Biotic Natural Symptoms: Definition, Components, and Examples

Biotic natural phenomena – Humans interact with nature every day because the environment we live in also includes nature. If humans can get sick if contaminated by viruses or bacteria, so can nature which can cause an incident.

However, usually nature that is not good will usually cause natural phenomena which can have an impact on human life. In fact, some natural phenomena can also bring about a natural disaster that can be detrimental to humans and the surrounding environment.

Therefore, along with the times, many countries have used several tools to detect natural phenomena that are happening. That way, things that we don’t want can be minimized.

Are you about natural phenomena? Basically, there are natural phenomena that we have often seen. For example, when the appearance of lightning when there is rain. Then, there is rain which if too long can cause flooding, and of course there are many more.

However, did Sinaumed’s know that natural phenomena are divided into two? First, biotic natural phenomena and second, abiotic natural phenomena. To find out both, see this article to the end, Sinaumed’s.

Symptoms of Biotic Nature

Based on the term, the meaning of biotic is something that is directly related to living things, namely humans, animals and plants. The characteristics of the biotic itself, such as being able to move, being able to breathe, and being able to reproduce.

Meanwhile, the biotic environment is the environment that includes all living organisms in an ecosystem. In other words, biotic natural phenomena are an environment in which living things exist. For example, plant pests are rampant. In animals there are also natural biotic symptoms, namely the occurrence in animals that give birth and then raise.

Not only that, plants also experience biotic symptoms, namely in the process of reproduction that occurs due to photosynthesis or that comes from nutrients obtained from roots.

Examples of biotic natural phenomena

So, Sinaumed’s already knows what is meant by biotic natural phenomena, so in order to know more about biotic natural phenomena, Sinaumed’s also needs to know examples of biotic natural phenomena.

Then, what are examples of biotic natural phenomena? Find the answer in the discussion below, Sinaumed’s.

1. Extinction of Rare Species in Nature

The extinction of endangered species of flora or fauna in an ecosystem is an example of a biotic natural phenomenon. There are many factors that trigger the occurrence of this.

An example is poaching activities carried out by certain persons. Usually, these hunters will target or hunt rare animals which then take their body parts to be resold. If this happens, then the animal species will slowly become extinct. Examples of species that are considered extinct are birds of paradise, pandas, one-horned rhinoceros, and so on.

2. Number of Weeds or Pests in Plant Ecosystems

Another example of biotic natural phenomena is the number of weeds or pests that exist in a plant ecosystem. For example, in a lake, garden or rice field that has lots of weeds. If this is allowed to continue and not eradicated immediately, it can eat the plants that are being harvested, so that farmers can suffer losses.

One type of plant that becomes a pest when it grows too much is water hyacinth. Have you ever heard the name of this plant? Usually, water hyacinth will grow in waters, such as lakes because it can cause siltation in the lake.

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Biotic Components

Biotic is a term used to refer to living organisms or things. The biotic component is a component that makes up an ecosystem other than the abiotic or inanimate components.

Based on the role and function, living things can be divided into two kinds, namely as follows:

  • Heterotrophs / Consumers

Heterotrophic components are organisms that utilize organic matter. These organic materials are provided by other organisms as food.

The heterotrophic components can be called macroconsumers or phagotrophs . This is because the food eaten is smaller. Which include or are classified as heterotrophs such as humans, animals, fungi, and microbes.

  • Decomposer / Decomposer

Organisms that decompose organic matter come from dead organisms which are decomposers or decomposers. Decomposers may be referred to as macroconsumers or sapotrophs . This is because the food eaten has a larger size.

Decomposing organisms can absorb some of the results of decomposition and release simple materials that can be reused by producers. Examples of decomposers are bacteria and fungi. There are also decomposers called detritivores , which are decomposer animals that eat the remains of organic matter. An example is wood lice. There are three types of decomposition, namely:

  1. Aerobic: oxygen is an electron acceptor/oxidant
  2. Anaerobic: oxygen is not involved. Organic materials as electron acceptors / oxidants
  3. Fermentation: anaerobic is organic material that is oxidized as an electron acceptor. These components are found in a place and interact to form an orderly ecosystem unit.

For example, in an aquarium ecosystem consisting of fish as a heterotrophic component, then aquatic plants as an autotrophic component, and plankton floating in the water as a decomposer component. Which includes abiotic components such as sand, stone, water, minerals and oxygen dissolved in water.

