A Collection of Short Lectures on Self-Inspiring Alms!

Short Lectures About Alms – Alms is one of the practices that can bring many rewards and has several virtues in it. In addition, charity is a form of caring for people in need such as the poor, orphans or other needy people. For someone who does alms, then he will get a big reward.

In addition to giving alms, a Muslim who invites others to give alms also gets a reward. Usually, material about alms such as benefits, virtues is conveyed through cults or short lectures about alms that can invite others to do the same good. For You who want to give a speech about alms, here’s an example of a short lecture about alms.

Examples of Short Lectures About Alms

1. Short Lecture on the Benefits of Alms

Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings

Alhamdulillahrobbilaalamiin wabihi nastai’nu ala agediddunya waddin waalaailihi wasohbihi ajmai’n amma ba’du.

Let’s start today’s lecture by giving thanks to Allah SWT and don’t forget to send blessings and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family and all his followers. On this occasion, I will give a short lecture on the benefits of giving alms.

Alms is a good practice that has many benefits, so that Muslims are encouraged to give alms to people who can’t afford it. Alms can help people who are in trouble and for those who give alms, he will get a reward from Allah.

There are several virtues or benefits of alms that can be felt, if alms are done sincerely and not showing off. Anything?

a. Increased sustenance

Alms or giving to those who are unable, will not make us poor and lacking in price. Because, everyone’s sustenance has been arranged in such a way by Allah SWT. So that we don’t have to worry about a lack of sustenance if we give a little. Instead of reducing, alms will actually make the wealth of those who give more.

This is explained in a hadith, “Rasulullah SAW said, give alms to you, because actually alms can increase your wealth to a large extent. So give charity, Allah will love you.”

In addition to the hadith that I mentioned earlier, in the Qur’an, Allah has also explained that people who give alms have been promised a return of 10 times the amount of alms previously given.

b. Can elevate a person’s degree

In addition to increasing one’s fortune, charity will also increase one’s degree. People who are diligent in giving charity, then Allah will increase their rank and add blessings to their sustenance.

This, of course, cannot be obtained by a miser who has a lot of wealth, but his life always feels uneasy and full of problems. In a hadith, the virtue of this alms is explained.

“From Abu Hurairah ra, Rasulullah SAW said, charity will not reduce wealth. Allah will give glory to His servant who is forgiving and humble because Allah and Allah will increase his rank. (Muslim HR).

c. Prayed by angels

Abu Hurairah once said, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “when people are in the morning, there are two angels who come down to them. Then one of them said, O Allah, give wealth to those who spend their wealth. Then the other angel said, O Allah, destroy the miserly people.”

Of the three benefits of almsgiving, of course we must be aware that alms will not bring harm to life, it can actually be profitable.

That’s all the cult of alms that I convey today. Hopefully it can be useful and lessons can be learned for all of us. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

2. Short Lecture on the Effect of Alms on Fortune

Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings

Alhamdulillahrobbilaalamiin wabihi nastai’nu ala agediddunya waddin waalaailihi wasohbihi ajmai’n amma ba’du.

Dear friends, let’s all praise and thank Allah SWT, who has given His grace and guidance to all of us. So that we can gather together today. Also, don’t forget, shalawat and greetings we pray to our lord, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This morning, I will deliver a short lecture on almsgiving and how alms affects one’s sustenance.

As Muslims, as we know that alms is a good practice that is sunnah to do. When doing alms, the sustenance of a Muslim will increase and not decrease by a penny.

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In a hadith, Rasulullah SAW said, “give charity, because actually alms can increase your wealth to a lot, then give alms to you, then Allah will love you all.” (Al Wasali 6: 255 11th hadith)

Not only in this hadith, in the Qur’an Allah also explains the benefits of alms, namely in Surah Al Baqarah verse 261. Allah says, “The parable of the living that is issued by those who provide a living in the way of Allah is like a seed that can grow 7 ears on each ear 100 seeds. Allah will double the reward for whomever Allah wills and Allah is All-Wise, All-Knowing.”

Besides being able to multiply sustenance, charity is an intermediary for the essence of truth. In accordance with the word of Allah in Surah Al Imran verse 92, “You never reach perfect goodness, before you provide a living from some of the assets that you love and what you spend, then indeed Allah knows best.”

Of the virtues of charity that will affect our sustenance, of course we must realize that charity is a practice that makes us loved by Allah and the Prophet. Hopefully, with this short lecture on charity, the door will be opened for all of us to always do good deeds and get His blessing.

That’s all the cult of alms that I convey today. Hopefully it can be useful and lessons can be learned for all of us. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

3. Short Lecture on Getting the Many Benefits of Alms

Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings

Alhamdulillahrobbilaalamiin wabihi nastai’nu ala agediddunya waddin waalaailihi wasohbihi ajmai’n amma ba’du.

Dear friends, let us all praise and thank Allah SWT, who has given His grace and guidance to all of us. So that we can gather together today. Also, don’t forget, shalawat and greetings we pray to our lord, the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This morning, I will give a short lecture on almsgiving.

