difference between a prism and pyramid

The Difference Between a Prism and Pyramid

When it comes to geometric shapes, prisms and pyramids are often confused with one another. Although both shapes have triangular faces, they are actually quite different from one another. In this article, we will discuss the essential differences between a prism and pyramid.

What is a Prism?

A prism is a three-dimensional solid shape that has two parallel bases. These bases are usually identical polygons. The rest of the prism is made up of parallelograms or other quadrilateral faces. A prism is named based on the shape of its base, such as a rectangular prism or a triangular prism.

Prisms can also be classified as right or oblique. A right prism has its faces perpendicular to its base, while an oblique prism has its faces that do not make a right angle to its base.

What is a Pyramid?

A pyramid is also a three-dimensional solid shape that has a polygonal base that is connected to a single apex at the top. The faces of a pyramid are triangular, and the pyramid is named based on the shape of its base, such as a square pyramid or a pentagonal pyramid.

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Like prisms, pyramids can also be classified as right or oblique. A right pyramid has its apex directly above the center of its base, while an oblique pyramid has its apex that is not directly above the center of its base.

The Main Differences Between a Prism and Pyramid

The primary difference between a prism and a pyramid is that a prism has two parallel bases, while a pyramid has only one base. Another difference is that the faces of a pyramid meet at a single point, while the faces of a prism are separated by parallel lines.

Another key difference between the two shapes is how they are used in the real world. Prisms are commonly used in optics to refract light and produce prismatic effects, such as for binoculars, telescopes, and cameras. Pyramids, on the other hand, can be found in many structures, such as the pyramids in Egypt or the Louvre Pyramid in Paris.

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Overall, while both prisms and pyramids have triangular faces, they are different shapes and have distinct uses in various fields. Understanding the difference between them can help you to better identify and analyze these geometric shapes.

Table difference between a prism and pyramid

Attribute Prism Pyramid
Definition A solid object with two identical end faces and parallelogram-shaped sides A solid object with a polygonal base and triangular faces that converge at a single point (apex)
Number of Faces 5 faces 5 or more faces
Number of Edges 6 edges 5 or more edges
Number of Vertices 2 vertices 4 or more vertices
Types Triangular, Rectangular, Pentagonal, etc. Triangular, Square, Pentagonal, etc.
Volume Formula V = Bh, where B is the area of the base and h is the height V = (Bh)/3, where B is the area of the base and h is the height
Real Life Examples Buildings, cereal boxes, DVDs Pyramids, ice cream cones, tents