The Budi Utomo organization is one of the witnesses to the struggle of the Indonesian people. What is the Budi Utomo organization? This article will discuss the learning background, goals and founders of the Budi Utomo organization.
Budi Utomo Organizational Background
The background for the formation of the Budi Utomo organization came from Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. He is a Javanese doctor who comes from Surakarta. He was a person who used to actively propagate the founding ideals of the organization.
He wanted the Java region to have an association aimed at advancing education. In addition, the purpose of the association is to finance children who cannot go to school but have the potential and will. This idea was welcomed by students from STOVIA, Batavia, especially by Soeradji, Gondwana and Soetomo.
After going through a series of discussions, on May 20, 1908, an association was founded. The association was named Budi Utomo. There are nine people who were included in the founding figure of Budi Utomo’s organization.
However, along the way, many figures joined the Budi Utomo organization. Such as Soewardi Soerjaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, Tirto Adhi Soerjo, Raden Adipati Tirtokoesoemo, Prince Noto Dirodjo and so on.
The Budi Utomo organization played an important role in starting the era of the national movement at that time. This was before the emergence of several other organizations. Budi Utomo’s organization ended in 1935, after this association merged into the Great Indonesia Party or Parindra led by Soetomo.
The Founding Figure of the Budi Utomo Organization
Budi Utomo is an organization at the beginning of the movement that occurred in Indonesia. Budi Utomo is the first modern organization established in Indonesia. The founder of the Budi Utomo organization was founded by students from STOVIA or School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen.
Budi Utomo’s organization has become a forum for struggle. The goal is to free people from existing misery. This organization was founded by 9 figures.
The 9 figures include Soetomo, Mochammad Saleh, Mohammad Soelaiman, Goenawan Mangoenkoesoemo, Gondo Soewarno, R. Angka Prodjosoedirdjo, Mas Goembrek, Soewarno and Soeradji Tirtonegoro.
1. Soetomo
After that, Soetomo founded an association. The name of the association is Budi Utomo. Apart from being an association, Budi Utomo is used as a student organization.
The reason is, at that time the Netherlands strictly prohibited all kinds of political organizations. That is why Budi Utomo was made a student organization. After graduating from STOVIA in 1911, Soetomo continued to work as a doctor who had to move places when on duty.
Apart from Budi Utomo’s organization, Soetomo also founded other organizations. The organization is ISC or Indonesische Studie Club. The organization gave birth to weaving schools, cooperatives, credit banks and so on.
Soetomo later died on May 30, 1938. He died at the age of 50 because he was too busy with various organizational activities. As a result, his physical condition continued to succumb and he died.
2. Muhammad Saleh
“Loyal and quiet”, was Soetomo’s impression of Mochammad Saleh. Mochammad Saleh is a person who always works according to what is decided by the meeting. He manages household affairs in an orderly manner.
This makes the work of Budi Utomo’s organization always right and advanced. “People don’t know the hardships that are in our way.” Soetomo said that sentence.
Mochammad Saleh is someone who always works class. However, always remain gentle. Both in his behavior and in his sweet speech.
Mochammad Saleh devoted himself to working as a private doctor in the Probolinggo area. The temperament that has been attached to him that makes him have a big influence. It is also the reason he is loved by the people around him. Mochammad Saleh died on March 2, 1952, when he was 63 years old.
3. Mohammad Soelaiman
His father often preached from one village to another, all the way to the Banyumas area. His father died when Soelaiman was still small. This made him live with his two younger siblings under the care of his mother.
The simple outlook on life is firmly embedded in Soelaiman’s soul. Soelaiman is a person who respects others and respects his elders and each other. That’s what makes him close to various circles.
Soelaiman graduated from ELS or Europeesche Lagere School at the age of 16. He realized that the confines of colonial society could only be penetrated by improving the quality of the Javanese people. This quality improvement is obtained from education.
Based on that, he was determined to enter STOVIA or School Tot Opleiding van Indlansche Artsen on March 1, 1903. He left Purworejo and entered Weltevreden, Batavia. He is known as someone who is very intelligent, even nicknamed en lopende wordenboek or a walking dictionary.
Soelaiman was also often involved in discussions about nationalism and the turmoil of a movement. That is what made him listed as one of the founders of the Budi Utomo organization as deputy chairman. When the first congress of the Budi Utomo organization was held from 3 to 5 October 1908 in Yogyakarta, Soelaiman also attended and participated.
4. Goenawan Mangoenkoesoemo
He is considered very consistent in his stance. In fact, he became the mover and motivator of the Budi Utomo organization. In organizational activities, Goenawan has a good character and sense of language.
This is one of the reasons why Budi Utomo’s organization is well appreciated. Both with friends and foes. Goenawan is known as a figure who loves freedom and justice. The similarities in spirit, vision, political views and explanations were always in line with and compatible with the views of his best friend, namely Soetomo. Everyone has acknowledged that Goenawan has the ability to convince people of the ideas and opinions given by him. All the ideas, opinions and ideas that he worked on for the betterment of the Budi Utomo organization.
