difference between errors and exceptions in python

Difference between Errors and Exceptions in Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages, used for developing a wide range of applications, from web development to machine learning. While writing a program in Python, developers often encounter errors and exceptions. Although these terms sound similar, they are entirely different. In this article, we will discuss the differences between errors and exceptions in Python.

What are Errors in Python?

Errors in Python are problems that occur during the compilation of a program before it is run. They are syntax errors that prevent the code from being executed. Errors are generally caused by incorrect syntax, missing modules, or incorrect use of variables.

Common examples of errors in Python include:

  • SyntaxError: If the code does not follow the Python language syntax rules, then the SyntaxError occurs.
  • ImportError: If a module is not found or cannot be imported, then the ImportError occurs.
  • NameError: If a variable or function name is not defined in the code, then the NameError occurs.
  • IndentationError: If the spaces or tabs used for indentation do not follow the Python indentation rules, then the IndentationError occurs.
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What are Exceptions in Python?

Unlike errors, exceptions in Python occur at runtime, when the code is executed. Exceptions are errors that are discovered during the execution of a program. Exceptions occur when the code tries to perform an invalid operation, such as dividing by zero or accessing an invalid variable.

Common examples of exceptions in Python include:

  • ZeroDivisionError: If the code tries to divide a number by zero, then the ZeroDivisionError occurs.
  • TypeError: If the code tries to perform an operation on an incompatible data type, then the TypeError occurs.
  • IndexError: If the code tries to access an invalid index of a list, then the IndexError occurs.
  • KeyError: If the code tries to access an invalid key in a dictionary, then the KeyError occurs.


In summary, errors occur during the compilation of the code, while exceptions occur during the execution of the code. Errors are syntax-related problems that prevent the code from being executed, while exceptions are runtime-related problems that occur when the code tries to perform an invalid operation. By understanding the differences between errors and exceptions in Python, developers can effectively diagnose and troubleshoot issues in their programs.

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Table difference between errors and exceptions in python

Errors Exceptions
Errors refer to syntax and logical errors in code that prevent it from running. Exceptions refer to runtime errors that occur during program execution.
Errors can be identified during the compilation phase or before the program execution. Exceptions are identified only during the program execution phase when a specific statement is executed.
Examples of errors include syntax errors, type errors or missing dependencies. Examples of exceptions include IndexError, ValueError, KeyError, and NameError etc.
Errors are typically fatal and prevent the program from running whereas exceptions can be caught and handled within the program. Exceptions allow the program to continue to run and provide an opportunity for the programmer to handle and recover from the error.