difference between gpa and cgpa

The Difference Between GPA and CGPA

What is GPA?

GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is a standardized system of measuring a student’s academic performance in a particular semester or academic year. GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade or quality points earned by a student by the total credits attempted. A grade point is assigned based on the grade received in a particular course, with A being worth 4 grade points, B being worth 3 grade points, C being worth 2 grade points, D being worth 1 grade point, and F (fail) being worth 0 grade points.

What is CGPA?

CGPA or Cumulative Grade Point Average is an average of all the grade points earned in all the semesters or academic years during a student’s course of study. CGPA is calculated by adding all the grade points earned in every semester or academic year and dividing them by the total number of credits attempted.

The Key Differences Between GPA and CGPA

The main difference between GPA and CGPA is that GPA is a measure of a student’s performance in a single semester or academic year while CGPA takes into account the overall academic performance throughout the entire course of study.

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Another key difference between GPA and CGPA is the method of calculation. While the calculation of GPA is based on the grades earned in a single semester or academic year, the calculation of CGPA includes all the grades earned in every semester or academic year.

When is GPA Used?

GPA is mainly used to evaluate a student’s academic performance in a particular semester or academic year. It is used by colleges and universities to assess student performance and award scholarships or academic honors.

When is CGPA Used?

CGPA is used to evaluate a student’s overall academic performance throughout the entire course of study. It is often used as a basis for admission to graduate programs or for employment in certain fields.


In conclusion, while GPA and CGPA are similar in that they both measure academic performance, they differ in terms of scope and method of calculation. GPA is a measure of a student’s performance in a single semester or academic year while CGPA takes into account the overall academic performance throughout the entire course of study. Understanding the differences between GPA and CGPA is crucial for students as they navigate their academic journey and plan for future academic and career pursuits.

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Table difference between gpa and cgpa

Here’s an example of an HTML table that shows the difference between GPA and CGPA:


Term GPA CGPA Difference
1 3.5 3.5 0
2 3.7 3.6 +0.1
3 3.2 3.5 -0.3


This table includes four columns: the term, the GPA for that term, the cumulative GPA (CGPA) up to that term, and the difference between the two (either positive or negative). The table also includes a header row using the `

` element and a body of data using the `

` element. The table could be styled with CSS to add color or other formatting, if desired.