Characteristics of Advertising Language, Advertising History, and Different Types of Ads

Characteristics of advertising language – According to Rhenald Khasali, advertising is a message that provides products and services to the public by media brokers. Advertisements can be classified into family ads, commercial ads, announcement ads, classified ads, community ads.

Advertising also has several functions as follows:

  • Information (new products, services, product characteristics, or cash information such as published services).
  • As a lure (enticing consumers to buy the products offered)
  • As a reminder, (to remind consumers to always use the product being promoted.)

There is also the use of language to consider when creating ads. Certain properties and rules are required for the advertising language that you create to be effective and on target.

Features of Advertising Language

Advertisements have characteristics in the use of language so that the intended target is suitable and can be achieved. The following are characteristics of advertising language that you need to know.

1. Using Slogans

Slogans are catchy, catchy and easy to remember words or phrases. Slogans usually consist of 4-5 words that are easy to remember and catchy. This is done so that those who are exposed to the ad can receive the intended message.

2. Using Persuasive Sentences

Persuasive sentences are statements that aim to convince readers, listeners, and viewers to implement or accept the ideas of advertising supporters.
An example of a convincing sentence on a product display is “If you don’t have current installations, when will? The promo will end tomorrow, you know!”

4. Language that is short, solid, and clear

A good advertisement should convey a short and meaningful message. Also, the content of the message you convey must be clear in order to resonate with the intended audience.

The language you use must also be interesting and suggestive, but it must be factual. Remember to use words that have a positive meaning to build trust in the intended audience.

Characteristics of Advertising Language Based on Advertising History

At that time, advertising had a very simple form because it was born naturally, some were intertwined in everyday forms in a society that was still very backward in terms of science and technology.

In addition, their language also determined both the advertising model and media methods at the time.

Advertisements from 4000 BC

Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and posters. Commercial messages and political campaign posters have been found in the ruins of ancient Pompeii and Arabia. Lost and found papyrus advertisements were very common in ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

Commercial murals or rock paintings are another manifestation of this ancient form of advertising, which is present today in many parts of Asia, Africa and South America. The tradition of mural painting originates from Indian rock art dating back to 4000 BC.

History teaches us that outdoor advertising and billboards are the oldest forms of advertising.

As medieval cities began to grow, signs indicate that nowadays shoemakers, millers, tailors or blacksmiths used related images for their trade. For example, boots, clothes, hats, watches, diamonds, horseshoes, candles or even sacks of flour to be sold in town squares.

At the back of the cart and the owner uses a loud voice to announce their presence for the convenience of the customer.

Advertising in the 17th Century

At that time education became an important need. Print advertising was originally used primarily to promote books and newspapers. The success of this form of advertising in this era eventually led to the development of mail order advertising.

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Advertising in the 18th and 19th Centuries

The French newspaper La Presse is a newspaper that creates paid advertising programs on its pages to reduce prices, expand audience and increase business profits.

Around 1840, Volney B. Palmer formed the modern advertising agency in Philadelphia and purchased large amounts of space in various newspapers at a discount, then resold it at a higher price to advertising space brokers.

Things changed in the late 19th century when the advertising agency NW Ayer and Son was founded. Ayer and Kids was asked to plan, create and execute a complete advertising campaign for its clients.

By 1900, advertising agency had become the focal point of creative planning and advertising had become well established as a profession.

Around the same time, in France, Charles Louis Havas extended his press agent services to advertising agencies, making him the first French company to arrange advertisements. At first, the agent was a broker of newspaper ad space.

NW Ayer and Son is a leading provider of advertising content services. In 1895 advertisements appeared for weight loss products.

At the turn of the century, there were several career options for women in business, but advertising was one of the hot ones. Because women are responsible for most of the purchases for their domestic needs. Advertisers and agencies have recognized the value of understanding women, and advertising continues to evolve, especially from a creative standpoint.

In fact, the first American ad to use semi-sexual activity was made by a woman for a soap product. Though tame by today’s standards, this ad features a pair with the language, “ Your skin loves to be touched .”

Advertising in the Early 1920’s

In the early 1920s the first radio stations were founded by radio equipment manufacturers and retailers who offered programs to sell more stations to consumers. Over time, many non-profit organizations followed suit by establishing their own radio stations, including clubs and societies.

Each individual radio program is usually sponsored by a single entrepreneur in exchange for his company initials at the beginning and end of the instructions set by the sponsor.

They can make more money selling sponsorship rights for a small time allotment to multiple companies through their radio show, than selling sponsorship rights to one company per show.

A fierce battle ensued between those who sought to commercialize radio and those who claimed that radio spectrum should be considered as part of non-commercial uses for the benefit of society.

Advertising in the Early 1950s

In 1950 the DuMont Television network began running modern programs selling fast ads to the public. In the past, DuMont has struggled to find sponsors for many of its shows and compensated by selling small amounts of advertising time to several companies.

