difference between compilation and interpretation

The Fundamental Differences between Compilation and Interpretation

Programming languages are essential to communicate with computers, and they work in various ways to ensure that the code we write translates to something the computer can understand. During the development of different programming languages, two basic methodologies emerged – compilation and interpretation. In this article, we will take you through the fundamental differences between compilation and interpretation and explain how they impact the performance and working of programming languages.

What is Compilation?

Compilation is the process of translating human-readable code into machine-readable code. When a programmer writes a code in a programming language, they run it through a compiler. The compiler reads and interprets the code and converts it into a form the computer can execute. This process usually involves several steps, including parsing, translating, optimizing, and generating the executable file. Once the file is generated, it can be executed repeatedly without having to run through the compilation process again.

The main advantage of compilation is that the machine code generated is optimized for the specific platform or architecture. This optimization ensures that the code is efficient and consumes less memory, resulting in faster execution. Compiled languages often have access to the underlying hardware, allowing them to interact directly with devices and system calls.

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However, the downside of compilation is that it takes more time to compile the code before execution. Additionally, if the code has errors, it will not compile, which can delay the development process.

What is Interpretation?

Interpretation is the process of executing human-readable code line-by-line or statement-by-statement. In this process, an interpreter reads the code, interprets it and executes it. The interpreter does not generate executable files; instead, it executes the code in its original form whenever it is needed.

Interpretation has numerous benefits. For instance, it allows for quick turnaround time in the development process, since there is no need to compile the code after every change. Additionally, it enables interactive development as the developer can modify the code on the fly.

On the other hand, interpretation is slower compared to compilation. The code is interpreted line-by-line, which consumes more time, and since there is no optimization, the application may not be as resource-efficient. Interpreted programs also have minimal access to the hardware compared to compiled programs.


In conclusion, the fundamental difference between compilation and interpretation lies in the process of converting human-readable code into machine-readable code. Compiled languages generate optimized executable files at the cost of longer compilation times. On the other hand, interpreted languages are fast to develop and maintain, although they trade-off on performance and efficiency. The type of language used is determined by the project requirements and the desired outcomes.

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Table difference between compilation and interpretation

Compilation Interpretation
1. Code is translated into machine code before it is executed. 1. Code is not translated and executed directly.
2. The entire program is translated at once. 2. The code is translated and executed line by line.
3. The resulting executable is standalone and can be run in any compatible environment. 3. The code requires an interpreter to be installed on the target system.
4. Compilation is a one-time process and any errors must be fixed before the program is run. 4. Interpretation allows for fixing errors on the fly as the code is executed.
5. Compilation results in faster execution as the code is already translated into machine code. 5. Interpretation can be slower as the code is translated line-by-line as it is executed.