Definition & Examples of Analytical Exposition text

Definition of Analytical Exposition text & Examples of Analytical Exposition text – Practicing understanding the structure of a text or sentence is an essential part of learning Indonesian-English. Besides aiming to enrich knowledge, mastering text forms facilitates writing and English proficiency. Check out a more complete explanation of the following Analytical Exposition Text:

Definition of Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition text is a type of text that is used to explain a writer’s views on an issue. In other words, this text is argumentative. This type of text is prevalent and can be easily found in scientific books, articles, journals, magazines, academic speeches, etc.

The purpose of writing an Analytical Exposition includes inviting readers to understand an issue raised by the author. Analytical means examining or testing something carefully, while “Exposition” means broadly.

So, Analytical Exposition can be interpreted as a text that tries to describe a problem comprehensively or thoroughly by displaying the supporting opinions carefully.

Communicative goals in Analytical Exposition Text include convincing that a topic deserves attention by providing arguments or opinions supporting the main idea.

In Analytical Exposition, Text does not only contain one argument but also various arguments with the same goal. You can find examples easily in news editorials, advertising text or packaging, pamphlets, etc.

Examples of Analytical Exposition Sentences

Exposition Text is divided into Analytical Exposition or an exposition text that begins with a statement showing an attitude opinion from the author on a theme, which is then discussed and supported by various arguments.

This text closes with an affirmation or restatement of the opinion stated at the beginning and the end of the Exposition text, or it can also mean text that begins with a statement containing an issue or problem, which is then raised as the theme of the writing.

Hortatory Exposition must also be supported by various arguments and supporting evidence, which will direct the reader to the author’s point of view. The following is an example of Analytical Exposition Text and its translation:

Motorcycles are one of the distractions and the leading cause of high-stress levels. Even though motorbikes are considered the most convenient means of transportation, I think motorbikes are still dangerous for humans, animals, and the environment. I also believe motorbikes should be banned in residential areas because of noise, air pollution, disease, and unnatural accidents.

Meaning: Motorcycles are a nuisance and the leading cause of high stress levels. Even though motorbikes are considered the most comfortable means of transportation, in my opinion, motorbikes are also dangerous for humans, animals, and the environment. I think motorbikes should be banned in residential areas because of noise, air pollution, disease, and unnatural accidents).

In addition, motorbikes also make a lot of noise, making it difficult for babies to fall asleep. When their baby sleeps, the motorbike will pass and wake the baby. Not only that, motorbikes also make it difficult for children to concentrate on their homework. Experts say that extreme noise can cause deafness and lack of concentration.

Meaning: Besides, motorbikes also make so much noise, making babies find it difficult to sleep. When their babies are asleep, motorbikes will pass by and wake the babies up. Not only that, motorbikes also make it difficult for children to concentrate on their homework. Experts say that extreme noise can cause deafness and lack of concentration).

Lastly, motorcycles are responsible for horrific accidents that sometimes lead to death. The riders were traveling so fast that they couldn’t stop in time and crashed into other riders or animals. Fields (1993) stated that motorcycles are known as the biggest killers on the highway.

Meaning: Finally, motorbikes are responsible for horrendous accidents that sometimes result in death. Riders go so fast that they cannot stop in time and end up crashing into other riders or animals. Fields (1993) states that motorcycles are known as the biggest killers on the highway).

In conclusion, from the arguments above, I firmly believe that motorbikes should be banned in residential areas.

Meaning: In conclusion, from the above arguments, I firmly believe that motorbikes should be banned in residential areas).

For the opinion or opinion that you want to convey to be well received by listeners, you must be able to speak English well, and you can learn this in the book Smart Ways to Speak English Quickly.

