Characteristics and Examples of Fictional Stories, Here’s the Full Explanation

Examples of Fiction Stories – Is Sinaumed’s one of the connoisseurs of fiction stories? Exactly, fictional stories do have unique characteristics as literary works, one of which is to entertain readers. In addition, fictional stories also have a bigger imagination container for the audience. That is why many fiction stories are also called very imaginative stories.

From its imaginative nature, it means that fiction also has a very wide variety of forms and types. Starting from science fiction stories, history, education, which are based on factuality. So fictional stories are not only based on the imagination of the author. This broad definition of fiction still has its own character which we can observe from the characteristics of the text structure, text elements, and language rules.

To understand fictional stories, the following is an explanation of the meaning, structure, characteristics, text elements, language rules, and examples of fictional stories that Sinaumed’s needs to know when learning about fictional story texts:

Definition of Fictional Stories

Fictional story text is a literary work that contains fictional stories or based on imagination-based “fantasy” that is not based on actual events, but only relies on the imagination of the author’s factual experience. The author’s imagination is processed on the basis of his evaluation of various experiences, insights, views, interpretations, knowledge, reality and purely fictitious events.

Fictional story text is a kind of fictional story that is more or less realistic. Fictional stories depend on the imagination and creativity of the narrator. Fiction usually describes a collection of stories peppered with events, human experience, or the imagination and creativity of the author.

Characteristics of Fictional Stories

Based on practice, fictional stories have their own characteristics and characteristics as literary works, as follows:

  1. Characteristic of the imagination of various authors
  2. There is no relative or absolute truth value. In general, the language used is suggestive
  3. There is no standard classification
  4. In general, this fictional story tells about the feelings of the reader, not logical values ​​but emotions
  5. Each story has a moral message, namely a specific mission

Types of Fictional Stories

With its broad scope, fiction has several types of text forms, such as the following:

  1. Novel : A prose work of a written story
  2. Short story: A prose form of fictional story whose goals tend to be concise and direct
  3. Romance

Elements of Fictional Text

Just like other types of text, fictional stories also have elements, namely intrinsic elements that exist in the text and extrinsic elements that come from outside the text itself, as follows:

Intrinsic Elements of Fictional Stories

  • Themes , general ideas that support a literary work and are contained in the text
  • Characters , namely the perpetrators of literary works. In terms of roles, literary works can be divided into two parts, namely the main character and supporting characters
  • The storyline is a storyline that contains a series of events. However, each event is only connected by cause and effect, the occurrence of one event, or the occurrence of another
  • Conflict , or event that is considered important, is an indispensable element in plot development
  • Climax , when the conflict reaches its highest intensity and is inevitable
  • Setting , namely the place, time, and social environment in which the events that are told take place
  • Characterization , the author’s solution to the problem of literary works
  • Perspective , the perspective of the author as a means to present to the reader the characters, plot, setting, and various events that make up the story of a work of fiction
  • Characteristics , namely techniques or methods to express character.

Extrinsic Elements of Fictional Stories

  • The subjective state of the individual author who has an attitude
  • belief
  • The outlook on life that influenced his work
  • Psychology also influences literary works, both in the form of authoritative psychology such as economics, politics, and socialism
  • Community view of life
  • Various other related works of art

Fictional Text Structure

The structure of the short story is not much different from the structure of the text of a fictional story. The structure of a fictional story consists of the following six structures:

  1. The orientation includes the subject, background of the subject, character introduction, beginning, and explanation of the novel’s fictional story
  2. Complexity is the climax of the text of fiction, because various problems begin to appear in this section, and the complexity of the novel is usually the main attraction for the reader.
  3. Rating is part of a novel text that contains solving a problem or generating a discussion about its solution
  4. Solving is the part that includes solving the core problems encountered in the story
  5. The Coda (Reorientation) contains characterizations and positive moral messages that can be extracted from text texts.
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However, it does not rule out that fictional stories from novel texts only have structures in the form of evaluation, orientation, solutions, and complexity.

The Language Rules of Fictional Stories

To be able to distinguish fictional texts from other texts, Sinaumed’s needs to know three linguistic rules in fictional stories as follows:

  1. Metaphors are similes that are often used to compare objects or describe things directly with the same nature
  2. Metonymy is a style of speech used, in which certain words are used in place of actual words, but their use only applies to words that are closely related
  3. Simile (equation) is used as an explicit comparison with the intention of stating one thing with another, for example: suppose, as it should be, as it should be.

Examples of Fiction Stories

After knowing about the definition, types, structure, characteristics, elements, and linguistic rules of fictional texts, Sinaumed’s can pay attention to the following examples of fictional stories as references:

1. Examples of fiction stories for children

Chased by Dogs

Anton, Doni and Budi are 3 friends who often spend their afternoons playing bicycles. They are always traveling and trying new places to explore. If the term is called Doni, this is called adventure, for example, like the one on television.

One afternoon, they were frantically trying to find a new route they wanted to explore. The reason is, they have entered all the alleys and complex routes near their homes. Budi also provides new perspectives for exploring the factory complex located outside the residential complex. At first, Doni didn’t approve of Budi’s new view because his mother always advised him not to go too far from the complex of change.

