difference between training and teaching

Difference Between Training and Teaching

When it comes to imparting knowledge, two common terms often used interchangeably are training and teaching. Both, training and teaching, have the same objective of imparting knowledge, but they are different in their approaches and outcomes.

What is Training?

Training is a systematic approach to learning that aims to develop a specific skill, behavior, or competency. It is job-oriented and focused on achieving specific goals. Training is usually imparted to people who have already acquired basic knowledge and skills in a specific field.

The approach used in training is practical in nature, and training is usually carried out through hands-on experience. Training involves short-term courses or workshops that are designed to teach people specific skills, such as operating new equipment, conducting sales, or handling customer issues.

The outcomes of training are measurable and are typically focused on improving job performance. Training requires an evaluation process to ensure that specific objectives are met.

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What is Teaching?

Teaching, on the other hand, is a broader concept that centers around delivering knowledge and developing an understanding of the subject. It is focused on transmitting information to students, often in a formal classroom setting. The approach used in teaching is theoretical, where the primary focus is to impart fundamental concepts and principles to develop critical thinking and learning capabilities.

Teaching is generally structured in a manner that teaches students how to learn, and it grows with them as they gain deeper knowledge and understanding of the subject. The outcomes of teaching are intangible and subjective in nature. Teaching is a more extended process and aims to develop overall competencies in students beyond specific goals.


In summary, both training and teaching have distinct approaches and outcomes. Training focuses on developing skills, behaviors, and competencies and is generally job-oriented. Teaching focuses on developing an understanding of the subject and cultivating broader competencies in students, such as critical thinking and analysis.

Organizations often use both training and teaching to develop their workforce. Understanding the differences between these two approaches will help you choose the best method for your needs. Regardless of the option selected, the ultimate goal is to improve the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of individuals, leading to greater success and development for everyone involved.

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Table difference between training and teaching

Training Teaching
Provides specific skills related to a job or task Imparts knowledge and educates on a subject
Usually provided in a structured program or course Can be provided in a structured program or informally
Often focuses on hands-on experience and practical application May focus on theory and conceptual understanding
May involve trainers with specific expertise in a particular area May involve teachers with broader subject knowledge
Commonly used in workplaces to improve job performance and productivity Commonly used in schools and universities to impart knowledge and skills