On this occasion blessed by Allah, I will convey material about alms. Alms is a form of gratitude for the sustenance that God has given us all. The more treasures we give, the more virtues we will get.

Every Muslim is encouraged to do alms. Almsgiving is not only a pious practice, but also a form of caring for people who are experiencing difficulties. Alms is also a form of gratitude for the excess of sustenance that has been given to us by Allah SWT.

One of the easy practices to do is to give charity and help those in need. As explained by Rasulullah in the hadith narrated by At-Tirmidhi.

“From Anas ra, his best friend asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what charity is the most important? The Apostle then replied, ‘alms in the month of Ramadan,’” (HR. At-Tirmidhi)

Alms is also one of the efforts to purify the heart. In accordance with the word of Allah in the letter At-Taubah verse 103 which means, “Take zakat from some of their assets, with this zakat you clean and purify them.”

Not only purify oneself, alms can also open the door of one’s sustenance. As explained in a hadith narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi, “Indeed Abu Dharr asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is charity?’ He then replied, ‘charity is multiplied and with Allah there is an addition.’” (HR. Ahmad and Tirmidhi)

By giving alms, we will all get many virtues, such as being able to help people in need and purify all of our possessions. Therefore, let’s all give more alms.

This is all about the cult of alms I convey. Hopefully it can be useful and lessons can be learned for all of us. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

4. Short Lecture on the Concept of Alms

Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings

Thank God, thanks to God’s grace, we can all gather in this place in good health with our fathers, mothers and friends who are glorified by Allah SWT.

Dear friends, let us all praise and thank Allah SWT, who has given His grace and guidance to all of us. So that we can gather together today. Also, don’t forget, shalawat and greetings we pray to our lord, the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This morning, I will give a short lecture on almsgiving.

Talking about alms, of course what we will think about is giving money to other people, but that is not wrong, because giving money is indeed a form of giving alms. However, do you know that charity is not only giving money or materials to other people?

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We can give alms in other forms, for example energy, smiles, prayers, thoughts and whatever we give to our brothers and sisters and it will benefit others.

So, don’t feel allergic to the word alms because we have misunderstood the concept of alms so far. Friends also need to know that alms have levels, according to the abilities and needs of the people we give alms to.

For example, when we know that a relative is in a situation full of problems or pressure at work, then in that situation, maybe giving alms money to our brother will not provide a big enough benefit.

However, there are other things that we can donate. An example is giving our energy by helping what we can do in an effort to reduce the heavy workload.

The second example, if friends don’t understand the concept of charity, is the following. If we see a relative who is experiencing a lot of problems so that he has a sour face, frowns and is not cheerful, then the form of alms that we can give is to give him a smile and try to cheer up his feelings.

Remember, that all alms regardless of the form and concept, we must intend for Allah SWT. Because if it is not accompanied by sincere intentions, alms in any form will end in vain. For example, when someone gives charity, he does not expect Allah’s blessing, but instead he expects a return from the person to whom he gives alms.

Indeed, expecting a return is a humane thing, but remember that God will replace and provide whatever our needs are. So try to be sincere and don’t expect anything in return.

Those are some examples of the concept of alms and forms of alms that we can do according to our conditions, abilities and circumstances. Also keep in mind, that if there are relatives who are in trouble because of material or property, then the more important alms to give are treasures. Then don’t forget, to adjust the amount we give, adjust it to your abilities and don’t force it.

Remember that charity is a practice that is easy to do and has great rewards. In fact, there is no other practice that people who have passed away want to do besides giving alms. This is in accordance with the word of God in the letter Al Munafiqun verse 10. Here’s what it means.

“And spend some of what We have given you, before death comes to one of you, then he says (with regret), “O my Lord, if You are pleased to postpone my death, then a little more time, then I I can give charity and I will be included among the pious.” (QS. Al Munafiqun verse 10)

So that at this time we still have a chance to live and have enough wealth, the ability to give, then use this opportunity to give lots of alms. Because we will lose a lot if we don’t take part in helping our brothers who are being hit by disasters and experiencing difficulties.

Do not let us become people who regret in the afterlife, for being miserly while in the world, refusing to give charity. Whereas with alms Allah will give us a way out of all the problems we face and replace them with something better than the treasures we previously gave.

There are still many virtues and benefits from alms that we can feel, especially if we give alms sincerely without expecting anything in return.

That’s a short lecture that I can deliver today. May our brothers and sisters who are experiencing difficulties, affected by disasters, be given patience, fortitude and all their sins are erased. Hopefully what we do while in the world, can help our brothers and sisters.

This is all about the cult of alms I convey. Hopefully it can be useful and lessons can be learned for all of us. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Those are some examples of short lectures about alms that You can use as inspiration or sources when delivering lectures or cults.

If You wants to find material for a short lecture or wants to know about charity, then You can find information by reading many article that can be found at Sinaumedia.com .