Characteristics of the Highlands and Suitable Plants

Characteristics of the Highlands – The shape of the earth’s surface is indeed uneven, which is what you often get when you are in school, especially when you meet science geography teachers like this, indeed a fact that must be known by all humans who live on this planet Earth does not only understand through theory at school, but lessons like this that you can also learn in everyday life.

How do you find the face of the earth with a variety of different characteristics. In living life on earth it is not true that you only encounter flat land. Where in the environment that you live in even have different height levels. Not to mention if you take a walk and find a kind of lake, swamp or even sea or mountain. This is what shows that the earth and its surface are really not flat.

Apart from that, if you come across television broadcasts showing geographical conditions abroad, you can even see something that you cannot find in your own country. For example, snowy mountains in the tropics and so on. This is what strengthens the evidence that the earth has an unequal surface.

Indonesian Geographical Situation

In Indonesia itself, the height of the land between one and the other is different. This shows that Indonesia has geographical diversity. Because different characteristics of the place will affect culture, customs and even the plants that grow will differ from one another.

A number of natural features found in Indonesia include beaches, lowlands, plateaus, mountains to mountains. On this occasion, a discussion has been presented about one of the natural features found in Indonesia. this is the plateau.

Definition of Highlands

Maybe you are used to hearing about the highlands, especially in Indonesia. How about in Indonesia itself, you encounter so many highlands. There are a number of areas in Indonesia that are synonymous with highlands, for example in Puncak, Bogor, Bandung and Malang.

The existence of the highlands is easier for you to find, because there are many people who talk about the beauty of the highlands, so it is very suitable for use as a tourist spot. This highland tourist attraction is also erupting because it has a number of distinctive plants that can only be found in the highlands, the cool air points also add to the image of the highlands as a tourist attraction which is increasingly curious and also attracts many tourists to be able to visit there. . So, how exactly can a place be categorized as a plateau?

The definition of a plateau or commonly known as Plateau or Plato is a plain that is at an altitude above 700 m above sea level. This plateau was formed as a result of erosion as well as sedimentation. Where this plateau can also be formed because of a large former caldera due to the accumulation of material from the mountain slopes that are located in the vicinity.

Others say that a plateau is a flat area of ​​land that rises sharply above the surrounding area on at least one side. Where these plains occur on every continent and take up at least a third of the earth’s land the highlands are also one of the four main landforms along with the plains mountains, and also the hills. Now that’s the meaning of the highlands that you often encounter in Indonesia.

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Plateau features

After you know about the meaning of highlands and not even just one definition. From this understanding, it may have shown you how the plateau is located, but in order to know more clearly about the plateau, you can also see from the characteristics of the plateau, which of course will further define the plateau in your mind’s eye. The characteristics possessed by the highlands include the following:

a. Cool climate

The first characteristic possessed by the highlands is that they have a cool climate. At the beginning of the discussion, it was mentioned that the highlands are areas that have a cool climate. Where the highlands can have a cool climate because it is influenced by its altitude.

The higher a place, the cooler the air will be, or it can be said that the air will feel colder. Therefore this plateau has very good prospects and is suitable to be used as a tourist spot.

b. Agriculture Created Terraces

One of the characteristics possessed by the highlands is the agricultural area that is made of terraces. Where, terracing is land that is made to resemble a ladder to prevent erosion. This terrace is one of the characteristics that is very easy to recognize whether an area is included in the highlands or not. You can find these terraces in Indonesia, especially in the West Java region. The terraces are formed so that the sloping land is not easily eroded so that agriculture can be maintained and not damaged.

c. Large Daily and Annual Temperature Amplitude

The characteristics of the highlands are that they have large daily temperature amplitudes and large annual temperatures. That is one of the characteristics possessed by the highlands as one of the forms of the earth in Indonesia.

d. Dry Air

The characteristics of the next highlands are that they have dry air. Even though it has a cool climate because of its location at an altitude, this highland has dry air and even drier than the other air which is located on a low altitude.

e. Moisture or Very Low Relative Air Humidity

The next characteristic of the highlands is that they have a very low relative air humidity when compared to areas that are on plains that are not high.

f. It Rarely Rains

The next feature of the highlands is the infrequent rain. At the beginning of the discussion, it was stated that the highlands have a cool climate and of course feel colder than the areas around them. However, even so, this plateau rarely rains.

