According to the Story and Characteristics of the Prophet Abraham AS

Exemplifying the Story and Characteristics of Prophet Ibrahim AS – As a Muslim, in general, you will certainly know about the stories of the prophet who are always told when hearing religious lectures, be it in mosques, schools, or other places that are holding religious events. As is well known, the stories of the prophets are true stories that have occurred centuries ago as part of the history of the development of the Islamic religion to this day.

Even though the prophets who have existed are told to have different stories, they have one main characteristic, namely being good role models in dealing with any difficulties they experience in spreading God’s commands and good religious teachings. Even though it is said that these prophets always faced obstacles in the form of insults, rejection, and even death threats, as God’s messengers they always responded to these unpleasant actions with kindness and always believed in the power of God Almighty.

Prophet Ibrahim AS was no exception, who even with his kindness and patience in facing various tests of life earned the title ulul azmi, a title given to prophets who have high determination. Even though they were hit by various obstacles while carrying out the task of conveying God’s commands, they remained patient and determined to be able to get through it. Therefore, it is very good for us Muslims to emulate the qualities of the Prophet Abraham as our guide to live life in this world so that we always do good and believe in God’s power.

For this reason, as a guide in living this life, we also have to know what role models were used by Prophet Ibrahim AS and in this discussion we have summarized the example of Prophet Ibrahim AS for Sinaumed’s friends to learn and practice in everyday life.

Furthermore, we have presented the discussion below!

Exemplify the Characteristics of the Prophet Abraham AS

The word uswah or exemplary in the Qur’an is only addressed to two very noble prophetic figures, Prophet Ibrahim as (Mumtahanah: 4-6) and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. (Al Ahzab: 21). Likewise, only two prophets carried the title khalilullah (beloved of Allah). Likewise with the favors that the Prophet taught his people only for the two prophets and their families. Allah’s choice is closely related to the treatise that both of them did very well.

History and Example of the Prophet Muhammad much that has been passed down. And in this case, let us reveal a little about the historical Prophet Abraham, for example, and his family. And (remember) when his Lord tested Abraham with several sentences (commands and prohibitions), Abraham fulfilled them. Allah said: Verily I will make you the Imam of all mankind. Ibrahim said: “(And I also ask) from my descendants.” Allah said: “My promise (this) does not apply to the wrongdoers.” (Al-Baqarah: 12)

Ibn Abbas ra said: “There was no prophet who tested religion and then upheld it more perfectly than Abraham.” Ibn Abbas mentions many stories of Ibrahim (as) with an attempt made, including rituals or hajj; purity, five in the head and five in the body. The five on the head are shaving, rinsing the mouth, cleaning the nose, miswak, and cleaning the hair. The five parts of the body are nail clippers, pubic hair shaving, circumcision, armpit hair removal and istinja.

In another narration, Ibn Abbas said: “The perfect assessment or duty is to leave his people when they worship idols contrary to the beliefs of King Namrud, to be patient when thrown into a very hot fire, to be removed from their homeland. To be kind to guests, and to be patient when ordered to kill their children.

God’s word which reads “fatammahunna” implies that the task given to Ibrahim will be completed soon, perfect and everything will be finished. According to Abu Ja’far Ibn Jarir, what is meant by a “sentence” can have all or part of the function. But it is not permissible to stipulate certain parts (obligations) unless there are signs from the text or ijma that allow it.

1. Have Great Passion to Seek the Truth

Even though Ibrahim was the son of a father who worked as a maker of idol statues, he didn’t necessarily believe them as he grew older. With high enthusiasm and curiosity, Ibrahim researched and thought about God until he finally found Allah SWT as the true God. He thirsts for the truth and never gives up on finding what he believes to be the truth.

2. Using Reason in Searching for Truth

Ibrahim is a rational figure in seeking the truth. When he seeks and knows God, he has time to think whether his God is the sun, the moon or the universe? He couldn’t believe that the idol his father made was like God because it didn’t make any sense to him. Inanimate matter cannot do anything or control itself. Meanwhile, when Ibrahim began to understand the nature of God and the Creator, Allah SWT also instructed that God is Allah SWT. Nothing else created the universe and humans cannot see it with the naked eye because God has an immaterial nature that is different from humans.

