Examples of Non-Biological Natural Resources & Differences in Biological Natural Resources

Examples of Non-living Natural Resources– Natural resources, or abbreviated SDA, are everything that is produced by nature and can be used by humans to meet their needs. Based on the type, natural resources are divided into two, namely biological or biotic natural resources and non-biological or abiotic natural resources. Biological natural resources or biotic natural resources are everything produced by living things, such as plants and animals. Meanwhile, non-biological natural resources or abiotic natural resources are the opposite of living natural resources. If living natural resources are produced from living things, non-living natural resources are not produced from living things. Biological natural resources are produced from natural processes in life, without any elements of renewal or preservation. Here are the types, for example,

The following is a book on natural resource law in Indonesia which regulates how natural resources are used and utilized in Indonesia.


Differences between Biological Natural Resources and Non-Biological Natural Resources

The definition of biological natural resources is a natural resource originating from living things (biotic). While non-living natural resources are natural resources from non-living things (abiotic)

Types and Examples of Non-Biological Natural Resources

Non-biological natural resources can be in the form of fossil resources, soil resources, water resources, mineral resources, solar resources, and wind resources.

1. Fossil Resources

Fossil resources, also known as fossil fuels, are natural resources that contain hydrocarbons. These natural resources are produced by fossilized animals, plants, marine micro-organisms, and other organisms that died millions of years ago. These fossils produce natural resources in the form of coal, natural gas, and petroleum.

A more in-depth discussion of fossils and how fossils form on earth to become natural resources through the book Why? Fossils with various interesting illustrations that can help Sinaumed’s understand the existing information.

1) Coal

Coal is the world’s largest fossil resource, which is more than petroleum. Coal is used to generate electricity, which is the main source of energy for human life. The coal processing process can pollute the soil, water and air because it is done by clearing forests for mining. Coal is the dirtiest fuel because it produces a lot of black carbon particles. These particles can interfere with breathing if inhaled by humans.

The following is a book on coal utilization technology in Indonesia.

2) Petroleum

Petroleum is the raw material for making gasoline, diesel, kerosene, asphalt, wax and aviation fuel. Petroleum is a fuel that is widely used by humans. Types of petroleum can be divided into two, namely light crude oil and heavy crude oil . Light crude oil or petroleum is crude oil that contains hydrocarbon, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur compounds. This oil is removed from the earth through the drilling process. After drilling, oil is pumped up and flows through pipes. Meanwhile, heavy crude oilis oil mixed with water and contains a lot of sulfur. This oil is contained in rocks or oil sands. The oil extraction process is carried out by digging the soil and sand using heavy equipment. Oil management is done by mixing rock and oil sands with hot water and steam. After that, the bitumen contained in the rocks and oil sands is converted into crude oil and then processed in oil refineries. Crude oil can be used as vehicle fuel, raw material for oil stoves, and materials for making asphalt roads.

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3) Natural Gas

Natural gas or natural gas is a gas that is formed from ethane, butane, methane and propane. Besides being formed slowly on the surface of the earth, natural gas can also be formed from the management of natural gas. Natural gas is released through the drilling process to form a well which is then given a pipe to drain the gas. The pipes used to transport gas are hundreds of kilometers long. Natural gas will be processed into LPG ( liquefied petroleum gas ) and LNG ( liquefied natural gas ). The two gases are used to light the stove or heater.

2. Soil Resources

Soil is one part that makes up the earth’s surface. Soil is a non-biological natural resource that is widely used to meet the needs of human life. Some of the benefits of land, namely as a source of biodiversity, as a support for agricultural and plantation production, as a place of activity for living things, as building materials, as well as water absorption and a provider of clean water.

Soil is produced from the weathering of rocks assisted by various organisms. Soil contains organic matter, gases, minerals, air, water, and a wide variety of organisms. The quality or level of soil fertility will greatly affect the development of plants. Soil types can be divided into three, namely clay , silt , and sand .

1) Clay (Clay)

Clay soil is soil produced from a combination of clay, sandy soil and silt. This type of soil is suitable for use as plantation land. Soil, which consists of fine particles, has a sticky texture and does not contain much organic matter. However, compared to other types of soil, this soil has more nutrients because it retains moisture well.

