8 Properties of Gases, Here’s a Complete Explanation Along with Examples

Properties of Gases – Apart from solids and liquids, Sinaumed’s must be familiar with gaseous objects which are often encountered in everyday life. Humans cannot even live without gas, namely oxygen which is the largest gas on earth. There are many properties of gases that we need to fulfill our daily activity needs besides oxygen. Sinaumed’s needs to know the concept of the properties of gas bodies because they will always be related in everyday life. 

So besides being proficient in physics lessons at school, mastering the material properties of gas bodies can also be maximized in everyday life. The following is an explanation of the properties of gas objects that Sinaumed’s needs to know, starting from the definition, characteristics, forms of changes in form, and examples of gas objects that Sinaumed’s can find in the necessities of everyday life: 


Gas is one of the forms and forms of matter that has a volume and shape that always changes according to its container, although it is difficult to see with the naked human eye. Apart from being invisible to the human eye, gas objects cannot be held like solid objects and liquid objects. 

Sinaumed’s can find gaseous substances anywhere because gas is air in the form of oxygen which is in all corners of the earth. Air or oxygen is one example of gaseous objects that we breathe every day as a necessity to survive. If the air or oxygen gas disappears from the face of the earth, humans will also perish. That is why oxygen is the largest gas on earth that is everywhere. 

Gaseous substances will always move everywhere which makes them not have a fixed shape, which follows the shape of the container. The volume also continues to change in contrast to the solid and liquid forms which are more stable in shape and volume. Because of the freedom of molecules and their motion, air is also easily changed into other substances even naturally without human intervention. 


As with other objects, gas objects also have properties that are characteristic of the existence of gas objects. Following are the properties of gas objects that Sinaumed’s needs to know to identify whether the object is gas or not: 

1. Filling the Entire Room It Occupies

Air is an invisible, colorless, and odorless mixture of various gases. But even so, air still occupies space and will then follow the shape of the space or container. Sinaumed’s was able to prove the nature of this gas object when blowing air into a balloon, the balloon will change shape to become bigger because it is filled with air gas pressing on the rubber layer of the balloon. 

The more Sinaumed’s blows hard, the more gas will enter the balloon. It is from the balloon that the gas form is formed by adjusting the shape of the balloon, for example a balloon in the shape of an animal’s head then the gas will follow the shape of the balloon. 

2. It’s Everywhere

Gas objects can be everywhere so we can find them everywhere, whether in houses, streets, or any environment. Even an empty space or place must have air or gas in it. Colorless and odorless gas may make it invisible and detectable, but the gaseous substance is still there and we can feel it. The nature of gas objects that exist in all these places proves that humans are very dependent on the presence of oxygen. 

3. Pressing In All Directions

Gases can press in all directions on a space so they don’t fill or suppress only one direction. Sinaumed’s was able to prove this property on gas objects when inflating a balloon, the gas will press in all directions on the balloon so that it expands bigger than its previous size. The gas will fill the entire balloon container by pressing it all over the container. 

This can happen because gaseous substances have molecules that can move freely easily so they can put pressure on a certain room from all directions. The movement of gaseous substances in all directions is also due to the chemical elements of gaseous substances that are lighter in the air. 

4. Has Heavy Mass

Even though gaseous substances do not appear to exist, it turns out that gaseous substances also have mass or object weight. The mass or weight of a gas is certainly different from the size of the mass of solid and liquid objects. Even in the calculation of gas substances are also different, for example to calculate the mass of carbon dioxide gas with the dry weight of biomass and the calculation of the ideal gas equation. 

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To find out the mass of a gas substance is also influenced by the size of the pressure, volume and temperature around the substance. The gaseous mass of Earth’s air has a rough volume composition of 68% nitrogen molecules, 21% oxygen molecules, and 1% other gases, including carbon dioxide molecules. 

5. The distance between the particles varies

As with solids and liquids, gaseous objects also have particles and molecules of their constituent elements, although their speed levels are different from those of solids and liquids. From the particles and molecules that make up the gas, the distance varies so that it is not fixed. In contrast to solids and liquids whose particles and molecules tend to remain. 

The changing distance of the particles in the gas makes it easy for the gas to move freely to fill all directions of even an empty room or container. Even in solids and liquids can contain gaseous substances in it. This happens because the density of particles and molecules in gaseous substances is very free and tenuous. 

6. The arrangement of the particles is irregular

If the distance is not fixed, then the arrangement of particles in gaseous substances is also irregular. The composition of the particles is easy to move so that it is also easy to change, either into other forms of matter or just the reduction of particles and molecules. Its regular arrangement allows gas particles to easily change their mass or volume. 

Basically, the particles that make up a gas object are very regular. Naturally, gaseous substances are not easily recognized by the human eye, whatever their chemical elements. The chemical elements of gases are also difficult to distinguish from one another from various symptoms, even though the chemical elements contain different substances. 

7. Weak Force of Attraction Between Particles

Gaseous substances have attractive forces that tend to be weak between the particles that make up the substance. In fact, many scientists say that the attractive force between the particles of gas is almost non-existent. This can happen because the particles that make up gaseous substances are very light and irregular, so it’s easy to make them unstable. As a result, the force between the particles of the gas substance also becomes non-existent.  

8. Very Free Particle Movement

The properties of gas objects that can move freely are actually influenced by the properties of other gas objects. That is, the particles are not fixed and are arranged irregularly, making it easier for them to move freely in all directions to fill all the empty space. Sinaumed’s needs to know that gas can be a medium for the propagation of certain energies, such as sound, light and heat energy.

