Heartburn is pain in the solar plexus

Maybe some of us have felt burning and pain in the chest. Sinaumed’s need not panic. This condition is normal and common. However, if it occurs repeatedly to the point that it interferes with daily activities, it must be taken seriously by professionals.

Launching from the Alodokter.com page, heartburn is pain in the pit of the stomach that occurs in the middle of the chest or just above the stomach. This discomfort is often accompanied by the appearance of a bitter and sour taste in the mouth. These symptoms have the potential to become worse after a large meal or while lying down.

Please note that hearburn is not related to the heart ( heart ). The cause of hearburn is stomach acid rising into the esophagus. That, which causes a burning feeling in the upper abdomen or lower chest.

Heartburn occurs when the ring-shaped muscle ( sphincter ) that is part of the valve between the esophagus and stomach cannot tighten or close normally. Which, this muscle ring should be able to contract after food from the esophagus enters the stomach.

Summarizing from the Alodokter.com page, heartburn triggers include the following.

  • Eat in an amount that exceeds the capacity of the stomach.
  • Eating spicy food.
  • There is pressure on the stomach, usually due to pregnancy, constipation, or obesity.
  • Consuming caffeine, make citrus, alcohol, or chocolate.
  • After eating immediately lie down.
  • Take certain medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Stress and lack of sleep.

Symptoms of heartburn vary from person to person. However, the most common signs are a burning sensation in the chest and throat. Launching from the Hallosehat.com page, here are the common symptoms of heartburn.

  • Feeling pain or burning in the chest. This condition usually occurs after eating or at night.
  • Pain in the chest when lying down, bending down, or eating.
  • Bitter or sour taste in the mouth.
  • Often awakens from sleep.
  • Burning feeling in the throat.
  • There is liquid that feels like it will come out of the throat.
  • Very extreme chest pain.
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing when eating.
  • Excessive headache.
  • Heartburn occurs several times a week.
  • Nausea and vomiting, even after taking over-the-counter medications.
  • Vomiting blood, or passing blood when urinating.
  • Decreased ability to taste, causing weight loss.

Pain in the chest that indicates a hearburn and a heart attack is difficult to distinguish. Both have similar markings. The age of the sufferer is also similar, that is, both in adulthood or people with excess body weight.

To differentiate between a hearburn and a heart attack, Sinaumed’s can look at the areas of the body where the pain is. When the pain is only felt under the ribs and the top of the stomach, it is included in heartburn.

Other symptoms that often occur are a sour taste in the mouth, wanting to vomit, or a burning feeling in the throat, especially after eating. Meanwhile, symptoms of a heart attack can be felt starting from cold sweats, shortness of breath, dizziness, and chest pain that is pressing and radiating to the shoulders, neck or back.

Causes of Hearburn

Under normal conditions, there is a muscle under the esophagus that acts as a barrier for stomach acid to go up into the esophagus. The muscle works by expanding and closing when swallowing food or drink.

However, when these muscles weaken, stomach acid can rise back up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest. This condition can cause heartburn. Launching from the Hallosehat.com page, here are the causes of heartburn.

1. Food and Drinks

Food and drink have an influence on the strength of the lower esophageal muscles. Preferably, Sinaumed’s avoid spicy, fatty and sour foods.

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2. Burden or Pressure on the Stomach

When the stomach and esophageal muscles are stressed, they have the potential to weaken and cause stomach acid to rise. Sinaumed’s need to be careful when doing strenuous exercise, coughing too hard, being overweight, and pregnant. These things can trigger excess burden or pressure on the stomach.

3. History of Disease

The state of health of each individual also affects the occurrence of heartburn. Several diseases such as hiatal hernia, diabetes and other autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, CREST syndrome and Raynaud’s phenomenon) are associated with heartburn.

4. Body Position

When lying down, the lower esophagus muscles will weaken. Especially after eating. This can trigger stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus more easily.

5. Lifestyle

An unhealthy lifestyle has the potential to cause heartburn. Such as smoking, drinking drinks that contain alcohol, often consuming caffeine, and other things that trigger stomach acid to rise to the esophagus.

6. Certain Drugs

Several types of drugs have the potential to weaken the performance of the muscles below the esophagus. When Sinaumed’s is undergoing heart, asthma, blood pressure treatment, the risk of experiencing heartburn will be higher.

Foods and Drinks that Trigger Hearburn

Every food and drink that enters the body affects the health of the body. Launching from the Hallosehat.com page, here is a list of foods that can trigger heartburn.

1. Spicy Food

Spicy foods contain capsaicin which can slow down the digestive process and increase the risk of heartburn. Not only that, spicy food can also injure the esophagus. This can make chest pain worse.

2. Fatty Foods

Fat in food can weaken the lower esophageal muscles by stimulating the release of the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK). This has the potential to cause stomach acid to easily rise.

3. Mint

The notion that peppermint and spearmint can relieve digestive problems is a misconception. In fact, research has shown that consuming too much mint can injure the esophagus and worsen heartburn.

4. Food and Beverages Containing Citrus

In a study involving 400 heartburn sufferers, it was shown that 73% felt heartburn symptoms after drinking orange juice. However, there is no further explanation regarding the link between citrus and can cause heartburn.