This eventually became the norm for the commercial television industry in the United States, but is still common on single-sponsored programs, such as United States Steel Jam. In some cases, the sponsor has substantial control over the event’s content, until someone from an advertising agency writes the program.

Advertising in the Late 1980s

This era saw the introduction of cable television, especially MTV. Pioneering the concept of music videos, MTV ushered in a new type of advertising by matching consumers to advertising messages. As cable and satellite TV became more common, niche channels emerged, including ad-only channels such as QVC, HSN, and ShopTV Canada.

Internet marketing opened up new opportunities for advertisers and contributed to the “dotcom boom” of the 1990s. The entire company is run solely on advertising revenue and offers everything from coupons to free internet access.

At the turn of the 21st century, many websites, including the Google search engine, transformed online advertising by emphasizing contextual, non-intrusive ads designed to assist users rather than overwhelm them. This has led to a number of similar efforts, increasing the trend towards interactive advertising.

Despite major changes in media, the share of advertising spending in GDP has barely changed. For example, in the United States in 1925, the main advertising media were newspapers, magazines, streetcar signs and outdoor signs.

By 1998, television and radio had become important advertising media. However, the percentage of GDP spent on advertising slightly decreased by around 2.4%.
A recent advertising innovation is “guerrilla marketing,” including holding meetings in public places, distributing products such as cars with branded messages, and interactive ads that allow viewers to respond to become part of the advertising message.

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Guerrilla advertising is becoming increasingly popular in many companies. This type of advertising is unpredictable and innovative, and consumers will buy products as well as ideas.

This reflects the growing trend toward interactive “embedded” advertising, including product placement, consumer conversations via text messages, and innovations leveraging social networking services such as Facebook.

Advertising After the Invention of the Printing Machine

When Guttenberg invented the printing system in 1450 and several weekly newspapers appeared, advertising became increasingly used for commercial purposes. During this time, magazines, posters, pamphlets, etc. were created, and advertising flourished. However, the development of advertising since then has a very difficult history.

Print advertising first appeared in England in 1472 in the form of a poster promoting the publication of a church prayer book.

Modern Advertising

After several long phases, advertising is now starting to develop and develop very rapidly. Media is also increasingly diverse and not limited to traditional and classic media. The methods used also vary.

Advertising requires not only the ability of people to form words, but also many people with various levels of expertise and proficiency in the field of knowledge.

The world of modern advertising is expanding beyond America and Europe. Development is also taking place in various other parts of the world. The progress of the advertising industry is also heavily influenced by printing technology, especially color printing performance.

In addition, the ad includes famous movie stars. This builds an image in the community that these stars are using the product as advertised. Apparently, identification technology is starting to be used in the advertising world.

Various Types of Ads

After knowing the history of advertising development and advertising language, we can now see the types of ads that can be categorized based on content, media, and purpose as follows.

Types of Ads Based on Content

1. Public Advertising

These ads are usually served by an agency or agency. Contains information to interact with and educate the general public on specific topics and issues.

Example: election ads, healthy living ads, family planning ads, etc.

2. Notice or Promotion Notice

These advertisements are intended to appeal only to certain individuals. The content is about event notifications, sad news, and more.

3. Request Ads

Demand ads are often thought of as job ads. This is because these ads contain advertisers offering and inviting people to work with them.

4. Promotional Offers (Commerce)

The advertisements that you often encounter are offer advertisements or commercial advertisements. Bid advertisements are a type of advertisement that displays offers of goods or services to the general public. Example: Ads for food, drinks, clothing, electronic products, etc.

Types of Ads Based on Media

1. Print Media Advertising

Print ads are advertisements made by printing. Print advertisements are widely available in newspapers, leaflets, magazines, newspapers, billboards, posters, stickers, and others. For print ads, there are limitations depending on where the ad is placed.

2. Electronic Advertising

This advertisement uses electronic media to display and display advertisements. There are many electronic advertisements such as TV commercials, radio advertisements, film advertisements, social media advertisements and others.

Types of Ads Based on Target

1. Commercial Advertising (Business)

This commercial advertisement is placed with the aim of seeking economic profit because the main advertisement is to increase sales. Commercial advertising consists of three parts: Consumer advertising is a type of advertising shown directly to consumers.

Business advertising is a type of advertisement shown to individual managers, agencies or coordinators, who sell products or services to consumers.

Professional advertising is a type of business advertisement that is shown to professional business people who can properly manage the advertisements sent to them.

2. Non-profit Advertising

For-profit advertising is not focused on material or economic gain. Non-profit advertising is actually intended to achieve social benefits.

That is, people gain additional insight and self-awareness and change their behavior and attitudes towards the issues presented in the ad.

This is a review of the characteristics of advertising language . Sinaumed’s can get books related to advertisements at As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides the best products for Sinaumed’s.

Author: Arizal Muhammad Valevi

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