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3. Patience in trials

Allah SWT tested Ibrahim many times. From his father who did not want to be with him to believe in Allah SWT together, the difficulties he had with a child and many other problems. But his patience rewarded him with two wives, Siti Hajar and Siti Sarah, to bear godly children and become his followers in spreading the truth.

4. Putting Allah SWT Above Everything

His faith in Allah SWT made Ibrahim make Allah his only goal and give proof to God with devotion and strong faith. Ismail, who was his favorite child at that time, was told to make a sacrifice, he was willing to do it because he was ordered by Allah SWT. Same with Ishmael. Prophets Abraham and Ishmael are proof of piety. Love for family and people cannot exceed our love for Allah SWT. Of course it is very difficult and not everyone can deal with it. However, they both deserve to be prophets and their names are recorded in the Koran because of their very strong piety.

5. Commit to the path of truth

After learning the truth, Ibrahim did not remain silent. He also preached to his congregation and invited them to join him on the straight path. He also became a just ruler and tried to make his country just and prosperous. It is like his prayer recorded in the Qur’an:

“And (remember) when Abraham prayed: “O Allah, make (the state of Mecca) a safe land and give its inhabitants sustenance in the form of fruits, that includes those who believe. To Allah and the Last Day,” He (Allah) said: “And to the disbeliever I will give temporary pleasure, then I will force him into the torments of Hell, and that is the worst place to return to.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 126).

Hopefully we can follow the example of Prophet Ibrahim to be people who love the truth, always increase piety, make Allah SWT our goal and devote ourselves to a good country. Even though it is difficult, of course it is one of our journeys and efforts to get the best place with the prophets and apostles in the afterlife.

Follow the story of the Prophet Abraham

1. Abraham and his people

Ibrahim as. bin Nahur – in the Qur’an his father’s name is Aazar, but it is even stronger that Aazar is the name of Abraham’s father, because his work was always making idols. Prophet Ibrahim as was a person who received a great gift from God. From childhood he freed himself from the polytheism of his father and his people. Ibrahim became Hanif and Imam of mankind (An-Nahl: 120-121). And Ibrahim was very zealous to preach to his father and to the people to worship only God. It is the sunnah of da’wah that is proclaimed first to parents and family, then to people and authorities.

According to a strong opinion, Abraham was born in the city of Babel (Babylon) in Iraq. The inhabitants of the city of Babylon worshiped idols. And his father was good at it. Ibrahim forbade their worship and even intended to destroy the idols. This event is immortalized in several letters, including in QS. 21:51-70, 26:69-82, and 37:83-98.

The people of the city of Babylon have a tradition of celebrating holidays every year by leaving the city. His father invited Ibrahim to join him, but Ibrahim politely declined. He said, “I’m really sick.” (Ash-Shaffat: 88-89). And when his people went to celebrate the feast, Ibrahim immediately entered their place of idols and broke them with an ax in his hand. Everything was destroyed and only one big idol was left and an ax was hanging on top of the idol. (Al-Anbiya’: 58)

Thus Abraham despised his people who worshiped idols. In fact, they are aware of their mistakes. Among them, however, the logic of power contradicts the strength of the Abrahamic logic. Finally, they decided to burn Ibrahim (Ash-Shaffat: 97; Al-Anbiya’: 68-70).

Ibrahim and King An-Namrud

“Have you noticed the person who argued with Abraham about his Lord (Allah), because Allah gave that person power (government). When Ibrahim said: “My God is the One; My God who gives life and death,” said the man, “I can give life and death.” Ibrahim said: “Surely Allah raises the sun from the east, so bring it up from the west.” Then the heathen fell silent; and Allah does not guide the unrighteous.”

According to commentators and genealogies, the king was Raja An-Namrud bin Kan’an, the ruler of Babylon. According to As-Sudy: “The conversation took place between Ibrahim and Raja Namrud after Ibrahim survived the assassination attempt and was burned.” Zaid bin Aslam states: “Ibrahim was sent to the dictator king to tell him to believe in God. He was called to believe many times but kept refusing. Ibrahim (as) was then challenged to gather his followers and Namrud as well as his people, so the conversation mentioned in the Qur’an took place.” Again, Abraham’s logic prevailed over the logic of the Nimrud government.

