9 Examples of Optimistic Attitudes and Their Meanings and Benefits!

Examples of Optimistic Attitude – Everyone seems to already know what optimism is. However, in order to go deeper into optimism, there is nothing wrong if we will discuss more about optimism. So, keep reading this article to the end, Sinaumed’s.

Optimistic Definition

In this world, there must be times when we as humans have experienced a period where we have felt down or sick. At a time like that maybe we have tried and prayed as much as possible but Allah SWT still has not allowed us to rise.

By having an optimistic attitude, you can make difficult behaviors easy to overcome with positive expectations of success and confidence in a positive future. They really believe that good things will happen. On the other hand, pessimistic people predict that unexpected things will happen.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, an optimist is a person who always has good hopes (views) in facing everything.

We must also have an optimistic attitude for a way out and definitely the best from Allah SWT. From this situation, it is necessary to have an optimistic attitude for a better life.

Being optimistic looks like a difficult choice to make. Even so, optimistic behavior must be maintained because studies find people with optimism live longer than those who are pessimistic.

People who always have an optimistic attitude will see everything from a good perspective, they have full confidence that there will be hope and a good ending from all the efforts they have fought for. This is one of the characteristics of successful people.

An example of an optimistic attitude is one of positive action. Those of you who have an optimistic attitude tend to have good physical and mental health because they always instill a positive stigma on all the problems they face. This of course greatly impacts their quality of life.

Optimistic attitude

To know more about optimism, we need to know the character of optimism. Here are some of the key characteristics that optimists have:

  1. I’m sure good things will happen in the future.
  2. Hope the situation goes in the best way.
  3. When facing challenges, believe that one day you will succeed.
  4. Sure the future is bright.
  5. Feeling that there is still a lesson from even a bad situation.
  6. Challenges or obstacles become opportunities for learning.
  7. Grateful for the good things that happen.
  8. Ready to take responsibility for mistakes.

Not only that, someone who has an optimistic attitude will not be afraid of their hopes for the future just because of one bad experience. That is why, these people also have  a positive attitude  both towards themselves and others.

So, from some of the characteristics mentioned above, are you one of these characters in you?

Benefits of Optimistic Behavior

Apparently, this optimistic attitude has several benefits. Here are some optimistic attitudes that you need to know.

1. Mental Health

Recent studies have found an inverse correlation between optimism and depressive symptoms and also between optimism and suicidal ideation. Thus, optimism appears to have an important role in the relationship between feelings of hopelessness and suicidal ideation.

In addition, optimism is also closely related to dispositional factors, namely internal factors in a person that affect one’s innate nature. Studies examining the relationship between ‘dispositional optimism’ and depression in victims of natural disasters.

The results show that compared to optimism, pessimism fosters less hope for the future and is more at risk for depression and anxiety disorders, with subsequent declines in social functioning and quality of life.

2. Can Get Better Achievements

Psychologist Martin Seligman, who pioneered positive psychology, found that optimistic sports clubs have more positive synergy and perform better. Not only that, pessimistic swimmers who feel their performance is not good are even more vulnerable to not reaching the target in the next session.

3. Physical Health

The relationship between physical health and optimism is just as important as the relationship between optimism and mental health described above. Many studies have found that optimism is associated with better physical well-being than pessimism.

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Moreover, in contrast to optimism, pessimism is associated with exaggerated somatic complaints. In a study in a population of elderly subjects of both sexes, aged 65–85 years, Giltay et al noted that dispositional optimism leads to a lower likelihood of death in general and cardiovascular death in particular.

These data were confirmed in a subsequent longitudinal study in a male population aged between 64–84 years in which an inverse correlation was reported between dispositional optimism and risk of cardiovascular death.

4. Coping success

Lazarus and Opton define coping (coping) as mechanisms and mental processes carried out by individuals as an adaptive response to reduce stress originating from threatening situations.

An early study by Scheier et al. found a significant positive relationship between optimism and various aspects of life, such as problem-focused coping strategies, seeking social support and emphasizing the positive aspects of stressful situations.

Dispositional optimism was found to be positively correlated with coping strategies aimed at eliminating, reducing or managing stressors and negatively correlated with those who ignore, avoid or distance themselves from stress and emotions.

In addition, the choice of coping strategy proved to be constant over time. Many studies have confirmed that optimistic people tend to use problem-focused coping strategies more often than pessimistic people.

When these strategies don’t work, optimists use adaptive strategies that focus on emotion, for example, acceptance, humor, and positive reassessment of situations.

5. Increase Tenacity

Optimists don’t give up easily, that’s why they can be successful in the end. Even though there are challenges, obstacles, and even setbacks, they will continue to work to achieve their targets.

6. Have a More Focused Quality of Life and Goals

Quality of life refers to an individual’s living conditions (health, material well-being, social conditions) and the satisfaction of personal desires, measured on a personal value scale.

Thus, we are dealing with a multidimensional construct that integrates objective and subjective indicators, various life contexts and individual values.

Wrosch and Scheier proved two variables that can affect the quality of life, namely optimism and goal adaptation. Both actually provide a fundamental role in adaptation to critical situations in life and the goals to be achieved.

