Definition of Social Inequality: 3 Analysis of the Approach

What do you understand about the definition of social inequality? How the analysis can be used.

Want to know the answer, let’s look at the following explanation and review and there are three analytical approaches that you can try to understand.

Understanding Social Inequality

What is the meaning of social inequality that you need to know, where social inequality is an imbalance.

As well as social inequalities that occur in society. Where indeed this condition will cause a significant difference between the community.

We can see this social gap in poverty, low levels of education, social problems related to criminal acts, and others.

For example, in terms of the need for health, economy, employment, we can also see that there are many gaps there. Let’s see below.

Analysis of Social Inequality Approach

There are several approaches that can be used in conducting or analyzing or describing social inequality in people’s lives, namely:

1. Historical Approach

For those of you who want to understand social inequality, it is also obligatory to know the existence of social inequality that arises due to differences in life.

Both in terms of social, economic, and political existence and we often encounter in the daily activities of people’s daily activities.

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For example, if you remember, in the 19th century, there was a great war in Europe, namely World War II.

Where the occurrence of this war also brought many social changes to the lives of its people, and brought the destruction of most countries in the world to destruction.

Now this destruction also causes and results in poverty, social inequality, and misery.

2. Sociological Approach

Of course, the gaps that occur in the world in particular have made some people restless and worried about these social problems.

In reality, it can be seen how the lower and upper classes exist in people’s lives.

Between the rich and the poor who increasingly show the gulf of difference so far. Where the distribution of wealth resources is increasingly not targeting the small community.

It is precisely the upper classes who are closer to power who benefit from the various uses of this wealth.

Poverty that occurs in Indonesia is an example of how social inequality appears to be real and compared so far when viewed, the control of these assets.

Where it is said that a nation can be considered advanced if it has succeeded in improving the welfare of its people.

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However, as well as developed countries will be separated from the problem of poverty that has been faced by many countries.

3. Juridical Approach 

The social inequality that we see in the lives of the people around us is one thing that does not reflect the existence of justice.

Moreover, the state should be able to provide welfare for all its citizens.

However, in fact and reality, everything seems to be inversely proportional to what is happening in society today.

But if we look at it, social inequality is still a concern for many people and is a scary ‘ghost’.

So that’s a glimpse of the discussion and explanation as well as a review of the topic of Understanding Social Inequality: 3 Analysis of the Approach.