Abiotic Natural Symptoms

Abiotic is the opposite of biotic. Therefore, this biotic has the characteristics of being unable to move, unable to breathe, and so on. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), abiotic is related to or characterized by the absence of living organisms.

So, abiotic natural phenomena are all natural events that occur in non-living things. Basically, we can see these biotic natural phenomena in natural events, such as rain, wind, humidity, and so on.

Currently, technology continues to experience development, including in the field of biology. Therefore, we should study biotechnology. Basically, there are various ways to study biotechnology, one of which is by reading books.

Examples of Abiotic Natural Symptoms

As with biotic natural phenomena, abiotic natural phenomena also have examples. Below will be given some examples of biotic natural phenomena.

1. Storm or Wind

There are storms or winds that hit a certain ecosystem due to differences in pressure and temperature in the air. When the difference in pressure and temperature in the air occurs on a large scale (see here the causes of hurricanes), storms can cause a lot of harm to plants, animals and humans.

However, if the wind occurs on a small scale, then the wind benefits biotic components such as plants because it can help in the pollination process.

2. Tsunami

Tsunami comes from the Japanese language which is used to name a disaster that occurs as a result of a shift in the earth’s plates in the sea area (see in full here the causes of a tsunami). As a result, there was a large basin that made the sea water recede and then produce big waves that move very fast.

3. Mount Erupts

Mountains are vulnerable places because they erupt easily, this is an example of an abiotic natural phenomenon. Volcanic eruptions are triggered due to high pressure on the gas in the volcano which pushes magma deposits out of the bowels of the earth. This makes a lot of losses, although there are also advantages, even if only very little. The advantage makes the soil more fertile than usual.

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Today, microorganisms continue to be used primarily for fermentation. Knowing about microorganisms can be done through the book Biotechnology Utilization of Microorganisms & Bioprocess Technology. This book will discuss the legal aspects of biotechnology products. In addition to various basic concepts, this book also explains the scope, development, and application of biotechnology in the service and product industries.

Abiotic Components

In order to deepen our knowledge of abiotics, we need to know the abiotic components. Already know about abiotic components? Well, if you don’t know it yet, then you can see the discussion below, Sinaumed’s.

1. Temperature or temperature

Temperature-influenced biological processes which require energy to regulate body temperature are mammals and birds. In addition, temperature determines the conditions for a creature to live. The measure of heat intensity in standard units and usually using the degree Celsius scale is the meaning of air temperature.

2. Air

Whether or not the availability of water affects the distribution of organisms. Water is one of the elements that is needed by all living things, especially humans. This is not without reason because with the presence of water, humans can survive.

Not only that, all living things can survive because of the availability of water. For example, animals will become dehydrated if water availability continues to decrease. Meanwhile, plants can become dry if they are not watered for a long time.

3. Sunlight

Sunlight is also necessary for the balance of life. In plants sunlight is used for the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs on surfaces exposed to sunlight only. Sunlight affects the global system because sunlight determines temperature intensity.

4. Soil and Rock

Soil characteristics, namely physical structure, pH and mineral composition limit the spread of organisms based on the content of their food sources in the soil.

Soil is a foothold for living things. For humans, land is useful for walking, building houses, growing crops, working and so on. For plants, the soil is a place for planting media.

For land animals it is useful for cages. Land for some people is a gold mine. But land can also be a dangerous place due to landslides, floods and so on.

This is because of our own carelessness as humans. For that we must be careful in cultivating the land so that the land is friends with us so it is not harmful. Be wise in cultivating the land.

5. Climate

Climate is the weather conditions that occur over a certain period of time. In addition, the climate is divided into two, namely tropical climate and sub-tropical climate. This sub-tropical climate has 4 seasons, namely autumn, spring, winter and summer. Meanwhile, the climate is tropical, namely summer and winter only.

6. Wind

The role of wind is very important for living things as a component for breathing. For this reason, wind humidity is needed so that the air on earth is not too hot, refreshing. Wind acts as a determinant of humidity and also acts as a disperser of certain plant seeds.


Natural phenomena that occur in this world are very diverse and are usually caused by the human factor. However, there are some natural phenomena that occur because of the natural conditions themselves. Natural phenomena are divided into two, namely biotic natural phenomena and abiotic natural phenomena.

Biotic natural phenomena are natural phenomena caused by living things. Meanwhile, abiotic natural phenomena are natural phenomena that are not caused by living things, such as rain, storms, and so on.

Thus the discussion of biotic natural phenomena and abiotic natural phenomena. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for you.