Dhikr and Prayer After Fardhu Prayer 5 Times With Their Meanings!

Prayer After Fardhu Prayer – The five daily fardhu prayer is a mandatory worship that must be carried out by every Muslim under any circumstances, anytime and anywhere. However, a Muslim who experiences certain conditions such as illness is given relief in performing fardhu prayers.

For example, if there is someone who is sick and cannot stand up, then it is permissible to perform fardhu prayers while sitting. If you can’t sit, then it’s permissible to fall asleep, if you can’t at all, then it’s permissible to pray with a sign.

When establishing fardhu prayers, there are several sunnah practices that are recommended to be carried out in Islam. Among them is reading the prayer before and after the fardhu prayer. These prayers can grant someone’s wish, perfect worship and have other virtues.

The Proof of Reciting Dhikr After Prayer

Although dhikr and prayer after the five obligatory prayers are not obligatory, a Muslim should not leave the place and leave immediately after the prayer. This Sunnah for dhikr and prayer has been hinted at by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and in accordance with the word of Allah SWT in the letter An Nisa verse 103.

Allah also said in Surah Al Jumuah verse 10, along with the verse.

Because, by doing dhikr after the prayer, the dhikr will patch up the deficiencies that existed in the prayer that Sinaumed’s had previously performed. Likewise with dhikr, with dhikr, a person has connected his worship with other worship, so that a Muslim will not feel satisfied just by praying.

In dhikr after finishing prayer, a Muslim should follow the demands of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and recite the dhikr taught by the Prophet.

Reading Dhikr After Prayer

As explained above, that dhikr should be read in accordance with the demands and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The goal is that the dhikr that is read can complete the prayer service that was previously carried out and also increase the reward. Here are some dhikr after prayer that Sinaumed’s can read.

1. Read istighfar 3 times

From Tsauban ra, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

(O Allah, you are greetings and safety are only from you, Glory be to You, O One who has all majesty and glory. (HR. Muslim no 591)).

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2. Read the tahlil

From Al Mughirah bin Syu’bah ra, he said,

(There is no god who has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone, there is no partner for Him. All praise and kingdom belong to Allah. Allah has power over everything. O Allah, nothing prevents what You give and no one gives what You prevent it. Wealth and glory are of no use to their owners. From You are all wealth and glory.) (Narrated by Bukhari no 6615, Muslim no 593).

3. Read tasbih, tahmid, takbir and tahlil 100 times

After finishing reading the two forms of dhikr above, Sinaumed’s can then read tasbih, tahmid, takbir and tahlil after finishing the prayer. There are four authentic readings of tasbih, tahmid, takbir and tahlil from the Prophet SAW. Here’s an explanation.

  • Tasbih is read 33 times, tahmid is read 33 times, takbir is read 33 times, tahlil is read once. So that the total reading dhikr 100 times. In accordance with the words of the Prophet SAW in a hadith narrated by Muslims.

(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, Allah is the Greatest (33 times). There is no god who has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone. There is no partner for Him. All kingdoms and worship belong to Allah. He is the Almighty over everything. )

Then all his mistakes will be forgiven, even if they are as much as the foam in the ocean. (HR. Muslim no 597).

  • Tasbih is recited 33 times, tahmid is recited 33 times, takbir is recited 34 times, so that a total of 100 recitations of dhikr are recited. This dhikr is in accordance with a hadith narrated by Muslim. Here’s the hadith.

From Ka’ab bin Ujrah ra, from the Prophet SAW:

  • Tasbih is recited 25 times, tahmid is recited 25 times, takbir is recited 25 times, tahlil is recited 25 times, so that the total recitation of dhikr is 100 times.

In accordance with the history of Zaid bin Thabit ra, he said:

  • Tasbih is read 10 times, tahmid 10 times, takbir 10 times. Then the total dhikr as much as 30 times. The following hadith explains the recitation of the dhikr.

From Abdullah bin Amr ra, the Prophet SAW said:

Prayer After Fardhu Prayer

After reciting the dhikr in accordance with the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW, it is best for Sinaumed’s not to get up from his seat and continue reading the prayer. By praying after finishing the prayer, one’s wish or hajat will be easily granted. Here are some prayers after fardhu prayers that Sinaumed’s can read.

1. Read the prayer Laa ilaha illallah wahdahu laa syarika lahu”

As the history of Abdullah bin Zubair ra, as follows:

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(There is no God who has the right to be worshiped other than Allah alone, there is no partner for Him. All praise and kingdom belong to Allah alone. Allah has power over everything. There is no power and effort except with Allah’s help. There is no God who has the right worshiped except Allah. We do not worship except Him. All favors, gifts and good praise belong to Allah. There is no god who has the right to be worshiped except Allah by purifying worship only to Him, even if the disbelievers do not like it. (Narrated by Muslim no. 594)

2. Read the verse of the chair

As you know that the verse chair has many virtues. Therefore, the verse of the chair is also recommended to be read after completing the obligatory prayer. As hadith from Abu Umamah Al Bahili ra, the Prophet SAW once said:

Meaning: Whoever reads the verse of the chair after every obligatory prayer, then nothing can prevent him from entering heaven except death. (HR. An Nasai no 9928, Ath Thabrani no 7532, authenticated by Al Albani in Sahih Al Jami ‘no 6464)

3. Read the letters Al Ikhlas, Al Falaq and An Naas

In a hadith from Uqbah bin Amir ra, he said: Rasulullah SAW ordered me to read surah al mu’awwidzar (an naas, al falaq, al sincere) at the end of each prayer. (Narrated by Abu Daud no 1523, authenticated by Al Albani in authentic Abu Daud)

4. Read the prayer Allahumma inni as aluka ilman naafian

From Umm Salamah Hindun bint Abi Umayyah ra, she said: Usually Rasulullah SAW, when he prays at dawn when he greets him, he will read: alloohumma inni as-aluka ‘ilman naafi’an, wa rizqon thoyyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqobbalan (O Allah, I beg of You are useful knowledge, good sustenance and accepted practice.) (HR. Ibn Majah no 762, authenticated by Al Albani in Shahi Ibni Majah).

Those are some collections of dhikr and prayers after fardhu prayers that Sinaumed’s can follow and read after carrying out the five daily obligatory prayers. If Sinaumed’s is interested in knowing and reading the prayers after other prayers, then Sinaumed’s can read the collection of prayers available at sinaumedia.com .

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Author: Khansa