Gases that easily move freely make a lot of energy appear or be created easily. Sinaumed’s was able to prove the nature of gas bodies that move freely in naturally occurring winds, where gases move erratically according to pressure or temperature in a certain room or area. Even though we can’t see it, we can even feel the gas moving around us.  


After knowing the properties of the gas objects above, Sinaumed’s can identify gas objects through the following characteristics: 

  1. Gas objects can move in all directions even without human intervention, aka they can move naturally
  2. Particles of gas can spread in all directions
  3. The shape changes according to the place
  4. The volume varies according to the location
  5. The density is low
  6. The arrangement of gas particles is very tenuous because the attractive forces between the particles are very weak
  7. Gases cannot be grasped like solids, and most  gases  are invisible.

Book Recommendations Related to Gas Properties

Physics lessons will never be separated from material forms or forms of objects which will then be developed with various symptoms of change and other physical properties. If Sinaumed’s wants to learn about the properties of gases and other objects in science and physics studies, you can visit sinaumedia’s book collection at www.sinaumedia.com . Sinaumed’s can find many references about science and physics lessons that are in accordance with the curriculum at school. The following is a recommendation for sinaumedia books that Sinaumed’s can read to learn the properties of objects in science and physics lessons starting from the elementary, junior high, high school or equivalent levels: Happy learning. #Friends Without Limits


Gases can also change like solids and liquids. Changes in gaseous bodies can also occur naturally and artificially or because of man-made. These changes can then be characterized as physical and chemical changes that affect the structure of the chemical elements contained in the gaseous substance. Following are the forms of changes in the state of gaseous bodies along with examples that Sinaumed’s needs to know:  

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1. Condensing

Condensation is the process of changing state from a gas to a liquid. This process of change can occur due to changes in lower temperature pressure. Sinaumed’s could find examples of changing gas bodies by condensing, namely when he found plant leaves wet with dew water in the morning. This can happen because the air at night is lower at the bottom than the air temperature above. 

So at night a lot of oxygen (O2) is released and produces water (H2O) in the form of dots or droplets of water that we find on the surface of the leaves. This change from a gas to a liquid is a chemical change because it changes the chemical element oxygen to water, even though the change in this element is not too far away, that is, it is still one derivative.  

2. Crystallize

Crystallization is the change of a gas object into a more solid object. Similar to the process of change by means of condensation, crystallization is also caused due to lower temperature changes in the air or when it reaches the earth’s surface. Sinaumed’s can find examples of this change in the process by which snow forms or on the surface of empty bottle caps where spots or lumps of water will appear over time. This process of change indicates that a gas object is greatly influenced by the temperature and pressure conditions it receives. 

If the air gas moves freely then the biggest trigger is unlimited, namely temperature pressure which can also occur at any time. Crystallization is included in a physical change because it does not change the chemical elements of the gas, it only changes its shape or form. 

3. Sublimation

Sublimation is the process of changing from a solid to a gaseous substance. The gaseous substance produced from this sublimation will move freely in the air without any restrictions. Sinaumed’s can observe changes in this object through camphor or camphor which is simply placed in an open room so that over time the camphor will run out because it sublimes into the air. 

This can happen because the air around the camphor contains energy that is able to change the solid substance to sublimate into the air and turn into a gaseous substance which has different chemical elements from the previous solid. That is why this change is included in a chemical change because it changes the chemical elements of an object and is difficult to return to its original form again.   

4. Evaporation

Evaporation is the process of changing from a liquid to a gas due to the help of heat or heat energy. Evaporation changes liquids to gases which move freely in air. Sinaumed’s can find examples of this evaporation when boiling water until it boils, so the water will run out over time because it evaporates into the air. Evaporation is included in a chemical change because it changes the chemical element of water into oxygen or gas in air which is lighter in molecule so that it moves freely or disappears in the air. 


From the explanation of the nature of gas bodies and the process of changing their form, Sinaumed’s must have been able to determine which objects are included in gas bodies. Sinaumed’s can find gas objects naturally or because they are man-made. The existence of gaseous substances on earth can be used for the needs of human activities, but there are also gaseous substances that can harm humans. That is why we also know toxic substances in the form of gases, namely gases that we should not breathe. 

The following are examples of gas objects that Sinaumed’s can find in the surrounding environment or in the needs of daily activities: 

  1. Oxygen is breathed by living things 
  2. Wind that moves through air with a denser gas content
  3. Fart is a gas that comes out of the human body 
  4. Smoke that comes from the combustion process of solid or liquid objects 
  5. Carbon dioxide that comes from human activities or occurs naturally 
  6. Carbon monoxide that comes from human activities or occurs naturally
  7. Nitrogen
  8. Hydrogen
  9. Water vapor is due to the evaporation process from liquid objects
  10. Air in a balloon
  11. Air in motorcycle tires or car tires
  12. An empty cup that remains filled with air
  13. An empty bottle that remains filled with air

So, that’s an explanation of the nature of gas objects , starting from the definition, characteristics, forms of changes in form, and examples of gas objects that Sinaumed’s can find in the necessities of everyday life. Has Sinaumed’s distinguished between gas objects and other objects? Easy isn’t it? Sinaumed’s can even find this material in Elementary School IPS subject matter. Mastering this material will make it easier for Sinaumed’s to understand broader physics material in junior high school, high school, and the equivalent. 

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