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Analytical Exposition formula

The characteristics of the Analytical Exposition Text and the difference from other texts convey the author’s point of view and use valid research results to support the arguments presented by the author. The author also supports his argument by providing pictures or infographics to support his argument. The linguistic structure of the Analytical Exposition Text itself includes:

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1. Thesis

As in other types of text, the thesis contains the author’s views on a problem in a simple way. This section is also an introduction to the topic or main idea discussed. The theory is always in the first paragraph of the Analytical Exposition Text.

2. Series of Arguments

After the thesis, the following paragraph is in the form of an argument rule, written to strengthen the author’s point of view by including consistent evidence. Usually, in an Analytical exposition, there are at least two arguments. The more the number of ideas presented, the more the thesis that a writer carries.

3. Conclusion or Reduplication

This section is the closing section, which is always located at the end of the paragraph and contains rewriting or re-placing the main idea of ​​the rule in the first paragraph. As for usually the rule sentence is often used in reduplication, among others: From the fact beyond . . . I head to head believe . . . Therefore, my conclusion is . . . lastly . . .

In addition to writing structure, linguistic elements need to be considered in writing exposition text. Among them is understanding the linguistic aspects of an Analytical Exposition, namely the Simple present tense, which generally uses the verb’s first (current) form, such as serve, pour, place, and others.

The Relational process uses words that show or express the author’s opinion, such as feel, experience, realization, and sense. Internal conjunctions with connecting words strengthen an argument by clicking two clauses and are divided into five categories, namely:

  • Addition: in addition, further.
  • Comparison: but, instead, on the other hand.
  • Time: second, then, next.
  • Cause and effect: as a result, the consequence
  • Causal conjunction: Using conjunctions that show causation such as as a result, accordingly, despite, due to, and for a reason.

Find other English formulas or tenses that can help you improve your English skills in the book Tenses And Exercises: Quick Formulas to Master English.

Analytical Exposition Questions Exercise

Thousands of macaques are bred or captured from the wild to be used as street performers or “monkey masks.” The macaques are accustomed to performing street shows, carrying funny masks, riding bicycles, performing gymnastic moves, and doing amusing things. However, such shows need to be outlawed for a few reasons.

First, the monkey mask may be a quiet exploitation of monkeys for money. The monkeys are adorned with chains for long periods to educate them to steer on their hind legs like humans. Their teeth are extracted so they can’t bite while being tortured to remain docile. The monkeys are sometimes outfitted in dresses and cowboy hats and created to carry parasols or ride tiny bikes. This animal abuse will hurt the monkeys.

Second, the ban on disguised monkey shows can facilitate improved public order. Monkey masks are often performed once traffic is insured at notoriously complete intersections. This can disturb the sight and create traffic jams for many motorists or pedestrians. On the other hand, it can also hamper the watching of the shows.

Third, banning the recreation of monkeys may be a necessary public health benefit. It is essential to rescue the monkeys from street performances and facilitate the prevention of all diseases carried by the monkeys.

The monkeys in the monkey mask won’t be healthy and can potentially cause some diseases, such as infectious diseases and diseases. Considering the above reasons, the monkey mask needs to be outlawed because it exploits the monkeys, causes traffic jams, and spreads infectious diseases.

1. What is the text above?
A. Macaque’s exploitation for money.
B. Work macaques for gymnastic shows.
C. Efforts to stop disguised monkey performances.
D. Reasons why it is necessary to ban the monkey mask.
E. Rescuing monkeys from extinction and exploitation. E. nuts.

2. The monkey mask needs to be outlawed as a result of…
A. It helps improve public order.
B. It distracts one’s sight and disrupts traffic.
C. It frightens the road users.
D. It makes people laugh.
E. It causes cancer.

3. Were the monkeys mistreated?
A. They are tortured to be docile.
B. they are placed in previous cages.
C. they are left hanging on trees.
D. they are forced to eat torrential.
E. they are unbroken and unhealthy.

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In addition, you can enrich your knowledge of the topics to be studied. This book will also provide tips for answering trap questions, common mistakes, and complex rules so you can quickly answer English practice questions.

