Fibrous Roots: Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Examples of Fibrous Root Plants

Plants are part of living things and can affect an environment. The plant itself consists of several parts, such as stems, leaves, roots, and so on. The root is the part of the plant whose job is to maintain or support the plant so that it remains standing.

Talking about roots, it cannot be separated from the so-called fibrous roots. On this occasion, we will discuss more about fibrous roots. So, keep reading this article to the end, Sinaumed’s.

Definition of Fibrous Roots

Then what exactly is meant by fibrous roots? Fibrous roots can be said to be side roots which can come out from the base of the stem. In addition, these roots usually look like hair.

In addition, the roots of each plant are different. The different types of roots are influenced by many things, one of which depends on the type of plant itself.

This root cannot develop to function as a substitute for the taproot. The Latin name for the fibrous root is radix adventitia. Usually, this root is present in monocot plants or plants that have seeds with two pieces. For example bananas, bamboo, and many more.

Characteristics of Fibrous Roots

After discussing what is meant by fibrous roots, we identify with the characteristics of fibrous roots, namely:

  1. In general, plants with fibrous roots experience a condition where embryonic roots undergo a process of root regeneration faster than other types of roots.
  2. Fibrous roots generally have a thread-like shape with the smallest size, known as thread fibers.
  3. The shape resembles a fiber, so it is branched and this is in accordance with its name.
  4. Fibrous roots are smaller than taproots
  5. Not too deep into the ground.
  6. The growth is at the base of the stem.
  7. The size of the types of fibrous roots are almost all the same.
  8. The root system is not strong enough so that the plant collapses easily when blown by the wind.

Types of Fibrous Roots

Based on the shape of the fibrous roots, there are 3 types of fibrous roots. Here are the three types of fibrous roots.

1. Root thread

Thread roots are very small thread-like roots. This is in accordance with its name, for example, plants with roots of this type are the majority of grasses and rice alias Oryza sativa.

2. Mine root

Mine root is a root that resembles a rope, hard, stiff and quite large. An example of a mine root plant is coconut aka Cocos nucifera.

3. Large fibrous roots

Large fibrous roots are roots that are almost the size of an arm and generally do not form branches. An example of a plant is pandanus alias Pandanus tectorius.

Advantages of the Fibrous Root System

This fibrous root system turns out to have several advantages. Here are some advantages of using a fibrous root system, namely:

  1. The fibrous root model can help plants get lots of water and minerals from the soil.
  2. The fibrous root system is concentrated only a few centimeters (cm) at the soil surface. This actually helps the roots in preventing erosion because the root system will hold the top layer of soil in place.
  3. This fibrous root system is able to grow up to 100 miles. Therefore, these fibrous roots can find more water sources.

Examples of Fibrous Root Plants

For example, there are several types of fibrous roots based on the type of root. The following are examples of fibrous roots that you need to know:

  • Corn

Corn is a plant with fibrous roots, this is because corn is a monocot plant. Interestingly, corn does not only have one type of corn root, but there are three different types of roots, namely seminary roots, roots, adventitious roots and supporting roots.

  • Orchid

The next example of a plant is an orchid that has fibrous roots. Orchids are beautiful and expensive plants that also need fibrous roots to develop and grow. The fibrous roots of orchids are called succulents. The succulent form itself is a fibrous root that has a fleshy organ.

Understanding about plant tissue culture can be said to be quite fun. However, sometimes, some people don’t know about readings or books about plant tissue. To find out about plant tissue, you can find out in the Textbook of Plant Tissue Culture .

  • Potato

The potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an annual and bulbous herbaceous vegetable plant. How to reproduce potato plants through tubers. This plant can thrive in highland areas with a cold climate. The area has a height of about 1000 to 2000 meters above sea level.

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The cold air temperature is between 14-22 degrees Celsius. Rainfall required during the plant growth period is between 1000-1500 mm per year. Good soil conditions are loose soil that contains lots of nutrients. Will not develop and form tubers on hard and compact soil.

If potato plants are planted in the lowlands, with hotter air temperatures, potatoes will not grow tubers either. In potato cultivation, there are several techniques.

This type of plant has roots that are not only one type of root but there are two types of roots, namely fibrous roots and taproots. This causes the potato is a unique plant.

  • Coconut tree

Coconut or scientific language Cocos nucifera is the sole member of the Cocos genus of the aren-arenan tribe or Arecaceae. The definition of the word coconut (or coconut, in English) can refer to the whole coconut tree, seed or fruit, which is botanically a fruit tree, not a nut tree.

The term coconut is derived from the 16th century Portuguese and Spanish word coco meaning “head” or “skull” after the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial features. Almost all parts of this plant can be utilized by humans, so it is considered a multipurpose plant, especially for coastal communities.

In addition, coconut is also the name for the fruit produced in this plant. This plant has fibrous roots to absorb nutrients and to strengthen the plant so that it is strong. This plant has fibrous roots with a hard texture and forms a hump. This plant is fibrous for all types including trees and fruit.

  • Pawpaw

The next example of a plant that has fibrous roots is papaya. This plant is also unique because it has no stems and is woody. These plants reproduce depending on the fibrous roots. What humans can use from the papaya tree is its sweet fruit, papaya leaves and flowers for vegetables.

