difference between ideal gas and real gas

The Key Differences Between Ideal Gas and Real Gas

Gas is one of the states of matter that exists in the universe. It has some distinct properties which make it behave differently. However, when we study gas, we are usually considering two types of gases; Ideal Gas and Real Gas. So, what is the difference between Ideal Gas and Real Gas? In this article, we will explore the key differences between these two types of gases.

What is an Ideal Gas?

An ideal gas can be defined as a theoretical gas composed of gas particles that are considered to have zero volume and no significant intermolecular forces between them. It implies that the particles of an ideal gas do not attract or repel each other. Additionally, it is assumed that the collisions between the gas particles are perfectly elastic, and the temperature remains constant in the process.

Moreover, an ideal gas strictly follows Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, and Gay-Lussac’s law, and the behavior of an ideal gas is accurately predicted by the Ideal Gas Law (PV = nRT).

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What is a Real Gas?

A real gas is typically made up of large gas molecules that have a considerable volume and are influenced by intermolecular forces. It implies that the attraction or repulsion between real gas particles causes the gas molecules to exert pressure on the walls of its container. Also, the collisions between the gas molecules are usually not perfectly elastic, and the temperature tends to either increase or decrease during the process.

Unlike an ideal gas, the actual behavior of a real gas is not accurately predicted by the Ideal Gas Law, and therefore, we have to use more complex equations to analyze the properties of real gases.

Key Differences Between Ideal Gas and Real Gas

– Ideal gas particles have zero volume, while the particles of a real gas occupy a finite volume.
– Real gases are subject to intermolecular forces, which lead to either attraction or repulsion between the particles, unlike ideal gases, which experience no such forces.
– The collisions between the particles of real gases are usually not completely elastic, while ideal gases have perfectly elastic collisions.
– The Ideal Gas Laws usually perfectly predict the properties of ideal gases, but these laws do not hold for real gases.
– Ideal gases are theoretical, and they don’t exist in reality. On the other hand, real gases are present in nature.

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While both Ideal Gas and Real Gas behave differently, we can use either to explain various physical properties of gases. However, the real gas is the one that is prevalent in nature and is used widely in industrial and scientific applications. Understanding the differences and behavior of these gases can help in designing efficient manufacturing and transportation systems.

Table difference between ideal gas and real gas

Property Ideal Gas Real Gas
Molecular Volume Negligible Significant
Molecular Attraction Zero Present
Compressibility Factor Z = 1 Z ≠ 1
Boyle’s Law Followed exactly Deviations observed especially at low temperatures and high pressures
Charles’s Law Followed exactly Deviations observed at high pressures and low temperatures
Avogadro’s Law Followed exactly Deviations observed at high pressures and low temperatures
Behavior at Low Temperatures Condenses to a liquid or solid upon cooling Behaves as a real gas with volume and attractive forces becoming significant