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Online Wayou can easilyternet has generated many changes . It’s changed the strategy. We tend to speak and access information. {the internet| we tend to overlook tob|the net} in addition has changed the strategy we tend to get things. In today’s life, online wanting is growing chop-chop. 

It’s become the latest culture in every country. Buying things online is implausibly straightforward. The only issue to do is to jaunt an explicit internet site that sells the merchandise you want. The PC program on the net also allows us to search for things fast with varied choices. 

Once the merchandise is chosen and the payment is formed, the online shopper needs to not sleep for three to five days until the problem purchased involves their door. Another sensible advantage of online shopping is that things are cheaper than in actual stores. Among the choice hands, online shoppers must be cautious in choosing products. 

Sometimes, you’re not getting what you want. Another big downside is that the standard is similar to things in actual stores. That’s the explanation why net consumers ought to check all products offered. 

4. What is the text mainly about?
A. the benefits of online wanting.
B. The procedure of wanting online.
C. The deficiencies of online desires.
D. Things to do and do once online wanting.
E. The pluses and minuses of online wanting.

5. But can net consumers select products? They have to…
A. attend real retailers
B. have an Associate in Nursing account.
C. have a portable computer.
D. visit the planning website
E. Log in to their email.

6.”. . . ought to altogether check the product offered.” What does the bolded word mean?
A. adequately.
B. carelessly.
C. extremely.
D. accurately.
E. completely.

Answer the following questions about Analytical Exposition:

7. The author’s point of view on a phenomenon is called:
A. Conclusion.
B. repeating.
C. Arguments.
D. Thesis.
E. Conjunctions.

8. A writer often uses the following sentence to conclude their point of view on a phenomenon (Reiteration), except
A. Next issue to com
B. finally
C. Therefore, my conclusion is
D. I head to head believe
E. From the facts above

9. The type of tense principle often used in writing an Analytical Exposition is
A. gift easy
B. easy tense
C. excellent Continuous
D. perfect tense Continuous
E. perfective Continuous.

Analytical Exposition Answer Key

1. The answer to Question No. 1 is D.

Reasons why it’s necessary to ban monkey masks. We can find the main idea in an analytical exposition by looking at the statement alias reduplication in the last paragraph. The previous section also emphasizes that “monkey masks ought to be banned…” concerning the argument “. for it exploits the monkeys, causes traffic jams and spreads diseases like infectious diseases and liver diseases.”

2. The answer to Question No. 2 is A.

It helps public order. The second paragraph, states that the monkey mask is a pillar of Islam and a cause of traffic jams (This can disturb the sight and make traffic jams for several motorists or pedestrians can bog down to watch the shows). A ban on monkey masks would also help improve public order.

3. The answer to Question No. 3 is A.

It helps public order. In the second paragraph, it is stated that monkey masks are a pillar of Islam and a cause of traffic jams (.. {this can|this may|this can} disturb the sight and make traffic jams for several motorists or pedestrians will bog down to watch the shows.). According to the author, banning monkey masks will help improve public order (public orders).

4. The answer to Question No. 4 is E.

The pluses and minuses of online looking. In this text, we can see the second and third paragraphs mention the advantages of Iranian language shopping online, marked with the sentence “Buying things online is extremely straightforward.” and “Another smart advantage of online booking. .”. Followed by the lack of Iranian language online shopping principle explained in the last paragraph, marked with the sentence “In the opposite hand.”

5. The answer to Question No. 5 is D.

Visit the search website. In the third paragraph, the second sentence states, “The sole issue to try and do is to travel to an exact website that sells the merchandise you wish.” to make the correct answer in principle, the Iranian language practice questions for the English Indonesian National Examination is D. Visit the search web site.

6. Answer to question no. 6 is E. entirely.

7. Answers to question no. 7 is D. Thesis.

8. Answers to question no. 8 is A. Next issue to come…

9. Answers to question no. 9 is B. straightforward tense