difference between caribou and reindeer

Understanding the Difference between Caribou and Reindeer


Caribou and reindeer are often used interchangeably in various contexts, but they are not the same. Although they belong to the same genus, Rangifer tarandus, and share many characteristics, the two mammals differ in some ways. In this article, we discuss some of the main differences between caribou and reindeer.

Physical Characteristics

One of the most noticeable differences between caribou and reindeer is their physical attributes. Reindeer tend to be smaller, lighter, and slimmer than caribou. They have shorter legs and a slightly smaller body. In contrast, caribou have a larger and more robust body, taller legs, and broader hooves that allow them to travel over long distances through rough terrain.

Another distinguishing feature is the antlers. Both male and female caribou have antlers that grow wider and more complex every year, while the male reindeer shed their antlers in the winter to grow new ones in the spring. Additionally, caribou’s antlers are typically longer and more massive than those of their reindeer counterparts.

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Geographic Distribution

The area in which caribou and reindeer are found also differs. Caribou primarily live in North America, whereas reindeer are more commonly found in Europe and Asia. In North America, caribou are widespread and are commonly found in Alaska and Canada, whereas reindeer are found mostly in northern Europe and Asia.

Behavioral Differences

Caribou and reindeer also differ in their behavioral traits. Caribou are migratory and travel in massive numbers across vast areas in search of food and water. This behavior is essential due to the harsh environmental conditions they face in their habitat. On the other hand, reindeer are mostly domesticated and are kept for milk, meat, and transportation purposes.


In summary, while caribou and reindeer share many similarities and belong to the same species, they differ significantly in their physical attributes, geographic distribution, and behavior. As such, it is essential to distinguish between them to gain a better understanding of each mammal’s unique characteristics. By doing so, we can appreciate these magnificent creatures that thrive in some of the world’s most challenging environments.

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Table difference between caribou and reindeer

Caribou Reindeer
Also known as North American reindeer Also known as European reindeer
Live in North America Live in northern parts of Europe and Asia
Larger and heavier Smaller in size and lighter in weight
Migration patterns are longer and more widespread Migrate shorter distances
Darker fur and shorter legs Lighter fur and longer legs