Dimensions of Pancasila as an Open Ideology

Dimensions of Pancasila in Pancasila as an Open Ideology – Pancasila is the form of the ideology of the Indonesian nation and state. Pancasila is realized not only from the contemplation of a person or group of people, but Pancasila is manifested from cultural values, customs and also religious values ​​that are present in the life of Indonesian society.

Therefore, the ideology of a country determines the person of a nation or country. The ideology of a country is used as a guide and a source of enthusiasm to guide a nation in its development. The ideology of a country must be dynamic and reformative in order to adapt to changes in that country.

An open state ideology is a necessity in today’s modern world which has very fast and dynamic changes. Pancasila as an open ideology is needed to answer the needs of the times. To understand further what Pancasila is as an open ideology, see the article below.

Understanding the Dimensions of Pancasila as an Open Ideology

Ideology is a term from the Greek. Ideology consists of two words, namely idea and logos. Idea means seeing and logos means theory or knowledge. In language, ideology is the result of invention or thought in the form of knowledge about ideas.

According to Karl Marx, ideology is a way of life that is developed by following the interests of certain groups in social politics. According to Carl J. Friedrich, ideology is a system of thought related to an action. Meanwhile, according to CC Rodee, ideology is an idea related to values ​​and logically gives legitimacy to political institutions.

Ideology is grouped into two types, namely open ideology and closed ideology. Closed ideology is a view of life that is absolute. Closed ideology is a philosophy that determines goals and social political norms that must be accepted as an understanding and must also be obeyed. A closed ideology is not an ideal that exists in the life of the people of that country.

Closed ideology is the ideals of a group that is used as a guide to change society in that country. In a country that has a closed ideology, the values ​​and norms that already exist in people’s lives will be changed according to the ideology of the group that controls the country. Closed ideology is totalitarian, this means closed ideology governs all areas of state life.

A country that adheres to a closed ideology will negate views and culture and also set aside human rights. A country with a closed ideology demands its people to always be loyal to that ideology. Some countries that adhere to a closed ideology are North Korea, China, Cuba, Russia and Saudi Arabia.

While open ideology is an ideology that has values ​​and ideals that are not absolute and not forced. An open ideology is formed based on the rich culture and values ​​of the people of the country itself. Open ideology is dynamic, so it can easily interact with the times. Open ideology is not based on the thinking of a group only.

Open ideology is not created by the state, but is found in the values ​​that exist in society. These values ​​belong to the people of that country. People in countries with open ideologies can explore the philosophy of that ideology again. A country with an open ideology will not gain freedom in people’s lives, but this ideology will become an inspiration or guide to be responsible in society.

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Open ideology really appreciates the diversity that exists in society, so that all levels of society can accept this ideology. Countries that adhere to an open ideology are Indonesia, South Korea, France, the United States and the Philippines.

In the book Pancasila World Ideology: Synthesis of Capitalism, Socialism below, it is discussed how Pancasila as a product of the creative synthesis of its formulators will be able to become a solution in the midst of the crisis that has hit world political ideology today.

Characteristics of Open Ideology

Indonesia, which is a country that applies an open ideology, also has these characteristics. The characteristics of open ideology are as follows.

1. Sourced from the Community or the People

This open ideology comes from a society in which there are several groups. Therefore, there will be various kinds of opinions. Even so, every opinion or idea will create an open state ideology, so that the social system and relations between community members can run optimally.

2. There is Freedom of Opinion

The next characteristic of an open ideology is freedom of expression. In this case, freedom of opinion can be interpreted as being free to express anything, including criticizing something that is not good. However, even though you are free to express your opinion, you should not insult other people when expressing your opinion. In other words, must still pay attention to the norms that apply in society.

3. It is dynamic in nature

Open ideology has the characteristic of being dynamic, this is in line with its name which is open to various developments of the times. By accepting the development of the times, people’s thinking can also be open, so that mutual respect even though different views or opinions can emerge.

