Characteristics and Examples of Gas Bodies, Here’s the Explanation

Characteristics and examples of gas bodies – Is Sinaumed’s looking for references on gas bodies? Exactly, gas objects are one of the elements that are familiar to our lives, including the main needs of living things, namely oxygen or air which is included in the gas element. Based on the example of the gas object, it shows that this element needs to be well known for its characteristics or characteristics.

Starting from elementary school, maybe we have received lessons about gas objects. However, is Sinaumed’s sure that he can identify the characteristics and examples of gas objects well in our daily lives? So, to understand it further, Sinaumed’s can see the article below about the characteristics and examples of gas bodies in full:

Recognizing Gases

Gas is a form or element of matter whose volume and shape always change depending on the container, even though it is difficult to see with the naked eye. Not only are they invisible to the human eye, but also gaseous bodies cannot be held in the same way as solids or liquids. That is why gas objects have special characteristics or characteristics that are different from other objects.

Since gas is air in the form of oxygen which is found in every corner of the world, we can find gaseous matter everywhere. Air and oxygen are examples of the gases we breathe every day that we need to survive. When air and oxygen gas disappear from the earth’s surface, humans die and even become extinct, including animals and plants. That is why oxygen is the largest gas on the planet and can be found everywhere.

Gaseous matter is constantly moving everywhere, so its shape is not fixed. That is, follow the shape of the container. In contrast to solids and liquids which are more stable in shape and volume, their volume is also constantly changing. Due to the freedom of the molecules and their movement, air can also be easily converted into other substances naturally without human intervention.

Characteristics of Gases

Based on the introduction above, it shows that gas objects have characteristics for the presence of elements on earth. Based on these characteristics we can identify and utilize gas objects for daily needs. In more detail, here are some characteristics of gas objects which also show different properties from elements or other objects, such as solid or liquid objects:

1. Filling the Entire Space It Occupies

Air is a mixture of various invisible, colorless, odorless or odorless gaseous substances. However, air still occupies space and follows the shape of the space or container. Sinaumed’s was able to prove the nature of this gaseous body. This is because when we blow air into a balloon, it will be filled with air gas which compresses the rubber layer of the balloon, changing the shape of the balloon and making it bigger.

The harder the balloon is blown, the more gas is added to the balloon. The balloon is formed into a gas form by adjusting the shape of the balloon. For example, a balloon in the shape of an animal’s head, the gas will follow the shape of the balloon.

2. Can Be Found Anywhere

Gases can be anywhere, so we can find them anywhere, such as at home, on the street, or in any environment. Even empty space or space still contains air or gas. It is a colorless and odorless gaseous form that is neither visible nor detectable, but it is still there and we can taste it. The properties of gaseous bodies that exist in all these places prove that humans are very dependent on the presence of oxygen.

3. Pressing in All Directions

Gaseous matter can push in all directions across all forms of space, so it cannot be filled or compressed in only one direction. Sinaumed’s was able to prove these properties in bodies filled with gas. For example, the shape of a balloon that expands, there is a gas element that pushes the balloon in all directions, causing the balloon to expand more than its previous size.

The gas fills the entire shape of the balloon and pushes all of the rubber material away. This can happen because gaseous substances have molecules that can move freely, and can exert pressure on a certain space from all sides. The movement of gases in all directions is also caused by the chemical elements of the lighter gases in the air.

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4. Gas appears light, but still has heavy mass

The matter of gases is not shown, but it has been found that gases also have mass or weight of matter. The mass or weight of a gas is clearly different from the mass of solids and liquids. Even the calculation of gaseous substances is different from calculating the mass of carbon dioxide with the dry mass of biomass and calculating the ideal gas equation.

Determination of the mass of a gas substance is also influenced by the amount of pressure, volume, and temperature around the substance. For example, the gaseous mass of Earth’s air is roughly 68% molecular nitrogen, 21% molecular oxygen, and 1% other gases, including molecular carbon dioxide.

5. Distance Between Particles Varies.

Like solids and liquids, gases also have their own particles and molecules, but at a different rate than solids and liquids. The distance between the particles and molecules that make up the gas changes, making the gaseous object unstable.

Unlike solids and liquids, particles and molecules tend to be at rest. Changing the distance between gas particles allows the gas to move freely and fill empty spaces or form containers in all directions. Solids and liquids can also contain gases. This is possible because the density of gas particles and molecules is very independent and can be neglected.

6. Irregular Particle Arrangement

If the distance is not constant, the arrangement of gas particles under certain circumstances will not be uniform. Since the arrangement of particles is easily changed, it is also easy to change gaseous bodies to different types of matter or simply by reducing particles and molecules. Due to their precise arrangement, the particles of gaseous substances easily change mass or volume.

In general, the particles that make up a gas are highly ordered. Naturally, gaseous substances are not easily recognized by the human eye what their chemical constituents are. The chemical elements of gases also differ in the content of their chemical elements, so they are difficult to distinguish from one another due to their various characteristics.

7. Weak Attraction Between Particles

Gases have weak attractive forces of attraction between particles. In fact, many scientists say that there is little attraction between particles of gaseous matter. The particles that make up gases are very light and irregular, so they easily become unstable. As a result, there are also no forces between particles of gas like other objects.

