become a nutritionist? It turns out that being a nutritionist is not an easy thing. Because, there is a science of its own. To the extent that there are special departments that study this one science. With one of them through a book by Ninik Rustanti, STP, M.Sc.

The 194-thick book does not only discuss developments in the food and nutrition economy. However, also reviewing the system. So, for those of you who are interested in getting this book, of course you are curious to see a more complete review.

The Concept of Economic Demand and Supply. When studying the economics of food and nutrition, the concept of demand and supply is of course familiar. In the concept of demand, there are two interrelated variables, namely the quantity demanded and the price level. Prices affect the quantity of goods demanded, while time is considered constant.

There are also those who call it the law of supply. The law of supply can be interpreted, when the higher the price of goods, the greater the quantity of these goods will be offered by sellers. Later there will be a supply curve that can shift due to technological factors, input prices, number of sellers and expectations.

In this chapter, later you will learn about a number of things. Starting from the type of demand, the law of demand, factors that affect the level of supply, and so forth.

The concept of price elasticity in food and nutrition economics actually has a basic foundation that you must know. Especially for those of you who really want to focus on this major. In the chapter on the concept of price elasticity will affect a number of variable changes from price to demand. Where this is often not so noticed by students.

At least in this chapter you will be invited to study the concepts of demand elasticity, cross elasticity, supply elasticity and others. So even though this science studies nutrition, students are always required to understand the foundation and be able to plan food and nutrition programs. The goal is that students can at least analyze food and nutrition programs.

The advantages of this published book, namely learning how to concept and how to calculate elasticity. Because there are formulas that you need to understand. Another advantage of this book is that it is packaged using language that is easy to understand and certainly not boring.

This is information about how to review books. Hopefully this information can provide benefits to readers.