Well, the content of papaya is good for the body, so many people eat papaya. However, not a few also want to plant papaya fruit, but don’t know how. Don’t worry, through the book I Can Grow Papayas, this is perfect to serve as a guide for those of you who want to grow papayas.


  • Sugarcane / Saccharum Officinale

This part of the plant consists of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit and seeds which are interconnected. Sugar cane has the following characteristics:

  1. The root is a fibrous root that reaches 1 meter in length.
  2. The stem of this sugar cane is straight, there is a grayish white waxy layer.
  3. The leaves are incomplete and the veins are parallel, consisting only of the leaf blade and midrib.
  4. This sugarcane does not bear fruit, it’s just that the stem is taken for consumption because it tastes sweet.

Apparently, this sugar cane can be used as a business that is quite promising. For those of you who want to plant sugar cane and turn sugar cane into an agribusiness, then you can read the book Profit Exorbitant from Sugar Cane Agribusiness .

  • Rice / Oryza Sativa

Rice is the staple food of Indonesian people. Therefore, rice is highly developed in Indonesia. This plant is a seasonal plant once a year to be planted. Each part of the rice plant has its own function.

Rice is included in the grain family or Poaceae (Graminae). Rice is a unique plant because it does not only have fibrous roots but has many types of roots. In rice, the root of the plant has four parts, namely as follows:

  • Banana / Musa paradisiaca

Banana is a plant in the form of fruit where the fruit is often consumed because it is good for health. This banana plant usually grows in the tropics and has no wood.

When compared with other plants, banana plants have a structure that is quite unique and distinctive. This is what actually makes it easier for humans to identify plants that are categorized as banana plants.

If based on the morphological form, the banana plant can be divided into several parts, namely roots, stems, leaves, fruit, and flowers. The banana tree is a monocot plant, which has a fibrous root system or it can also be referred to as a rhizome root and does not have a taproot.

The root is centered on the hump and also the growth is not too deep. This is because the shallow growth makes bananas easy to collapse if growing on wet soil. The depth of the soil can be penetrated by banana roots which have a length of between 75 – 150 cm.

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This banana root is usually located on a flat ground surface and can grow up to 4-5 meters.

  • Salak / Salacca Edulis

Salak is a monocotyledon plant (single seed). Salak plants can also be called snake fruit and have a clumping nature. At the bottom of the soil, shoots will grow and the salak leaves themselves are long.

All parts of the leaf have sharp spines. The bark of the salak plant is not very long, but can grow up to 3 m or more. The crown of the leaves is large so that the stem cannot hold it because it is too heavy. The roots of the salak tree are only one type, namely fibrous roots.

In salak plants, the flowers consist of three types, namely mixed flowers, male flowers, and female flowers. Especially for mixed flowers, this is also known as a perfect flower because it can combine male and female flowers.

Male flowers are wrapped in a sheath (spandex) with long stalks. In salak plantations, male flowers are often sold in the market as a source of males. Meanwhile, the female flowers are covered with a short stalk. This seludang usually comes from when the salak tree.

Planting salak fruit is arguably not a loss, because many people like salak fruit. So, if you want to be successful in owning a salak garden, then you can read the Guide to Success in Local and Imported Salak Gardening. 


  • Pinang / Areca Catechu

Areca nut is a solitary plant that grows individually. The stem is straight and reaches a height of 20-30 meters, with a diameter of 25-30 cm. The stem has leaf marks or clear nodes with a distance of about 15-20 cm per segment, but the size depends on the variety. When viewed from the type of root, areca nut is a monocot plant.

  • Grass / Poa Annua

The stalks of sedge grass can grow upright, and have a triangular shape, small hollow and slightly soft. The height of the grass is around 10-30 cm and the cross section is 1-2 mm. The grass forms tubers at the base of the stem and forms long rhizomes which can form new shoots.

The roots of sedge grass can be said to have a fiber system. This is because many of the sedge roots are branched like having fine hairs.

Meanwhile, sedge grass leaves have a line leaf texture, smooth, hairless. It has a dark green upper surface and a light green lower surface. In addition, it has a longitudinal ditch in the middle, the tip is slightly pointed, shorter than the stem that carries flowers, the width ranges from 2-6 mm.

Parts Of Plants

Parts of a plant are not only roots, but also stems, leaves, flowers and fruit. The parts of plants that are used by humans vary, some use the roots, some stems, some leaves, some flowers, some fruit, but some can even be used by all components of the plant.

So what are the parts of the plant? Here are some parts of the plant you need to know.

1. Roots

Roots are one of the important organs in plants that have various functions and structures, for example to absorb water, look for nutrients, store food and distribute food to all parts of the plant. The plant root itself consists of several different tissues. Usually, roots develop below the surface of the soil. Even so, there are also some plants whose roots can grow in the air.

2. Stem

The stem can be regarded as one of the most important parts of the plant. This is because the stem has a function to support other plant parts.

3. Leaves

Leaves are organs of plants that have quite important organs because they function for the process of photosynthesis.

4. Flowers

The flower is the part of the plant that has a function as a means of reproduction.

5. Fruit

The fruit is the part of the plant that functions to disperse plant seeds.

Thus the discussion of fibrous roots, starting from the definition to examples of fibrous root plants. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for you, Sinaumed’s. If you want to find books about roots or plants, then you can get them at .

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Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine


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