difference between primary key and foreign key

The Difference Between Primary Key and Foreign Key in Database Management

Understanding Primary Key

A primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a table of a database. It ensures that each record is unique and can be accessed easily. When you design a database table, you include a primary key column that contains a unique identifier value for each record in the table. This identifier can be a number, a string, or any other data type. The primary key will serve as the reference point for other tables in the database.

Understanding Foreign Key

A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a database table that refers to the primary key of another table. It is used to create relationships between tables in a database. This key is used to maintain referential integrity and help in building complex queries and reports in the database. When you create a foreign key, it helps to ensure that data is consistent and accurate between related tables.

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The Difference Between Primary Key and Foreign Key

The main difference between primary key and foreign key is their purpose. A primary key is used to uniquely identify a record in a database table, while a foreign key is used to reference the primary key of another table. A primary key column must contain unique values, while a foreign key column can contain duplicate values.

Another difference is that a primary key is used to build relationships with other tables, while a foreign key helps to maintain relationships between tables. The primary key column must be defined when a table is created, while a foreign key may be added at a later time.

In conclusion, primary keys and foreign keys play essential roles in database management. They help to ensure data integrity and maintain relationships between tables. Understanding the differences between them is crucial for effective database design and management.

Table difference between primary key and foreign key

Primary Key Foreign Key
A primary key is a column or a set of columns in a table that uniquely identifies each row in the table. A foreign key is a column or a set of columns in a table that refers to the primary key of another table.
It is used to enforce the integrity of data in a table by preventing duplicate rows and ensuring that each row has a unique identifier. It is used to establish a relationship between tables by linking a column in one table to a primary key in another table.
Primary keys are always unique and cannot contain NULL values. Foreign keys may contain NULL values if the relationship is optional.
Primary keys are created when the table is created and can be modified after the table is created. Foreign keys are created after the tables that they reference are created.
Primary keys can be used to create indexes that can speed up queries on the table. Foreign keys can be used to create joins that can retrieve data from multiple tables.