5. Fizzy Drinks

Drinks or foods that contain soda can increase stomach acid levels and weaken the esophageal muscles.

6. Chocolate

Chocolate contains caffeine, serotonin, and theobromine which have the potential to cause the lower esophageal muscles to weaken.

7. Coffee

Coffee contains high caffeine. This can trigger an increase in stomach acid and heartburn.

8. Bombay onions

The increase in stomach acid is not only caused by food or drinks that contain caffeine or soda. Onions can also increase stomach acid levels. This is due to the presence of fiber contained in onions.

9. Alcohol

Alcohol can trigger stomach acid to rise, especially wine and beer. Both types of drinks can increase stomach acid levels and injure the esophagus.

Hearburn Treatment and Prevention

When Sinaumed’s visits the doctor to check for heartburn , he will usually be advised to change his diet, certain diets, lifestyle, or be prescribed certain drugs. However, if you are not sure whether your hearburn is acute enough and injures other organs, several tests will usually be carried out.

Launching from the Hallosehat.com page, here are several types of tests carried out to see if there is damage to other organs.

1. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Gatrointestinal endoscopy is performed by inserting a small camera through the mouth. The goal is to see the state of the esophageal wall. This test will show the causes and complications of heartburn.

2. Esophageal manometry

An esophageal manometry test is performed to determine if the function of the esophagus is normal or not. This test will be done when the endoscope test does not show any complications. However, the patient still complained of pain.

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3. X-ray

X-ray images are used to see the esophagus and chest clearly.

4. Ambulatory Acid Probe

An ambulatory acid probe is performed to detect the time it takes for stomach acid to rise up to the esophagus.

Handling heartburn can use several types of drugs including the following.

  • Antacids to neutralize stomach acid quickly.
  • H2–receptor antagonists (H2RA) or H2 receptor antagonists can reduce the amount of stomach acid produced and relieve pain.
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or proton pump inhibitors such as lansoprazole and omeprazole.

Sinaumed’s can prevent heartburn through a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips for maintaining fitness and body health.

1. Maintain Weight

Controlling body weight so as not to be obese is one way to prevent heartburn. One of the ways is to run a diet that is safe and according to doctor’s recommendations.

2. Avoid Overeating

It’s better to eat small portions and often than to eat large portions once in a while.

3. Wear clothes that are not too tight

Shirts and pants that are too tight can put excess pressure on the stomach. This has the potential to cause stomach acid to rise and a burning feeling in the chest.

4. Sports

Exercise helps to control weight and maintain overall health.

5. Avoid Eating Before Bed

A stomach that is too full before going to bed can cause stomach acid to rise into the esophagus.

6. Changing the Meal Menu

Avoid fatty, spicy foods, soft drinks, coffee, chocolate, and so on.

7. Don’t lie down after eating

After eating do not lie down. At least wait until 3 hours after eating if you want to lie down. The digestive process will be disrupted if you lie down immediately after eating, let alone eat large portions.

8. Avoid Smoking and Alcoholic Beverages

Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages can trigger stomach acid to rise. Therefore, avoiding cigarettes and alcoholic beverages can suppress heartburn and maintain a healthy body.

Stomach Acid and Heartburn are Different

When the pit of the stomach hurts, it does not only indicate heartburn. This could indicate stomach acid or gastroesophageal reflux disease  (GERD). GERD itself is a condition that can cause pain in the pit of the stomach,  heartburn,  and various other symptoms in the lower chest and stomach area.

A person with GERD will experience mild acid reflux, at least twice a week. Meanwhile, they also have the potential to experience severe disturbances, at least once a week. Therefore, medication and/or lifestyle changes are needed to reduce the intensity of stomach acid.

In general, a person who experiences increased stomach acid is characterized by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, a burning or burning sensation in the chest and solar plexus. These symptoms will get worse when the patient bends over, after eating, or lying down.

Launching from the  Alodokter.com page. GERD symptoms do just that. Here are some other symptoms that can accompany GERD.

  • Respiratory problems, such as coughing and shortness of breath. People who have asthma will often relapse when GERD symptoms recur.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Sore throat.
  • Expulsion of stomach contents involuntarily.
  • Difficulty swallowing or feeling like you have a lump in your throat.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Bad breath.
  • Tooth decay due to frequent exposure to stomach acid.

GERD is often confused with a heart attack. This is because both of them cause a burning sensation in the chest and pain in the pit of the stomach. However, the two can still be distinguished.

A heart attack is characterized by heartburn or chest pain that is so severe that it radiates to the neck, arms or jaw, and appears after physical activity.

Meanwhile, GERD is characterized by heartburn accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth. It is not exacerbated by physical activity. It also doesn’t spread to the neck or arms, and it gets worse when you lie down.

Meanwhile, how to deal with stomach acid or GERD, as published on the  Alodokter.com  page as follows.

  • Lose weight, if you are overweight.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Elevates head while sleeping.
  • Do not lie down or sleep for at least 2 to 3 hours after eating.
  • Avoid foods or drinks that trigger acid reflux, spicy and fatty foods, chocolate, mint and coffee.
  • Don’t wear clothes that are too tight.