4. Same with Community Culture

Indonesia is well known by many people that it has various kinds of culture because its people are spread across many islands. With the open ideology of Pancasila, diversity in Indonesia can unify the Indonesian nation, so that one unit can grow well. That way, the risk of conflict due to cultural diversity can be reduced.

5. Open Government System

In an open ideology, the government system must also be open. In this case, an open government system can be interpreted as transparency in making public policies. With this transparency, the public can monitor every policy or can even criticize the policies that have been made.

6. Uphold Human Rights (HAM)

In an open ideology, Human Rights (HAM) are highly respected, so that equality between citizens can be maintained properly. In addition, by upholding human rights, the security and peace of citizens can be protected to the maximum. That way, citizens can also carry out an open ideology that has been adopted by a country.

7. Support Diversity

The level of solidarity in an open ideology is quite high because fellow citizens support diversity. Thanks to the presence of solidarity behavior, the relationship of unity and oneness can grow optimally and the community can live a peaceful life.

8. Have a Fair Legal System

The eighth feature of an open ideology is a fair legal system. In other words, the law is not selective or no citizen is immune to the law.

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The Dimensional Value of Pancasila as an Open Ideology

Pancasila as an open ideology is dynamic, reformative, not rigid and not closed. This means that Pancasila is able to adapt to the times, technology, science that develops in people’s lives. The open ideology in Pancasila does not mean that existing values ​​can be changed, but that existing insights can be made more concrete.

That is why an ideology can solve problems that are always developing in accordance with the guidelines and ideals that are believed. There are values ​​contained in Pancasila ideology as an open ideology as follows:

1. Basic Values

The basic values ​​in question are the basic values ​​that exist in ideology do not change. These values ​​are divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and justice. These values ​​are the core of the Pancasila precepts. Pancasila, which has universal characteristics, contains good and true ideals. The basic values ​​of Pancasila ideology are contained in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution. The preamble to the 1945 Constitution is the basic norm which is the highest law as a source of Indonesian state law.

2. Instrumental Value

Instrumental value is a direction, policy, goals and implementing institutions. Instrumental values ​​in Pancasila ideology are more than the elaboration of basic values. The translation of Pancasila values ​​is included in the 1945 Constitution, MPR Decrees and statutory regulations. This elaboration is an adjustment in the implementation of Pancasila ideology. For example, the GBHN is always adjusted every five years. So are the aspirations of the people, laws and implementing agencies.

3. The Value of Praxis

The value of praxis is a form of realization of instrumental values ​​in the life of society and the state. In the realization of this praxis value, the elaboration of Pancasila values ​​will always develop and can be made for changes and even improvements in accordance with the development of science and technology that grows in society.

As a national person, Pancasila reflects the mentality and behavior of the nation’s children as well as Indonesian leaders and statesmen. This book Understanding and Interpreting Pancasila as the Ideology and Basis of the State explains how to understand and reinterpret the dimensions of Pancasila as the ideology and basis of the state.

Dimensions of Pancasila as an Open Ideology

1. The idealistic dimension of Pancasila

The dimension of ideality means that in Pancasila there are basic values ​​as a way of life and ideals. These ideals are realized to achieve a better future for the country. The basic values ​​of Pancasila dimensions are systematic, comprehensive and also rational. The basic values ​​contained in Pancasila are divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and justice.

The idealism that exists in the Pancasila dimension can provide hope, enthusiasm and motivation for the community so that they can realize shared ideals. The idealistic Pancasila dimension makes the ideology of a nation strong and resilient in its role as a form of state.

2. The Normative Pancasila Dimension

The normative dimension means that the basic values ​​in Pancasila are taught in norms which are the norms of the state. Pancasila is in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, this is the highest rule of law in Indonesia. Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution are also the basic principles of the fundamental state. This means that Pancasila ideology can be translated into operational steps.

3. The Reality Dimension of Pancasila

The reality dimension means that the values ​​in Pancasila are rooted in society and also live in society itself. In addition to the dimensions above, Pancasila must be able to be translated in society in a concrete or real way. Pancasila must be translated in everyday people’s lives.

So, that’s an explanation of the dimensions of Pancasila as an open ideology for the Indonesian nation.