difference between apple juice and apple cider

Distinguishing Between Apple Juice and Apple Cider


There is always a lot of confusion between apple juice and apple cider, with some people even using the two terms interchangeably. However, there is a significant difference between the two beverages, and it all comes down to how they are made. While apple juice and cider are both made from apples, the processes used to produce the two drinks are distinct, resulting in different flavor, texture, and nutritional profiles.

Apple Juice

Apple juice is made by taking apples and extracting the juice from them. The juice is then put through a filtration process that removes any remaining solids, such as pulp or flesh, making it clear and smooth. One of the main advantages of apple juice is that it has a long shelf life, and it is also pasteurized, which kills any bacteria and increases its shelf life even further. Apple juice also retains a lot of nutrients from the apples, making it a great source of vitamins and minerals. However, some brands of apple juice add sugar and preservatives, which can lower its nutritional value.

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Apple Cider

Apple cider, on the other hand, is a drink made from crushed apples that are squeezed to extract the liquid. Unlike apple juice, cider is not filtered, and it retains all of the pulp, flesh, and skin that are naturally present in the fruit. This process gives apple cider a thicker, cloudy texture and a more flavorful taste. Since the drink is made from pressed apples, it is often considered more natural and healthier than its counterpart. However, apple cider has a shorter shelf life, typically lasting only a few days, and it is not pasteurized, which means that it may contain bacteria and require refrigeration.


While both apple juice and apple cider are popular beverages, the differences between the two are distinct. Apple juice is clear and smooth, with a longer shelf life, while apple cider has a thicker, cloudy texture and a more natural, unfiltered taste. It is crucial to choose between the two depending on your preferences, or your nutritional needs. For instance, if you want a drink that is more straightforward and lasts longer, apple juice is an excellent choice, but if you prefer a more natural, healthier option, apple cider should be your go-to drink. Regardless of your choice, ensure you check the labels to see what is included in the beverage.

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Table difference between apple juice and apple cider

I’m sorry, as an AI language model, I can’t properly design a table on this platform but I can show you how to create the HTML code:


Apple Juice Apple Cider
Taste Sweet Tart and tangy
Processing Method Filtered and pasteurized Pressed and sometimes fermented
Ingredients Pressed apples and sometimes added sugars and acids Pressed apples
Color Clear or light yellow Opaque and brownish


This HTML code will create a table with four columns, one for headings and three for the comparison criteria of the two beverages. The rows will contain the comparisons between the two drinks.