Get to Know Scout Number Codes, And Their Benefits in Life

Numerical code – Communication as one of the most important things in life.
Communication can also be done either directly or indirectly, also either confidentially or not,
and in writing or not in writing.
This also applies in the world of scouting. The
world of scouting itself knows a communication that uses a scout code.

Sandi in the world of scouting has been used as a learning medium for members of the alert group scouts,
raisers, enforcers, as well as pandega.
The use of the scout code itself must be adjusted to
the level of knowledge possessed by the scout group.
See a more complete explanation regarding
the use of numeric codes in the following Scouts:

Recognizing Numerical Passwords

Number ciphers are one of the most common ciphers in scouting basics. This is because the
number code is often tested and taught because this code is often taught and tested on scouts even from the
time the scouts are on standby.

Number passwords are also the most basic passwords because there are not a few passwords that are read
using numeric codes.
For example, kanji codes, flower codes, math and algebra codes, and
balloon codes, all of which use the principles and methods of working with number codes.

Therefore mastery of code numbers is considered very important for every scout member, both from student groups
such as raising scouts, enforcer scouts, standby scouts, Pandega scouts, to adult scout members, namely scout

Scout Code History

The emergence of the cipher itself began with the heroes who in ancient times often traveled by traveling
and moving from place to place.
For that they have to use a variety of secret communications
that are not known by the opponent.
They also created a code to trick their enemies.
In 3000 BC in the Babylonian Empire, cuneiform writing was found which became one of
the ancient writings in the form of nails and was written on clay.

To then send secret news between regions, they also shaved the heads of the slaves and then wrote the news
on their heads.
This hair is allowed to grow back before it is sent to its destination.
After arriving at the destination, the slave’s head hair will be shaved again to be able to find
out a secret message that will be conveyed.

This method was considered very effective by the leaders of his time because it could trick the enemy.
Julius Caesar who sent secret news using a skip code. The jump code itself is created
by writing letters of the alphabet in a line and then choosing a secret number between them.

How to read this code by placing your index finger on the letter A and then jumping 3 letters to the side,
the letter designated is the letter D. And so on.
At this time, communication itself is
considered very broad, so secrecy is needed in certain fields, both in the service and in the

This code is also used by scouts in the form of a scout code as a learning medium for scout members.

Benefits of Numerical Passwords

In terms, this password comes from Sanskrit which means secret or hiding. While in the Big
Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) password means code.
So, the scout code is writing in letters that
are often difficult to understand by lay people or those who have not studied it.

Even though this code is also known as the scout code, its use is not only in scouting, but is also widely
used in the military and police world for various specific purposes.
Therefore, learning the
number code is not without its benefits.
The following are some of the benefits that will be
obtained when learning code numbers.

As a Communication Media Between Team Groups

In a scouting activity, several groups of teams will be formed. Scout passwords that can be
used are also useful for carrying out secret communications between team members.
This is also
used so that the tricks of each team are not known by other teams.

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Improve Memory

Anga passwords can also help in increasing the memory of each scout member because they are then required to
memorize various types of passwords.

Increase Intelligence

Using code numbers will also increase intelligence because they are then required to think and read something
written using a password.

Suggestions for Learning to Solve Problems

Using a number code will then familiarize scout members in solving a problem. They will also
get used to thinking about reading a code to then solve problems and various challenges in everyday

Scouting Game Facilities

Scout codes are also generally used as a game in a scouting activity. Usually this password is
also used as a complement to an
outbound activity or wide games .
Here they will also be challenged by using various scout codes as a guide for their next

Various Types of Passwords in Scouting

Coordinate Code or Red and White

Coordinate passwords or often known as red and white passwords are one of the codes that are often used.
Its use itself by placing it in a table, RED is used for rows while WHITE is used for

You can also fill in the table with letters A to Z and you can read through the coordinates.
For example, the letter A is then written with PM, which means it is in row P and column M. You can
also use the word I, which will later be changed again with the codes HH, PM, IA, PM.

Napoleon cipher

Code Napoleon is a code taken from a French emperor, namely Napoleon Bonaparte. In its use, it
is often used to count the number of letters in each sentence.
Then divide by 3 with the same
number of parts.

Where the first line must be written from right to left while the second line is written from left to
For the third row, you are required to repeat the same pattern, namely from right to
left and continue to do so over and over at the next stage.

River Code

Another type of Scout code is the river code. This river code is also known as sand 5 by 8,
this is because the arrangement consists of 8 columns and 5 rows.
Each column and row itself
has a variation of letters which will be read in the opposite or opposite direction.
example, given the passcode OZO LOWOEO VOQPOQ BYHOS.
By listening to this passcode column, each
letter in this passcode will then be searched for from the replacement letter.
So the results
can then be read as THERE IS A DANGER DO NOT MISS.
This is also included in one of the Scout
codes which is easy to practice in Scouting activities.

Number Password or Password Number

A number or number code is a way of numbering each alphabet by using numbers. For example, by
using the number 1 as the letter A, and the number 2 as the letter B, and the number 3 as the letter C and
so on up to the letter Z.