5 . Gondo Soewarno
At the beginning of the establishment of the Budi Utomo organization, Soewarno got a position as temporary secretary in the Budi Utomo organization. He issued two statements about the Budi Utomo organization. However, none of them has a date when the statement was issued.
The first statement, which is entitled “Progress for the Indies”. It appeared in the Dutch newspaper, Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad. The statement was released in the newspapers on July 17, 1908.
Then it was followed in the newspaper De Locomotief, on July 24, 1908. The second statement from Soewarno was entitled “Circular Letter”, this was published in the Dutch weekly Java Bode, on September 7, 1908. The statement came out on the steps; Sept. 5, 1908.
Soewarno is a figure who is known to be quiet. Even more reserved than Soerdji and Mochammad Saleh. However, behind his quiet nature is stored his great power as a thinker.
Soewarno was proficient in writing and speaking Dutch. His main expertise is in the arts. The various skills he has are of course useful for Budi Utomo’s organization.
6. R. Figures Prodjosoedirdjo
Then Doctor Angka attended HIS or Holland Indische School for seven years. During school time, he got a good achievement. This made him continue his studies at the Hoogere Burger School or HBS, for about 5 years.
After that he continued his education as a native doctor at the School Tot Opleiding van Indlansche Artsen or STOVIA. Doctor Angka has always devoted himself as an educator and a people’s doctor.
In 1967 Doctor Angka then took the time to write silat about the establishment of the Budi Utomo organization. He wrote a letter to answer the letter from Prof. Sardjito who said that the Budi Utomo organization was founded by students from STOVIA, according to the incident he witnessed on May 20, 1908.
Doctor Angke died in Purwokerto, in 1975. At that time he died at the age of 88 years. Then he was buried in the family Pesarean.
7. Mas Goembrek
The sixth Wuku commonly called Gumbreg. Goembrek spent his childhood clearing out schools in the Kebumen area. He also followed his father who was appointed as Wedana of Kebumen in 1886 – 1897. He attended the Europeesche Lagere School located in the capital of the Residency of Purworejo, at that time he was boarding at his uncle, who was the Regent of Purworejo RMT Tjokronegoro III.
Then in 1901 Goembrek completed his education at ELS. At that time, his father wanted Goembrek to become a praja commander. This was because at that time, medical education was not a special thing for the parents of the Pangreh Praja circle.
There are other things that make medical education not much in demand. Such as geographical location which is quite far away, high school and boarding fees, and uncertainty about the future success of a doctor. Things like that became Gombrek’s father’s consideration.
It’s different from being the Pangreh Praja. Only by taking the klein ambtenaar or lowly employee exam. At that time, the children and grandchildren of the regent’s descendants and their social status will be guaranteed.
However, Gombrek still joined STOVIA in 1900. While at STOVIA Goembrek felt that there was an orthodoxy system of succession of regents based on heredity. Through this, he then joined the Soetomo group which entered STOVIA the following year.
They discussed state and national issues with each other. Gombrek played an important role in approaching the district heads. This was done to support the Boedi Oetomo organization.
8. M. Soewarno
While studying at STOVIA, M. Soewarno was active in a movement. He did it together with his fellow students at the native medical school at that time. Then he was one of the founders of the Budi Utomo organization.
Among other friends, M. Soewarno is a class of students who entered earlier. Within the management of the Budi Utomo organization, M. Soewarno’s name was listed as a commissioner or general assistant. He served with other commissioners, such as Soeradji, Mochammad Saleh and Goembrek.
9. Soeradji Tirtonegoro
The people in question are the Bumiputera people who can only use Javanese for their daily lives. Soeradji was the one who suggested two names for his association. The first name that was proposed was Eko Projo.
The second name that was proposed was Budi Utomo. After that, Soetomo chose the name Budi Utomo for the name of his organization. One of the figures in the Budi Utomo organization was born in 1887, in the village of Uteran, Ponorogo Regency.
Soeradji’s father was Tirtodarmo, he was a retired head teacher at the People’s School. Just like Soetomo, Soeradji managed to become a doctor. After that he participated in the struggle for Indonesian independence.
In addition, he is a person who cares about things that smell of humanity. On September 17, 1946, he founded an organization. The organization is called the Indonesian Red Cross or PMI.
The Indonesian Red Cross was founded in the Klaten area, Central Java. Thanks to his services and dedication to the people, Soeradji earned a title. The title is Raden Tumenggung Tirtonegoro. Then he died on December 13, 1959, and was buried in Mlati, Yogyakarta.
Budi Utomo’s Organizational Goals
The Budi Utomo organization held its first congress in October 1908, in Yogyakarta. The purpose of establishing the Budi Utomo organization was sparked in this first congress. the goal is to live life as a respectable nation. The focus of this organization’s movement is in the fields of teaching, education, and culture.
That is a complete review of Budi Utomo’s organization. Find more information at sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits always presents interesting articles and recommendations for the best books for Sinaumed’s.
Author: Wida Kurniasih
Source: from various sources
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