It will be easier or more frequent to rain for areas that have a lower altitude than areas that are in the highlands themselves. Therefore, agriculture in the highlands has sufficient irrigation even during the rainy season. If in general during the rainy season in the lowlands there are many floods that affect the rice fields. However, this rarely happens or you can’t even see or find it in the highlands. This is caused by the presence of controlled rainfall in the highlands even though it is the rainy season.

So, those are some of the characteristics of the highlands that you need to know. Where you can find these characteristics in areas that are categorized as highlands, or as your guide for determining whether an area can be said to be a plateau or not.

Plateau Types

Plateau is an area or area or area that has a height higher than the area around it. Where, this understanding can already represent how the plateau is. However, did you know that this plateau can be categorized into several types. There are at least two kinds or types of this plateau. The types of this plateau, including are as follows:

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a. Dissected Plateaus

The first type of plateau is called a truncated plateau. These truncated plateaus are plateaus formed as a result of the upward movement of the earth’s crust. The upward movement is caused by the slow collision of tectonic plates. An example of this is a truncated plateau called the Colorado Plateau in the western United States. This plateau has been rising by about 0.03 cm or 0.01 inch per year and this has been the case for more than 10 million years.

b. Volcanic Plateaus (Volcanic Plateaus)

The second type of plateau is called a volcanic plateau. These volcanic plateaus are formed by numerous small volcanic eruptions that slowly accumulate over time and form a plateau from the resulting lava flows. There are several examples of these volcanic plateaus located throughout most of the central part of New Zealand’s North Island. This type of plateau still has 3 (three) active volcanoes, including Mount Tongariro, Mount Ngauruhoe, and Mount Ruapehu.

The discussion above is 2 (two) types of highlands. Where the two types of highlands have different characteristics, including the causes. Therefore, it is this difference that causes this plateau to become several types.

Suitable Plants Planted in the Highlands

Indonesia’s earth is synonymous with agriculture and plantations or commonly known as farming. That’s why Indonesia is said to be an agricultural country. Regarding agriculture or plantations in various regions of Indonesia, of course the plants planted differ from one another.

That’s why there are some plants that are suitable for planting in the highlands and not very suitable when planted in the lowlands. There are a number of plants that are suitable for planting in this highland area, including the following:

1. Strawberries

The first plant that is suitable for planting in the highlands is strawberry. Where, the strawberry itself is a fruit that is much sought after to be processed as a drink, food or decoration because it has a nice shape, ideal size, and fresh color. This strawberry can also be easily grown when it is in a cool area, such as a plateau.

This strawberry plant requires at least 10 hours of light a day. And this plant also requires rainfall of 600 to 800 mm/year, and requires a temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius.

2. Carrots

The second type of plant that is suitable for planting in highland areas is carrots. The carrot plant is one of the vegetables that contains a lot of vitamin A so that its existence is also very much needed by people in Indonesia and abroad. In order to plant carrots, it requires temperatures between 15.6 to 21.1 degrees Celsius.

Where, the temperature has a role in metabolic processes, photosynthesis, transpiration, enzyme activity, absorption, nutrient absorption and so on. You can easily find this plant in the highlands.

3. Cabbage

The next type of plant suitable for planting in the highlands is cabbage. Of course, many people living in the highlands use it to grow cabbage. Where, cabbage itself is a vegetable that is very much needed by the community. This cabbage plant can grow optimally if planted in the highlands.

4. Potatoes

The next crop that is suitable for planting in the highlands is potatoes. Potato plants are tubers that can be used as a staple food substitute. The existence of this potato is very necessary as a food substitute for rice or used as other processed foods.

There are still other plants that you can plant in the highlands, apart from those mentioned above, for example, chayote, apples, tea, chocolate, and many others. This is information regarding the characteristics of the highlands to plants that are suitable for planting in the highlands. Hopefully the above information can be helpful and useful for readers.

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