difference between asteroid and meteor and comet

The Difference between Asteroids, Meteors, and Comets

Asteroids, meteors, and comets are celestial objects that are often mentioned in the news and literature of astronomy. However, many people do not know the difference between these space rocks. In this article, we will learn the characteristics and differences between asteroids, meteors, and comets.


Asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that are found in space. They are sometimes referred to as minor planets, and are mainly located within the asteroid belt, which is a region between Mars and Jupiter. However, some asteroids can be found outside this region, some even near the Earth. Asteroids are also known for their irregular shape and size, with some being as small as a pebble while others can be hundreds of kilometers in diameter.


Meteors, also known as shooting stars, are pieces of debris that enter the Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds, causing them to burn up and create a bright streak of light in the sky. They are not actually stars or flames, but rather glowing particles in the atmosphere. The majority of meteors are produced by small asteroids or comets that enter the Earth’s atmosphere, and are typically no larger than a baseball.

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Comets are icy bodies that typically originate from the outer reaches of the solar system. They have a long, shiny tail that points directly away from the sun, which is produced by the release of gas and dust as they approach the sun. Unlike asteroids and meteors, comets are relatively rare and unpredictable. They can only be seen from Earth every few years, or even decades.

So, in summary, asteroids are rock and metal objects located in space, meteors are debris that enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up, and comets are icy bodies that release gas and dust as they approach the sun. Knowing the differences between these space rocks can help you better understand the ever-changing universe around us.

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Table difference between asteroid and meteor and comet

Type of Celestial Object Description
Asteroid A solid, rocky or metallic object that orbits the sun. They are remnants from the formation of our solar system.
Meteor A bright streak of light that appears in the sky when a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere and burns up due to friction with the air. Also known as a shooting star.
Comet A small, icy celestial body that orbits the sun. They are made of dust, rock, ice, and frozen gases and develop a glowing coma and tail when they approach the sun.