In fact, there is evidence that optimistic people display a higher quality of life than those with low levels of optimism or even pessimism.

Moreover, it has been shown that in the presence of severe pathological conditions, optimistic patients adapt better to stressful situations with a positive impact on their quality of life than pessimistic patients.

For example, in a sample of patients undergoing a cardiac bypass procedure, optimism can significantly and positively affect quality of life six months after surgery. Optimistic patients showed faster clinical improvement during hospitalization and a quicker return to daily routines after discharge from the hospital.

In addition, there have been many studies that have revealed the importance of quality of life from the capacity of individuals to adapt and modify their own goals according to different situations. We are advised to avoid or reduce the negative psychological and physical consequences of not achieving our goals (for example, becoming sick despite persistent efforts to stay healthy).

We need to adopt adaptive means meant to escape unrealizable goals and concentrate efforts instead on more achievable goals.

Individuals who are successful in this regard present a better quality of life and better physical health compared to those who have greater difficulty letting go of their unattainable goals.

In addition, those who are more optimistic about the future will find it easier to manage difficulties more efficiently and identify new goals in life.

Tips for Practicing Optimistic Attitude

An optimistic mindset and attitude are things that can be learned through cognitive restructuring. This method can help yourself and others to become more optimistic by “challenging” negative thoughts that make you feel powerless. Then, these thoughts are replaced with an optimistic mindset.

The process of cognitive restructuring involves stages such as:

  1. Identify situations that trigger negative thoughts or bad moods
  2. Recognize how you are feeling or emotional at that moment
  3. Identify any negative thoughts that arise in response to the situation
  4. Look at the facts, focus on objective facts and then replace negative thoughts with realistic or positive ones

Not only that, by doing positive self-talk can also be a way to drive away negative thoughts and replace them with optimistic ones.

Example of Optimistic Attitude

Here are some examples of optimism that you need to know.

1. Not Afraid To Try New Things

Optimistic people are always interested in new things and the world. They like to seek knowledge and insight from various sources, both from associations and organizations, new hobbies, the internet and other positive activities.

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Things like this can certainly provide them with quite a lot of experience so that later they can be used as provisions in the future.

2. Not Afraid of Failure

Optimistic people always instill positive stigma and thoughts in everything they do. They believe failure is inevitable and if it does happen then you can get through it too.

Every failure that occurs must have a lot of wisdom and new knowledge that can be learned and used as learning so that we can try to be even better in the future.

3. Seeing Challenges as Opportunities

In general, humans prefer steady, safe, and steady conditions, so they will avoid challenges as much as possible. Because challenges do not guarantee any certainty. A lot is at stake when humans choose to face challenges.

However, someone who has an optimistic attitude, actually acts the opposite. They will try to see a challenge as an opportunity that may not come twice.

4. Tend to Focus on Solutions

When someone who is optimistic experiences even the worst problems, they will try to avoid sinking and continue to drag on in sadness.

They tend to focus and find the best solution to solve the problem at hand. They also believe that every problem that exists must be overcome and will be finished if they are able to deal with it well. Therefore, those who are optimistic will find a way out of a problem faster than someone who is pessimistic.

5. Always Think Positive

Those who have an optimistic attitude will always instill positive thoughts which are also important in living life on a daily basis. With positive thoughts, everything we do will feel better and more satisfying.

You also have to train your mind that every good thing you do will always lead you to the gates of success.

6. Stop beating yourself up

Failure is natural and you don’t need to blame yourself for any failures that occur. You have to get used to it and instill the mindset that the mistakes you are making right now can definitely be corrected and will become meaningful learning in the future.

Make the failure that you get now as motivation and encouragement to be able to get better and maximum results. That way, someone who is optimistic will be more confident in living life.

7. Maintain Mood

As in research conducted by a number of Boston University researchers, maintaining mood is one of the keys to maintaining optimism. When faced with stressful events, optimists are reluctant to label the event as a problem.

They chose to get over it immediately so his mood wouldn’t be affected. In addition to getting over it immediately, optimistic people also choose to forget the event as quickly as possible. Because, if it continues to drag on in the mind, the problems experienced by a person will lead to stress.

8. Take the Good Thing In Every Problem

Instead of being late and lamenting fate, optimistic people choose to learn from every problem. Learning from past experiences can prevent us from getting stuck in the same mistake.

In addition, an optimistic person also always tries to see the good things from every difficulty he experiences. This is due to their point of view that behind problems there will always be lessons to be learned.

9. Hang Out With Positive People

If you feel that many people around you give off a negative vibe and seem to be hindering your business development and process, then maybe it’s time for you to switch and go find a new, more positive atmosphere for your performance. Look for friends who are able to provide encouragement and positive aura that can support all your activities.

Thus the discussion about the meaning of optimism, to examples of optimistic attitude. Hopefully all of the discussion above regarding Examples of Optimistic Attitude makes it easier for you to be optimistic. If you want to find a book about optimism, then you can get it at sinaumedia.com .

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Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine

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