But with the approval of Anton and Budi, Doni was finally forced to join. They cycled happily and felt challenged because it was the first time they had played outside their compound and had gone quite far. As they were about to enter the factory complex, suddenly they heard a very loud dog barking. They stopped and saw that there was a dog whose neck was not tied behind a tree

Apparently this dog is a dog kept near the factory to protect the factory on Sundays. Anton, Doni and Budi rushed to pedal their bicycles as hard as they could because the dog had run after them. The three of them screamed for help and pedaled as fast as they could. Until they reached the area of ​​their changing complex, fortunately the dog was no longer chasing them. Doni also regretted not obeying his mother’s orders.

2. Examples of Educational Fiction Stories

Pursuing a dream

Prasetya is an elementary school student from a remote area of ​​Indonesia. He lives in a very lonely village on the edge of Borneo. The life of the villagers is very simple and far from modern life. Access to electricity there is very limited, not to mention signal and internet access. However, the villagers living there can still live happily by fully fulfilling these limitations.

Since childhood, Prasetya has had aspirations to make his village more advanced. He started to think that at least in his village there is access to electricity that is qualified and free for all the people who live there. That desire arose when he once accidentally read a newspaper he found in his school area. The newspaper was indeed very shabby, so he was even more enthusiastic about building his village.

For this dream, Prasetya was able to study very hard so that his dream was to be able to get a scholarship to continue his tertiary education. Plas was his high school nickname, then he finally went to school outside the village because he wanted to pursue it more properly. He worked while attending school. In the end, he was accepted at one of the major universities in Indonesia.

Since then, Prasetya has studied hard and won achievements in various research projects conducted by his lecturers. After graduating from the college, Plas finally returned to the village and started to realize his dream by building a simple hydroelectric power plant (PLTA).

3. Examples of Historical Fiction Stories

Indonesian independence

My name is Ridho, at that time I was 14 years old. Precisely on August 17, 1945, the month of Ramadan. So my father, brother and I left the house without having breakfast because we were fasting. We were the ones who left the house around 09.00 in the morning, but we couldn’t because the streets were very quiet.

Actually I am now very surprised, but I am silent and will continue to walk in my father’s footsteps. As it turned out, my father had taken me and my sister to a place on Jalan Pegangsaan Timur number 70. There were many people gathered there, of course that made me even more wondering what was really going on.

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There were also a number of youths who were lined up neatly and you could see the invited guests sitting neatly based on the set of chairs that had been provided. Meanwhile, when leaving the gathering place, there were also residents from various backgrounds. Almost all the residents who gathered at that place brought bamboo spears, shovels, machetes, and other types of tools that could be used as weapons.

They carried everything as if they wanted to show their determination to dare to die in order to defend Indonesia’s independence. At that time, we were walking closer to the area where it was, so the screams of the residents were getting louder and louder, “Now, man, now! Say it at this time, right now, man.”

Not long after, finally based on that place came out 2 people wearing neat white shirts. One of the people who came out was carrying a piece of paper and he was very firm, he was the one who read out the contents based on the paper containing the statement of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence.

When I heard the text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, I was deeply moved. At the age of 14, I participated and witnessed that my beloved country was independent.

4. Examples of Science Fiction Stories

Passage of time

When I start to feel dissatisfied with myself, I tend to try and create new things. Something that I had never done before. Actually there’s not a single thing that I know about how hard I wanted to study and work when I created it.

A form of technology that can later change the amazing world, then I named it “time tunnel”. As the name suggests, it is a long passage that can be traversed. But, don’t get me wrong, the shape of the aisle is not an ordinary aisle or bridge. But a form of time passage that can explore and go to the past, even the future.

That’s why, I can know what will happen later in the future. Until now, only I can use it and get through it. No one knows, let alone can pass and walk in this time tunnel.

5. Examples of Folklore Fictional Stories


In ancient times, there was a story about a princess from West Java named Dayang Sumbi. He had a son named Sangkuriang. One day, Sangkuriang was hunting with his tugboat. Sangkuriang also did not know that the dog was the incarnation of Parliament and his father.

At that time, Tumang did not want to obey orders to fight with the São Courier. Then Tumanga was pushed into the forest. Then, Sangkuriang returned to the palace and told his mother. Then Dayang Sumbi suddenly got angry and hit Sangkuriang’s head with the spoon in her hand.

Sangkuriang was offended and disappointed by his mother’s treatment and decided to wander. After that incident, his mother felt sorry for him. Then the mother always prays and meditates. Once upon a time the gods finally gave a miracle by giving him eternal beauty. After years of wandering, Sangkuriang then intends to return to the palace, namely to his own homeland.

However. apparently the state of the kingdom was different and had completely changed since Sangkuriang’s departure. Until finally he met a beautiful and very enchanting girl, who turned out to be Dayang Sumbi (his own mother). Upon her beauty, Sangkuriang was fascinated and immediately proposed to her. One day, Sangkuriang said goodbye to the hunt and asked her to cut her future husband’s hair.

However, Dayang Sumbing was surprised to find that the scar on his head was identical to that of her son’s, and when she examined it, it was very similar. After that, Dayang Sumbing looked for a way to end his marriage. If he wants to bury his tragic story with his child, then he must cross the Citarum river and make a major river crossing that must be completed before dawn.

Sangkuriang did this not alone, but was assisted by supernatural beings. Apparently Dayang Sumbing peeked at Sangkuriang’s work which was almost finished. Then He ordered his troops to spread a red cloth on the east side of the city to make it visible. Seeing this Sangkuriang thought it was already morning and he was furious. He also kicked the canoe with his strength until the giant canoe arrived at a mountain which was finally named Tangkuban Perahu.

Well, that’s an explanation of fictional stories, starting from the definition, types, structure, elements, language rules, and examples of fictional stories.