Examples and Benefits of Biodiversity

Benefits of Biodiversity – Surely you already know that the planet Earth we live in today has a lot of living things, such as humans, animals, plants, fungi, and many more. Every living thing has its own habitat, size and needs. Therefore, every living thing will form an ecosystem.

The diversity of living things in an ecosystem is known as biodiversity. Biodiversity on earth serves as a measure of the health of an ecosystem. Healthy ecosystems make biodiversity healthy too.

Sinaumed’s, do you know what biodiversity is? What are you waiting for, let’s look at the explanation of biodiversity below.

Definition of Biodiversity

It is no stranger to the fact that in this world there are no individuals who have exactly the same characteristics. Therefore, every characteristic of living things indicates that there is still biodiversity in that area. The existence of biodiversity in an area is very beneficial for human survival.

To know more about biodiversity, we need to know the meaning of biodiversity. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), biodiversity has a meaning, namely the entire diversity of creatures shown in an area starting from the diversity of genetics, species and ecosystems.

Meanwhile, based on Law Number 5 of 1994, biodiversity is diversity among living things from all sources, including land, sea, and other aquatic (water) ecosystems, as well as ecological complexes that are part of their diversity, including diversity within species, between species and ecosystems.

If interpreted in a general way, biodiversity is a term that is usually used to describe all living things that make up an ecosystem in a certain area. In essence, biodiversity can be said as all kinds of differences that exist in every living thing on planet earth.

Biodiversity can be said as another term for biodiversity. In English, biodiversity is taken from the word biodiversity . This biodiversity can be a benchmark of the health of the earth. In other words, less biodiversity in an area indicates that the health in that part of the region is very poor. Poor health can occur due to natural factors, human factors.

Who coined the term biodiversity? The term biodiversity was first coined by Raymond F in 1968. Dasmann. He is a wildlife scientist and environmentalist. However, it was not until 1980 that scientists agreed to use the term “biodiversity”.

Biodiversity parents should introduce biodiversity to their children from an early age. Parents can teach and introduce biodiversity through a book that is easy to understand, such as the book I Want to Know Science 19 – Biodiversity.

This book is perfect for parents because the material is very easy to understand so parents can easily explain what biodiversity is. In addition, this book also provides examples of biodiversity. Sinaumed’s, buying this book is very easy, just click the “buy a book” button, the book will arrive at its destination.

Examples of Biodiversity Based on Levels

Biodiversity is divided into levels, namely the gene level, the species level, and the ecosystem level. See an explanation of the levels of biodiversity below.

1. Examples of Genetic or Genetic Level Biodiversity

Biodiversity at the gene or genetic level can occur in every living thing, especially humans. Every gene that exists on planet earth is owned by only one living thing or one individual. Genes are chromosomes in the bodies of living things that can form a characteristic or characteristic of living things.

The genes that exist in every living thing in the world certainly have different characteristics. Usually the gene comes from parents passed on to their children. Therefore, no individual has the same genes. Even if one individual with another individual has the same genes, the composition of these genes is not the same.

Why does gene diversity occur? Gene diversity is caused by the existence of marriages that occur between two living things of the same type. Both parents or parents will produce a different gene arrangement from one living thing to another living thing. Therefore, genetic diversity is created.

Gene diversity can occur naturally or artificially. Gene diversity that occurs naturally is caused by living things adapting to their environment. Meanwhile, the diversity of genes that occur artificially is due to cross-breeding or hybridization.

Basically, genes or genetics will be able to adapt to their environment so that these living things can survive. In addition, living things will have different characteristics or characteristics of living things. For more details, the article will provide an overview in the form of two individuals who live in different environments and have the same gene section which can produce different characteristics and traits. Likewise, two individuals who live in the same environment and have different parts of their genes may produce the same traits or traits.

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Thus gene diversity can produce new variations between individuals. There are so many gene sequences in living things that no individual has exactly the same gene arrangement. In fact, the genes that twins have are not the same. In short, genes can form a biodiversity.

At the gene level of biodiversity, there are several examples that you can find out.

