Examples of Two-Legged Animals Complete with Pictures!

Have you ever been asked to say the name of a two-legged animal complete with a picture? If so, it might be a matter of science subjects or when it used to be called Natural Sciences (IPA). This problem is actually quite easy because we can find several animal names that have two legs in our surroundings, but sometimes we can get stuck with just 5 to 7 animal names.

Animals that have two legs are called Bipedalism , which means a form of movement of living things resting on both legs. The movement of the two legs is called bipedal/biped/ baɪpɛd (in Latin bis means double and pes means foot), so the word means two legs. Movements included as bipedal are walking, running, and jumping.

Unlike four-legged animals, two-legged animals support their body weight using two legs and their bodies are vertically upright as humans stand. Standing straight using two legs may provide many benefits such as wider vision when in grass, avoiding sun exposure on certain parts of the body and requiring a little energy to move around. As for some examples of two-legged animals including:


Various types of birds including bipeds, including lovebirds, rock magpies, green cucak birds, red anis, and canaries. Actually there are many other types of birds that include two-legged animals. Two bird legs were created to support the body and help activities that support the mobility of the bird moving from one place to another.

The types of birds vary greatly, from tiny hummingbirds that can flap their wings very quickly, penguins that dive with their wings, to ostriches, which are taller than humans. Most bird species in the world are able to fly using their wings (for example ducks, geese, sparrows, pelicans, owls, eagles, paradise, and many more), except for a few species of birds that are usually endemic to certain places, such as ostriches, moas. , cassowary, kiwi, penguin, and so on. It is estimated that there are about 8,800–10,200 bird species worldwide; about 1,500 species of which are found in Indonesia. These various types of birds are scientifically classified into the Aves class .

Today, birds are known to be descended from the group of feathered theropod dinosaurs and are the only living dinosaurs. The closest living relative of birds is the crocodile. Birds are descendants of the ancient aviala (members of which include Archeopteryx ) that first appeared about 160 million years ago in China.


An example of the next two-legged name is chicken ( Gallus gallus domesticus ). Both male and female cocks have two legs. One example of a native chicken from Indonesia is the Bantenese chicken, which is a type of dwarf chicken that also has two legs. Kate is currently registered with the American Poultry Association under the name Bantam which is a native Indonesian chicken, especially Banten.

Chickens are poultry that are usually kept by people to be used as the necessities of life for their keepers. The chicken is a direct descendant of a subspecies of jungle fowl known as the red jungle fowl ( Gallus gallus ) or bangkiwa chicken ( bankiva fowl ). All chickens are theropods like tyrannosaurs.

Cross-breeding between chicken breeds has produced hundreds of superior lines or pure lines with various functions; the most common are broiler chickens (to be cut) and laying hens (to take the eggs). The common chicken can also be crossed with its close relative, the green jungle fowl, which produces a barren hybrid whose male is known as the bekisar chicken. Chicken supplies two sources of protein in food: chicken meat and eggs.

The traditional viewpoint of chicken farming on the domestication of this species is contained in the Encyclopædia Britannica (2007): “Humans first domesticated chickens of Indian origin for cockfighting purposes in Asia, Africa and Europe. No special attention was paid to egg or meat production.

The domestic chicken comes from the domestication of the red jungle fowl (bangkiwa chicken, Gallus gallus ) which lives in India. However, molecular testing showed the possibility of germplasm contribution from G. sonneratii , because the red jungle fowl does not have the characteristic yellow color of the skin which is one of the characteristics of domesticated chickens.

Hens show morphological differences between the sexes (sexual dimorphism). Roosters (jago) are more attractive, larger in size, have long spurs, have a bigger comb, and have long, dangling tail feathers. Hens (baboons) are relatively small, small in size, short or barely visible bristles, small comb, and short tail feathers.

Regarding sex, this is regulated by the hormonal system. If there is a disturbance in the body’s physiological function, the hen can change sex to become a male because adult chickens still have ovotestis which are dormant and can be active at any time.

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Ducks or ducks are known as livestock commodities that are kept by many Indonesian people. There are also various uses for ducks, whether they are used from their eggs or from their meat. Duck care is also not that difficult, so it can increase the economic value of these animals. Ducks are known as two-legged animals with webbed feet that make it easier for them to swim in the water.

Overall, the body of a duck is broadly notched and has a relatively long neck, though not as long as that of geese and swans. Duck body shape varies and is generally rounded. The beak is wide and contains lamellae which are used as food filters.

In fishing species, the beak is longer and stronger. The scaled legs are strong and well developed, and generally set far back on the body, which is common in aquatic birds. The wings are very strong and generally short. Duck flight requires continuous flapping, so it requires strong wing muscles. Three species of steamer ducks cannot fly.

Male ducks of Northern Hemisphere species sometimes have attractive plumage colors. Species from the Southern Hemisphere show no sexual dimorphism except for the Paradise Shelduck in New Zealand where the female ducks are lighter in color than the males. The color of young ducks, whether male or female, is generally more like an adult female duck.


Penguins are also bipedal animals that are quite cute. Even though he sometimes moves by sliding in the snow, penguins are still referred to as animals that have two legs. This is because penguins often use bipedal movements in every movement of themselves.

Worldwide there are 16 species of penguin depending on whether two species of Eudyptula are counted as species. Although all types of penguins originally came from the Southern Hemisphere, penguins are not only found in cold regions or in Antarctica. There are three species of penguin that live in the tropics. One of the species lives in the Galapagos Islands (Galapagos Penguin) and usually crosses the equator in search of food.

