difference between primitive and non primitive data structure

The Difference Between Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Structures


Data structures are an essential tool in computer programming. They allow programmers to represent data in different formats, making it easier to manipulate and process. Data structures are of two types: primitive and non-primitive. Although they sound similar, there are significant differences between them. In this article, we will discuss the differences between primitive and non-primitive data structures.

Primitive Data Structures:

Primitive data structures are those that are built into a programming language. They are the simplest form of data structures and hold a single value. For instance, integer, float, and character are some common examples of primitive data types. The primary purpose of these data types is to hold values temporarily, usually for mathematical computations.

Non-Primitive Data Structures:

Non-primitive data structures, on the other hand, are more complex and can hold multiple values of different types. They are usually implemented through classes and structures. Instead of holding a single value, a non-primitive data structure contains references to other data structures as well. Examples of non-primitive data structures are arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues.

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Primitive data types are always stored in memory, and their values can be accessed directly by the program. Non-primitive data types, on the other hand, are located in memory but accessed indirectly through references.


Primitive data types can only support simple operations, such as arithmetic or logical operations. On the other hand, non-primitive data structures can support more complex operations, such as sorting, searching, and merging.


Manipulating primitive data types is easy and straightforward, but non-primitive data structures require more complex algorithms to manipulate. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how the non-primitive data structure works, as it allows for more complex and efficient computations.


While both primitive and non-primitive data structures are essential in computer programming, they differ significantly in their complexity and usage. Primitive data types provide simplicity for simple mathematical computations, while non-primitive data structures enable more complex operations and are crucial in modern programming. Understanding the differences and the strengths of each data structure is essential for designing efficient algorithms and obtaining optimal performance.

Table difference between primitive and non primitive data structure

Primitive Data Structure Non-Primitive Data Structure
Defined by the programming language and cannot be broken down into smaller components Defined by the programmer and are made up of primitive data types as well as other non-primitive data types
Stored directly in memory Stored indirectly in memory, usually as a reference to a location where the data is stored
Includes boolean, char, int, float, double and void Includes arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs
Passing a primitive data structure as a parameter to a function creates a new copy of the data Passing a non-primitive data structure as a parameter to a function creates a reference to the same data structure
Comparison of two primitive data structures is straightforward Comparison of two non-primitive data structures can be complex and requires specialized methods
Size of a primitive data structure is fixed, based on the data type used Size of a non-primitive data structure can change dynamically as elements are added or removed