1. On Plants

a. Rice ( Oryza Sativa )

In this rice gene there are several varieties, such as ciherang rice, rojolele rice, ciliwung rice, and others. When viewed from the rice side, rice varieties have different tastes, shapes and textures of rice.

b. Mango ( Mangifera Indica

In the mango gene there are several varieties, such as Indramayu mango, Manalagi mango, Arumanis mango, and others. In terms of fruit, mango varieties have different tastes and shapes.

c. Durian ( Durio Zibethinus )

In the durian gene, there are several varieties, such as Petruk durian, Monthong durian, Bawor durian, and others. If we look at it from the side of the fruit, durian fruit varieties have their own taste and shape.

2. In Animals

a. Cat ( Felis Catus )

Cats have several types, namely Persian cats, Angora cats, Savannah cats, Siberian cats, and many more.

b. Chicken ( Gallus Gallus Domesticus )

There are several types of chicken genes, such as bangkok chicken, kate chicken, free-range chicken, cemani chicken, and others.

c. Dog ( Canis Familiaris )

There are many types of dogs, namely bulldogs, Siberian huskies, poodles, greyhounds, and many more.

3. In Humans

We can see the diversity in humans through body size, eye color, skin color, and hair shape. Body size in the form of large, medium, and small owned by a person. Eye skin color usually has three colors, namely blue, black, and brown. Humans generally have tan, black, white, and yellow skin tones. Hair in humans is usually shaped curly, straight, and curly.

2. Examples of Biodiversity at the Type or Species Level

Diversity of species or species can be said to be the diversity of populations of living things that occur in a particular area or ecosystem. The existence of biodiversity at the type or species level indicates that a living thing is still in the same family.

Diversity at the type or species level will be easy to understand when compared to diversity at the gene level. In general, biodiversity at the type or species level is often used to show that there are various kinds of living things that can be separated into animals, plants and microbes.

There are many species of creatures on earth, but do you know the origin of species? You can find out through books about species which are very easy to understand. The book is called On The Origin of Species and was written by Michael Keller.

By reading this book, you will know the origin of the species on earth. In addition, this book will provide an explanation whether humans are descended from apes or not. Sinaumed’s, what are you waiting for, buy this book immediately by clicking the “buy book” button.

Examples of Species or Species Level Biodiversity

1. On Plants

a. Eggplants 

In the eggplant family (Solanaceae) there is species-level biodiversity, such as chili plants, leunca plants, watermelon plants, tomato plants, and the like. Although these plants are still in the same family, they differ in taste, texture and shape.

b. Ginger

In the ginger family ( Zingiberaceae ) there is species-level biodiversity, such as turmeric plants, ginger plants, kencur plants, galangal plants, temulawak plants, and the like. Plants belonging to this family are usually used as natural immune boosters.

2. In Animals

a. Cat

In the cat and mouse family ( Felidae ) there is species-level biodiversity, such as cats, tigers, cheetahs and lions. Animals that belong to the Felidae family have different body shapes, but physiologically these animals have many similarities.

3. Examples of Ecosystem Level Biodiversity

The formation of an ecosystem in an area occurs because there are groups of living things that adapt to their environment to survive. Every group of living things in an ecosystem will influence each other. In addition, living things with the abiotic environment will influence each other as well. The abiotic environment in question, such as temperature, water, light, soil, humidity, sun, and minerals.

There are two types of ecosystems on planet Earth, namely natural ecosystems and artificial ecosystems. Natural ecosystems are ecosystems that occur due to natural factors. Natural ecosystems themselves include forest ecosystems, swamp ecosystems, marine ecosystems, desert ecosystems, coral reef ecosystems, and the like.

Meanwhile, artificial ecosystems are ecosystems created or created by humans. Artificial ecosystems include paddy field ecosystems, garden ecosystems, and field ecosystems. The thing that needs to be underlined in artificial ecosystems is the diversity of species in artificial ecosystems is less when compared to natural ecosystems.

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Basically, in the living environment there is a component that can maintain the stability of the environment. These components are divided into two types, namely biotic components and abiotic components.