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The story of the death of King Namrud and his troops is mentioned in the Kitab al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah Ibn Kathir. Namrud gathers his soldiers and troops at sunrise. Then Allah sent mosquitoes so that the soldiers and their troops could no longer see the sun. The huge mosquito ate his flesh and blood and the bones were left behind. One of the mosquitoes entered King Namrud’s nose and stayed there for 400 years as Allah’s punishment for the king. During that time, Namrud also beat his head to death.

2. Ibrahim and his family moved to Baitul Maqdis

After surviving an attempt to kill his people and freed from the oppression of King Namrud, Ibrahim as Sarah’s husband, father and cousin Lut as moved to Syria. More precisely to Baitul Maqdis, Palestine (As-Shaffat: 99).

His father died on the way to Damascus in Haran district. Ibrahim and his family temporarily settled in Haran. The inhabitants of this city worship stars and idols. In this city Ibrahim (as) alluded to and opposed the worshipers of the stars, moon and other heavenly bodies. This story is recorded in the Quran 6:75-83.

Ibrahim as and his family continued their journey to Baitul Maqdis after stopping in Egypt. From Egypt Ibrahim received many gifts in the form of property, livestock, slaves, and a young woman named Hajar, who came from Egypt of Qibti descent. At Baitul Maqdis Ibrahim was well received.

Living in Baitul Maqdis for twenty years, Ibrahim as he had no children until his wife Sarah repented and gave her slave to Ibrahim. Sara said to Ibrahim: “God did forbid having children. Come here, my son, God give us children.”

After that Ismail as was born But Sara felt jealous. Finally Ibrahim (as) took Hajar and his son to a place called Mount Farani (now Mecca), a very desolate place, a desert where there was no sign of life.

And shortly after Ismail (as) was born, God also announced the good news that a child would be born from Sarah’s womb. Ishaq (as) was born to Ibrahim (as) bowed his head, grateful for this great gift. The highlight of God’s joy for Abraham was that his two sons later became prophets and from them were born prophets from generation to generation. From Isaac as born Jacob and Yusuf as and the family of the prophet from the Children of Israel. Meanwhile, from the descendants of Ismail as, the Prophet Muhammad was born.

3. The sacrifice of Ibrahim and his family

The next story is the journey that Ibrahim (a.s.) and his family faced making one sacrifice after another. There is no greater sacrifice for a father than leaving the son and wife he loves most. But Ibrahim did all of this by sincerely accepting God’s call, namely the call to preach. Allah records this event in the Qur’an in chapter 14:37-40.

It is mentioned in the story that when Ibrahim as was about to leave his son Ismail and his wife Hajar while breastfeeding. When Ibrahim left the two of them and looked away, Hajar stood up and grabbed Ibrahim’s shirt. “O Ibrahim, where are you going? You left us here and we have nothing to give?” Ibrahim did not answer. Hajar continues to play. Ibrahim did not answer. Hajar asked, “Did God tell you to do this?” Ibrahim replied: “Yes.” Hajar said: “Then surely Allah will not waste us.”

However, this is not the culmination of the sacrifice of Ibrahim and his family. The culmination of this sacrifice comes in the form of an even more important commandment than before. Ibrahim was ordered to sacrifice Ismail (Ash-Shaffat: 102-109).

4. The Blessing of Sacrifice

The story of Abraham’s example is an example that teaches us a very deep lesson that sacrifice brings blessings. Ibrahim became a loved one by Allah, khalilullah, imam, Abul anbiya (father of the prophets), Hanif, good name, abundant wealth and many others. Only through sacrifice do we receive blessings.

With the sacrifice of Ibrahim and his family, the city of Mecca and its surroundings became the center of worship for mankind throughout the world. The well of blessed Zamzam flows in the middle of the desert and never runs dry. And for that, the pinnacle of blessings from this story is that from his offspring a chosen human was born: Muhammad saw., the prophet who became rahmatan lil alamin.


That’s all for a brief discussion of examples from the story of Prophet Ibrahim AS. for us to always do good and be patient with every test given by Allah SWT.

Thus a review of exemplary from the story of the prophet Abraham AS. For Sinaumed’s who want to learn all about the story of the example of the prophet Ibrahim A,S and knowledge related to other religions, you can visit to get related books. As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides the best products, so you have the best and latest information for you.

Author: Pandu Akram

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