8. Very Free Particle Movement

The most obvious characteristic of a gas is its ability to move freely because it is influenced by the properties of other gases. This means that the particles are not stationary, but are arranged unevenly, allowing them to move freely in all directions to fill the void. That is why gaseous bodies can be propagation media for certain energies, such as sound energy, light and heat energy.

Freely moving gases easily form or produce large amounts of energy. Sinaumed’s was able to find the characteristics of free-moving gas bodies by observing wind gusts that occur under natural conditions when the gas moves non-uniformly according to the pressure or temperature of a certain room or area. We can’t see it, but we can feel the gas moving back and forth around us.

9. The shape of gas varies according to its container

By virtue of its nature which presses in all directions and fills all empty space, the shape of a gas object depends on the container holding it. If solid objects can be square, spherical and so on, then gas objects can also take that shape, that is, follow the container they occupy. For example, in a solid box, if it is filled with gas, then the gas will also be in a box shape. In contrast to solid objects that do not follow the container that holds it.

10. Volume Varies According to Container

As previously explained, gas objects also have volume or heavy mass, but the calculations also vary according to the container that contains them. So the volume of a gas object is not fixed and will always change according to the place or container.

11. Gas Cannot Be Touched and Seen

Even though it has a heavy volume or mass, gas objects cannot be held like solid objects or liquid objects. In addition, most gaseous forms are also invisible. For example wind, fart, LPG gas and so on. But in some examples of gas objects there are also those that look like smoke.

Examples of Gases

After knowing the characteristics of gas objects above, the following are examples of gas objects that Sinaumed’s may often encounter in everyday life:

1. LPG Gas

LPG gas is an example of a very important and everyday household gas to meet cooking needs. LPG gas is usually packaged in cylinders of 3 kg, 5 kg and 12 kg. In order for LPG gas to work, we need a hose and regulator to start the stove. One of the characteristics of LPG gas is that it has a quite pungent odor.

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2. Pump Tool

If Sinaumed’s has a car or bicycle at home, he definitely needs a gas pump. One day, if a bicycle or car tire punctures, we will not be able to ride it and the tires may swell. This tool works by producing air or gas that was previously contained in the hose and letting it flow into the tires of our vehicles. The gas will then be fully filled according to the space or shape of the vehicle’s tires.

3. Muffler

If Sinaumed’s has a motorbike or car at home, you must be familiar with the gas that comes out of the exhaust, right? The function of the muffler is to change the carbon from the rest of the combustion and reduce engine noise. As a warning, Gramesd needs to note, don’t turn on a vehicle with an exhaust in the room. Gas trapped in the room can be toxic to our bodies.

4. Air conditioning

Nowadays, many people install air conditioners in their homes to increase air circulation and make their rooms feel cool. Because the air conditioner contains Freon, cold air can be blown. Freon is a compound in the form of a gas that helps absorb the load on air conditioners and places that require temperature control. Unlike the gas in LPG cylinders, Freon is colorless, invisible and odorless.

5. Refrigerator

The refrigerator is a household item that is needed as a storage place so that food lasts longer. Like air conditioners, refrigerators need Freon to produce cool air. If Freon is damaged, the refrigerator will definitely be damaged and the food in it can quickly become rotten.

6. Perfume

Most people need to store perfume in their homes or use it every day, be it men’s or women’s perfume. The function of perfume is to make the body smell better. So when going to work, parties or outside activities, we must be more confident. Perfume is actually a liquid because it does not change the state of the substance. After the perfume is sprayed, the liquid comes into contact with the ambient temperature and turns into a gaseous element.

7. Oxygen Cylinder

Oxygen cylinders have become one of the most important items in the home these days, especially if Sinaumed’s has a sick relative. This tube is filled with fluid that can turn into oxygen when it flows through the airways such as the nose and mouth. Oxygen cylinders are widely used to help Covid-19 patients who are suffering from shortness of breath during the pandemic. In addition to oxygen cylinders, Covid 19 million patients need to consume various vitamins and medicines during independent isolation.

8. Wind

Wind is an example of a gaseous object that is invisible but can be felt. In some cases, we may be able to see the wind carrying dry leaves or fine dust. So we can see the shape of the wind from what it has carried or touched.

9. Farts

Almost similar to wind, farts can’t be seen either. But his service farts have an odor. Fart is even called a natural gas that is owned by humans. Fart is an example of a gas object that we definitely encounter candy, right?

10. Smoke

Smoke is an example of a gaseous state that can be seen and smelled. In some cases, the presence of smoke is dangerous due to the elemental content in the gas. Sinaumed’s needs to remember again that there are many types of gases that are dangerous on this earth. Including one of them smoke which also has various types of content in it.

11. Water Vapor

Water vapor is an example of a gaseous object which is the result of a change in matter. This means that water vapor occurs due to changes in matter, namely liquid objects to gas because they are heated. For example, when Sinaumed’s boils water, when it boils, the water turns into gas which evaporates into the air.

Well, that’s an explanation of the characteristics and examples of gas objects. Can Sinaumed’s identify it in everyday life? At first glance, the characteristics and examples of solid objects may be easy, but these types of objects have unique characteristics and play an important role in the life cycle. Both types of useful gas objects, as well as harmful or toxic gas elements.

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