The biotic component is a component consisting of various kinds of living things, such as living things with one cell (unicellular) to components of living things with many cells (multicellular). We can see many celled living things directly. While the abiotic component is a component consisting of non-living things, such as physical factors and chemical factors. Physical factors include light, rocks, water, climate, humidity, and soil. Meanwhile, chemical factors include salt content (salinity), mineral content, and acidity level. Thus, the biotic and abiotic components can be regarded as very diverse components.

In an ecosystem, biotic components must interact with each other. In addition, the biotic and abiotic components must interact with each other as well. If the biotic components and abiotic components do not interact with each other, the organisms in an ecosystem cannot grow. Differences in biotic and abiotic components give rise to different ecosystems.

Examples of Ecosystem Level Biodiversity

1. Tropical Rain Ecosystem

Tropical rain ecosystems are an example of the highest level of ecosystem biodiversity because there are so many flora and fauna that live in tropical rain forests. The abundance of flora and fauna in tropical rainforests is due to high rainfall. Tropical rain forests are located in areas that have a tropical climate.

2. Grasslands Ecosystem

As the name suggests, the ecosystem on grass has a lot of grass. The large amount of grass that grows in this ecosystem makes plant-eating mammals come to the grasslands to find food. However, on the other hand, the presence of herbivorous animals invites carnivorous animals. Usually prairie ecosystems are in dry climates.

3. Desert Ecosystem

Desert ecosystems are usually known as desert ecosystems. The temperature in this ecosystem is very high or hot and the wind conditions are very strong. Therefore, the biodiversity in desert ecosystems is very small. Plants that can survive in this ecosystem are usually thorny plants, such as cacti. While the animals that live in this ecosystem are usually reptiles and small mammals.

4. Marine Ecosystems

In marine ecosystems, the saltiness of seawater is very high so that seawater tastes salty. The average salt content of seawater is around 35 ppm ( parts per million ). In the equatorial region, the salt content is lower than the equatorial region.

Sinaumed’s, want to know more about marine ecosystems? You don’t need to be confused because there are books about seawater ecosystems that are easy to understand. The book is entitled Bioecology of Marine and Estuary Ecosystems .

In this book, you can get a lot of information about marine ecosystems and estuary ecosystems. More interestingly, this book also provides information about marine biota and estuarine biota that interact and adapt to each other in these two ecosystems. Sinaumed’s, you can buy the book by simply clicking the “buy a book” button.

Biodiversity Benefits

It is undeniable that the biodiversity on earth provides many benefits. For more details, the benefits are divided into four.

1. Ecology Field

The benefits of biodiversity in the ecological field are the lungs of the world and maintaining climate stability. The world’s lungs can be interpreted as a source of oxygen on earth where this source of oxygen is needed by all living things.

2. Food and Clothing Sector

It is no stranger to human flora and fauna to meet their needs. As we know animal protein comes from animals that are on land or in the waters. While the main material for making clothes comes from plants.

3. Science and Technology

Many scientists have researched the flora and fauna on earth. Therefore, biodiversity is very beneficial for the development of science and technology.

4. Pharmaceutical Sector

Biodiversity can be used for medicinal ingredients. Even the science of plants that can be used as medicine has been around for a long time. In addition, the animals that exist on earth can be used as ingredients for making medicine as well.

Biodiversity Preservation

We must protect the biodiversity on earth so that it does not become extinct. Check out the ways to preserve biodiversity as follows.

On Plants

1. Carry out Pest Control

2. Carry out reforestation or grow new plants

3. Logging old trees

4. Preventing forest fires

5. Protecting forest ecosystems

In Animals

1. Build an animal shelter

2. Recognize the characters in each animal

3. Do not destroy animal habitat

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There is so much biodiversity on earth that so many ecosystems are formed. Therefore, to make it easier, the ecosystem is divided into three levels, namely the gene level, the species level, and the ecosystem level. We must protect biodiversity so that the extinction of flora and fauna does not occur. Extinction of flora and fauna will damage an ecosystem.