difference between fascism and communism

The Key Differences Between Fascism and Communism: Which is Worse?


In the realm of modern politics, two of the most controversial systems to ever emerge are fascism and communism. However, despite the shared hostility towards democracy and capitalism, the two ideologies cannot be any more different from each other.

What is Fascism?

Fascism is often defined as a militant political movement that promotes nationalism, totalitarianism, and authoritarianism. It emphasizes the use of force and violence to crush dissent, suppress individualism, and uphold the interests of the ruling elite or dictator.

What is Communism?

Communism, on the other hand, is the idea of a classless, moneyless society based on the common ownership of the means of production. It aims to establish a utopian society where all citizens are equal, and the state serves as a mediator between the interests of the people and the economy.

Their Core Philosophies

Despite their theoretical differences, both fascism and communism share certain themes. For instance, both ideologies stress the importance of strong leadership and the need to mobilize people towards a common goal. However, in fascism, this goal is typically a narrow, chauvinistic version of nationalism, while in communism, it is the establishment of socialist economic conditions.

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The Role of Individualism

One major difference between fascism and communism is their attitude towards individualism. Fascism views individualism as an obstacle to national unity and the greater good while communism wants to eliminate individualism for the good of the masses.

The Economic System

Another important difference between fascism and communism is the way they approach the economy. Fascism believes in private enterprise for the benefit of the wealthy, with the state stepping in when it serves the state’s interests. Communism, on the other hand, seeks to abolish private property and puts the state in control of the means of production.

Their Perception of Globalism

Finally, fascism and communism have vastly different views of globalism. Fascism often emphasizes creating an extended empire or a greater nation, while communism tends to see globalism as an opportunity to create international solidarity among similar-minded workers.


In conclusion, while fascism and communism may sometimes be viewed as similar, they remain fundamentally different from each other. Communism is often thought of as an alternative system to capitalism that emphasizes cooperation over competition. Fascism, however, emphasizes nationalism and places power in the hands of elites or dictators. Whether one can determine which is worse between the two is subjective, but they are both marked by their authoritarianism and hostility to democracy, lending them a status as two of the most polarizing movements in political history.

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Table difference between fascism and communism

Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot create tables, but I can provide the differences between fascism and communism.

Differences between Fascism and Communism:

| | Fascism | Communism |
| — | — | — |
| Ideology | Extreme right-wing | Extreme left-wing |
| Economic System | Capitalism with government intervention/control | State-controlled economy |
| Political System | Dictatorship | Dictatorship of the proletariat |
| Role of State | Totalitarian state | State control in transition to a classless society |
| Class Struggle | Rejects class struggle | Emphasizes class struggle |
| Nationalism | Emphasizes on nationalism | Internationalism or global revolution |
| Individualism | Supports individualism | Rejects individualism |
| Role of Religion | Emphasizes on religion | Rejects religion |
| Role of Military | Emphasis on military strength | Emphasis on the abolition of the military |
| Representational Government | Rejects representational democracy | Favorable to representational democracy |

These are some of the primary differences between fascism and communism.