The largest penguin species is the Emperor Penguin ( Aptenodytes forsteri ) with a height of 1.1 meters and a weight of 35 kilograms or more. The smallest penguin species is the Fairy Penguin ( Eudyptula minor ) with a height of about 40 centimeters and a weight of 1 kilogram. In general, large penguins are better able to maintain their body temperature, so they can survive in cold areas, while smaller penguins are usually found in warmer areas and even tropical areas.

Generally penguins eat krill (a type of shrimp), fish, squid and other aquatic animals caught while swimming in the sea with their beaks. Penguins are able to drink seawater because the supraorbital glands in their bodies filter excess sea salt from the bloodstream. This salt is then excreted in liquid form through the penguin’s respiratory tract. The penguins seem unafraid of the presence of humans. They will approach the group of researchers who are studying them.


Goose is a type of waterfowl that belongs to the family Anatidae . Swans usually have a larger body compared to ducks. Swans also sometimes have longer necks than ducks. Another feature that exists in geese is that they do not have ears and reproduce by laying eggs. The similarity with ducks is that geese are two-legged animals whose feet are webbed.

The swans are the largest members of the waterfowl family Anatidae, and are among the largest flying birds. The largest species, including the mute swan, trumpeter swan, and whooper swan, can reach length of over 60 inches and weigh over 50 pounds. Their wingspan can reach up to three meters in length.

Compared to the closely related geese, they are much larger in size and have proportionally larger feet and necks. In adult geese, they have a marked patch of bare skin between the eyes and bill. Male and female swans are similar, showing no sexual dimorphism. However, the size of the male goose is generally larger and heavier.

Geese are generally found in temperate climates, rarely found in tropical areas. Five species occur in the Northern Hemisphere, one species is found in Australia and New Zealand, the rest are distributed in South America. Geese are absent in tropical Asia, Central America, northern South America, and all of Africa.


Kangaroos or often referred to as kangaroos are endemic to Australia. The name kangaroo itself comes from the word gangguru in the Aboriginal language (Australian native tribe). Kangaroos are two-legged animals that are included as mammals that have pouches ( marsupials ). Kangaroos have very strong hind legs, these feet have large soles for jumping.

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The kangaroo has two strong hind legs, the large soles of which are designed for jumping. An ordinary kangaroo jumps at a speed of 20–25 km/hour. However, they can jump up to speeds of up to 70 km/hour. The life expectancy of a kangaroo is around 9–18 years, although occasional kangaroos can live up to 28 years. Kangaroos are known to have strong forelimb muscles (biceps), and it is now known that these muscles are used for fighting and attracting females.


The ostrich is up to 2.5 meters tall which makes it the largest living bird. Although included in the bird species, the ostrich does not have the ability to fly. However, his running ability was extraordinary. ostriches can run up to speeds of 70 km/hour. The leg strength makes the ostrich a two-legged animal that has high speed in running.

Artifacts found in South Africa, in the form of decorations and drinking vessels made from ostrich eggshells, indicate that at least humans have known ostriches since 60,000 years ago. In Ancient Roman times, ostriches were hunted by nobles for their meat and feathers as decoration. Hunting continued into the 19th century and brought the ostrich to near extinction.

The cultivation of ostriches for their feathers began in the 19th century and was first practiced in South Africa. Ostrich breeders capture baby ostriches from the wild, raise them, and harvest their feathers every seven or eight months. The skin of the ostrich is said to be the highest quality leather. The taste of ostrich meat is said to be similar to beef, but with lower levels of fat and cholesterol, as well as higher levels of calcium, protein and iron. Raw ostrich meat is dark red or cherry red.


Pelicans or also known as undans are water birds as bipedal animals that have a pouch under their beak. Pelicans are birds belonging to the Pelecanidae family which generally live in warm areas and cannot live in cold areas such as the poles, deep sea, oceanic islands and the South American continent.

The smallest flounder is the brown fleas ( Pelecanus occidentalis ) with a mass of only 2.75 kilograms, a body length of 106 centimeters and a maximum wingspan of 1.83 meters. The largest pelican today is the dalmasian undan ( Pelecanus crispus ) with a mass of 15 kilograms and a length of 183 centimeters, with a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters. The Australian Undan has the longest beak among other birds.

Pelicans usually eat fish, but they also eat amphibians, crustaceans and, in some cases, small birds. They catch their prey by enlarging their beak sacs. Then they have to dry the sac before swallowing. This takes a minute, and other seabirds can steal the fish at that critical time. Pelicans sometimes steal prey from other seabirds.


The stork is known as a large-bodied species with long legs and necks. Stork is a bipedal animal that belongs to the Ciconiidae family which has a strong and large beak. Herons have a native habitat in warm and drier climates.

Stork can be found in warm climates. Habitat in drier areas than egrets and ibis. Its diet consists of frogs, fish, insects, worms, small birds and small mammals from wetlands and beaches. Herons do not have a syrinx organ, so they don’t make a sound. The beak that is pitted against its partner is a way of communicating to replace the sound of the call.

Herons are migratory shorebirds, flying away by gliding using hot air currents, so they can save energy. A photograph of a crane in flight by Ottomar Anschütz (1884) inspired Otto Lilienthal to build a glider for gliding in the late 19th century.

Well, that’s a brief explanation of two-legged animals along with examples. Sinaumed’s can visit sinaumedia’s book collection at www.sinaumedia.com to get references about other animals. The following is a recommendation for sinaumedia books that Sinaumed’s can read to learn about the most dangerous animals in the world so they can fully understand them. Happy reading.

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