Examples that can be applied include writing Scouts which are also written with a number code or by using a
number code as 16-18-1-13-21-11-1.

Clock Password

Another type of scout password that is often used is the hour code. For example, when using
the clock at 06.00 for letter A, and there is a difference in time used for every 5 minutes, then letter B
then uses 06.05 and so on.
You can also change the different time used according to your needs,
for example, every 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and so on.

Snail Password

One of the scout codes that is difficult to read is the snail code. However, this does not
mean that this password cannot be read by its members.
The way to read it yourself is by
spinning like a snail’s house.
For example, at the beginning of the letters in this cipher, a
certain sign will then be given and you can read it by predicting the direction of its movement.


One type of cipher that is widely used and quite familiar is the semaphore. Its use is to use
a flag that is moved using both hands.
There is also a step-by-step guide to using it for each
letter so you can just copy it later.
Of course you need time to memorize all the letters so
that then the position of the movement is not changed.

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Braille code

Usually, the braille code is also used by the blind and is very useful in shaping their daily life.
Braille letters can also be read using the touch of the hand because they are located at 6 raised
points that can be touched so that they can be read later.

Password Box

Another type of cipher is the password box. The code for this box itself is known using
Sanskrit which is confidential.
This means that the various codes contained in this code box
are then only known by each team when carrying out Scouting activities.

Usually this type of code is then used during camping activities, to be able to train each team in solving
various puzzles given in a game.

In this cipher, passwords are generally also denoted by straight lines, perpendicular lines and boxes with
various variations.
These dashes are generally also equipped with dots which when combined then
become the symbol of a particular letter of the alphabet.
So that when combined with other
cipher codes can form letters that can be read.

Morse code

Apart from that, you can also use several media in doing this Morse code, such as using a whistle, the light from
a flashlight, or writing in the form of lines and dots.

Code Helen Keller

The next type of code is the Helen Keller code, which is still almost the same as braille in its use.
The difference lies in this password which is usually used for the deaf and mute using a finger

Grass Password

Grass code as one of the derivatives of Morse code but looks like grass. The key is to use
short grass as point symbols and tall grass as line symbols.

Cipher Chemistry

Chemistry is also related to Morse codes, you know , but the symbols are similar to the letter
symbols in chemical formulas.
Terms of use where the dots are vowels, a, i, u, e, o, while
the consonants represent dashes.
For example, in the chemical code it is then written KOH +
OH + HH + OO and read as KAMI.

Books Related to Sandi and Scouts

Scout Skills Series: Sandi

In Scouting, ciphers are not just a complement to Scouting activities. Passwords can be used
for various activities that can improve life skills.
In addition, the abilities of Scout
members, from Siaga to Pandega, in creativity and communication can also be developed by practicing ciphers.
The Scout Skills Book: Passwords describes in detail the various types of codes used in scouting

In addition, this book also explains the steps for creating and using ciphers so that readers can easily
understand and practice them.
Equipped with attractive pictures and illustrations as well as
exercises that really help the application of passwords, the Scout Skills book: Passwords is a must-have
book for all Scout activity activists.

The Complete Official Guidebook of the Scout

General Scouting Knowledge, General Proficiency Mark (TKU), Special Proficiency Mark (TKK), Daily Clothing, Scout
Attributes, Scout Movement Identification Sign, Semaphore, Morse Code, Other Scout Codes, Camping Procedures,
Procedures for Making a Campfire, Procedures for Using a Compass, Terrain Orientation, Ribbon Maps, Marches,
First Aid in Accidents (P3K), Pioneering, and Glossary in the Scout Movement.

Complete Guide to the Scout Movement

Scout salute! Scouts are a very appropriate and important place for young people to learn and
be creative.
Its members generally grow to be dependable figures, having mastered various
important skills.
Therefore, how lucky we are if we follow the scout movement.

This book contains complete Scouting material that can be used by Scout members as a practical guidebook.
With this book, we can participate in Scouting activities even more smoothly.
Not only that, we
can also quickly master the skills taught.
Happy reading, and become a true scout that is
useful for the homeland and nation!

Complete Scout Guide

The Complete Scout Guidebook contains the Scout Honor Code, Scout Emblem, Scout Greetings, Organizational
Structure of the Scout Movement, Age Classification in the Scout Movement, Types of Work Units, Size of Front
Group Flags, Use of Standby Scout Signs/Attributes, Use of Scout Signs/Attributes , General Proficiency Signs,
Scout Proficiency, Marching Lines, Morse, Morse Letters, Punctuation Marks.

Service Marks, Motto With Whistle, Code Letters, Semaphores, Camping, Tents, Campfires, Compasses, Maps, Natural
Signs and Artificial Signs, Rigging, Statutes and Bylaws, Pancasila, Preamble to the 1945 Constitution,
Indonesian National Anthem Raya, and Scout Hymns.

This is a review of number codes and several other codes in Scouting.