difference between equation and expression

The Difference Between Equations and Expressions

When dealing with algebra or any type of math that involves variables, it’s important to understand the difference between equations and expressions.


An expression is a mathematical phrase that contains one or more variables, numbers, and mathematical operations. It signifies the relationship between the given terms and does not have an equal sign. In simpler words, an expression is any mathematical phrase that can be written using numbers, variables, and symbols.

For example, 3x + 6 or 4y – 8 are both expressions. Expressions can be simplified and evaluated for a certain value of the variable, but they cannot be solved.


An equation is a mathematical statement that implies an equality between two expressions. Equations are formed by joining two expressions with an equal sign. This means that they represent a balance or an equivalence. In an equation, you can solve for the variable, which helps find the solution to the problem.

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For example, 3x + 6 = 15 and 4y – 8 = 12 are both equations. Equations can be solved, and the solution typically involves finding the value of the variable that makes the statement true.

The Key Difference

The key difference between equations and expressions is that equations have an equal sign while expressions do not. Equations are used to solve problems by finding the value of the variable, while expressions are used to represent mathematical phrases.

It is important to know the difference between expressions and equations, as they are two different mathematical concepts that are used in different ways. While expressions can be used to simplify mathematical problems, equations are used to solve them.

In conclusion, equations and expressions are both important in the world of mathematics. Understanding the difference between them is crucial for solving mathematical problems and improving your algebraic skills.

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Table difference between equation and expression

Factor Equation Expression
Definition An equation is a mathematical statement that indicates that two expressions are equal. An expression is a combination of numbers, variables, and operators that represents a value or mathematical operation.
If-Else Statements Equations can be used to set conditions for if-else statements. Expressions can be used in if-else statements to represent values and conditions.
Solving Equations can be solved for variables to find specific values. Expressions can be evaluated to find a value.
Examples x + 5 = 12 2x + 3y – 4