2) Soil Mud (silt)

Mud soils have medium-sized particles. These particles are much smaller than sandy soils, but larger than clay soils. Mud soil Mud is also quite good at holding water. This type of soil is commonly used for agricultural land, to increase soil fertility.

3) Sandy soil (sand)

Sandy soils consist of small particles of weathered rock. The content of nutrients or nutrients in this soil is very low so it is not suitable for growing plants. This type of soil also has poor water holding capacity, making it difficult for plant roots to absorb water which can cause plants to die. However, this sandy soil also has its advantages, which are good for drainage systems.

3. Water Resources

Water is the main requirement that supports the survival of every living thing. The need for water continues to increase along with the development of human life.

Water is used in almost every human activity, such as household activities, industrial activities, and agricultural activities. In household activities, water is used for cooking, washing, and bathing. With the importance of this one natural resource, its management becomes a matter of great concern, as is discussed in the Water Resources Management Reform book.

In industrial activities, water can be used as a base material or supporting material in the manufacture of a product. In agricultural activities, water is used to water or irrigate rice fields. In addition, water is also used to generate electricity as an alternative to petroleum.

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The energy produced by water also tends to be non-polluting so it can reduce environmental pollution. Apart from the many excess water, water can also cause problems. Too much or too much water can cause floods and too little or too little water can cause droughts. To avoid this, various efforts need to be made to maintain water balance. Some efforts that can be done, namely reforestation, greening urban areas, and making infiltration wells.

4. Mineral Resources

Mineral resources are resources resulting from the mining process. Mineral resources have various benefits for human life, such as raw materials for jewelry, raw materials for making household appliances, and raw materials for making machines. Mineral resources have high economic value. However, due to the limited number, the utilization of mineral resources must be carried out efficiently.

Mineral resources are grouped into two, namely metallic minerals and non-metallic minerals.

1) Metal Mineral Resources

a. Base Metal

The base metals consist of zinc, copper, tin, lead, and mercury.

b. Precious metal

Precious metals consist of platinum, silver and gold.

c. Ferrous Metal and Iron Guide

Ferrous metals and ferrous metals consist of iron, manganese, tungsten, vanadium, titan, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, and chromite.

d. Light Metals and Rare Metals

Light metals and rare metals consist of aluminum, uranium, indium, beryllium, magnesium, cadmium, bauxite, gallium, tantalum-nibium, ytrium, zirconium, thorium, lithium and rare earth metals.

2) Non-metal Mineral Resources

a. Building material

Building materials consist of marble, andesite, ashtray, tras, dacite, granite, basalt, diabase, diorite, granodiorite, peridotite, sirtu, and gabbro peridotite.

b. Industrial Minerals

Industrial minerals consist of potassium rock, zircon, limestone, sulfur, bentonite, quartzite, diatomea, dolomite, pumice, phosphate, gypsum, calcite, gypsum, calcite, ocher, quartz sand, serpentine, talc, travertine, barite, ultramafic, iodine, zeolite , and quartz.

c. Ceramic Material

Ceramic materials consist of toseki, feldspar, perlite, ball/bond clay, kaolin, clay trachith, obsidian, pyrophyllite, and magnesite.

d. Precious Stone Materials and Decorative Stones

Precious and decorative stone materials consist of amethysts, diamonds, opals, jasper, gemstones, coral, chalcedony, onyx, topaz, chert, garnet and prehnit.

5. Solar Power

The sun is the center of the solar system which is the main source of energy for life on earth. The sun produces two types of energy, namely light energy and heat energy. Both of these energies can be utilized to support the survival of living things. For plants, solar resources are useful in photosynthesis. For humans, solar resources can be used to produce electrical energy. Electrical energy produced by solar resources has the smallest negative impact compared to the use of other energy sources. The use of solar electricity does not produce greenhouse gases and can prevent environmental pollution.

Here is a book about solar power generation systems.

6. Wind Resources

Wind is a resource that moves air. The function of the wind as an air mover has various benefits for human life. Wind is currently widely used as a source of electrical energy. Wind can produce a source of electrical energy using turbines which are generally placed on a plateau with a height of more than 30 meters. Sources of electrical energy produced from wind are more environmentally friendly because they are generally cleaner than residues produced by other fuels. In addition, the wind also has many other benefits, including moving clouds, making the air temperature cooler, helping pollinate plants, helping to move fishing boats, driving grain grinding machines, driving irrigation pumps, and others.