Example of the Implementation of the 2nd Pancasila Precepts

Example of the Implementation of the 2nd Pancasila Precepts – We all know that Pancasila is the foundation of the Indonesian state. Therefore, all of our lives, be it in the fields of education, economy, to religion, must be carried out by applying the precepts contained in the Pancasila.

Pancasila consists of five precepts, each of which contains the philosophy of life as a nation and state that was initiated by Indonesian warriors. Does Sinaumed’s still remember the five precepts?

Pancasila is not only the foundation of the state, but must also be understood and practiced in daily life, especially the 2nd precept. The 2nd precept reads “Just and Civilized Humanity” .

What does the sound of the second precept mean? What are examples of its application in everyday life?

Let’s look at the following review so that Sinaumed’s understands the Pancasila precepts better!

About the Second Precepts of Pancasila

The second precept of Pancasila reads about “Just and Civilized Humanity” . What do you mean?

The point is that every individual in this country of Indonesia has human rights that cannot be contested by other parties. Therefore, as the nation of Indonesia, we must recognize and treat other human beings according to their dignity and worth as creatures of God Almighty.

The word “recognize” means respecting and respecting the degrees of other people as well as the equal rights and basic obligations of every human being without discriminating against ethnicity, descent, religion, belief, gender, social position, skin color, and other different things that belong to by everyone.

Apart from that, the second precept of Pancasila also means that every human being must be aware of his attitudes and actions towards others in everyday life. So, we are not allowed to behave arbitrarily towards other people even though that person has a lower social position than us.

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The Meaning of the Symbol in the Second Precept of Pancasila

The second precept of Pancasila reads about “Just and Civilized Humanity” with the symbol in the form of a Gold Chain. What does the gold chain symbol mean?

The chain in the Pancasila symbol consists of links that have a rectangular shape and circles that are interconnected to form a circle. The rectangular links mean men, while the circular links mean women.

The links are interrelated to symbolize that every human being, both male and female, will need one another and must unite so that they can become strong like a chain.

Elaboration of the Second Precepts in the Law

The second precept which reads “Just and Civilized Humanity” is also regulated in the Constitution, especially in Law No. 23 of 1997, among other things,

  • Article 5 paragraph 1 which states that everyone has the same right to a good and healthy environment.
  • Article 6 paragraph 1 which states that everyone is obliged to maintain the preservation of environmental functions and prevent pollution and damage thereto.
  • Article 7 paragraph 1 which states that the community has the same and widest opportunity to play a role in environmental management.

Apart from that, this second precept is also spelled out in the Law, especially article 28J regarding Human Rights, which reads:

“(1) Everyone is obliged to respect the human rights of others in the orderly life of society, nation and state.”

“(2) In exercising his rights and liberties, each person is obliged to comply with the restrictions determined by law with the sole purpose of guaranteeing the recognition and respect for the rights and liberties of others and to fulfill just demands in accordance with moral considerations, values -religious values, security and public order in a democratic society.”

Example of the Application of the Second Precepts of Pancasila in Life

How about the application of the second precept of Pancasila in human daily life? Let’s look at the following description!

  • Treating other individuals according to their nature and dignity as creatures of God Almighty
  • Appreciate the differences of religion with other people
  • Against human trafficking
  • Does not discriminate between friends who have different ethnicities and races
  • Don’t hurt a friend’s feelings
  • Respect other people’s opinions when negotiating
  • Pay attention to the teacher when he is explaining the subject matter
  • Develop an attitude of helping each other to people who are in need of help
  • Develop a mutual cooperation attitude
  • Recognizing that Indonesian society is pluralistic in nature, consisting of various ethnicities, races and religions.
  • Not bullying someone who is weaker
  • Participate in social service events
  • Provide assistance to orphanages
  • Do not cover up the existence of a crime
  • Imitating the attitude of the heroes who fought for Indonesian independence
  • Be proud of the achievements of Indonesian athletes
  • Participate in international activities, for example student exchange
  • Dare to defend truth and justice
  • Love one another human
  • Do not make malicious comments on other people’s social media posts
  • Perform account reporting actions if there is fraudulent information on social media.
  • Appreciate the fun and hobbies of others
  • Participating in gotong royong events in the village or housing complex around it
  • Carry out daily pickets at school
  • Cooperate with other nations as a form of mutual respect
  • As a doctor, you must treat patients as best you can without discriminating against their social status
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Well, that’s an example of the application, the meaning of the symbol, and the elaboration in the Law of the second precept of Pancasila. As the younger generation, let’s practice this second precept in our daily lives! If not us, then who else…

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