7 recommended worship in the month of Ramadan

Recommended Worship During the Month of Ramadan – Soon, the month of Ramadan will come soon! Are you ready for Sinaumed’s to welcome the holy month?

There are so many features of the month of Ramadan which of course cannot be found in other months, for example the night of a thousand months or often referred to as Lailatul Qadar. In addition, in the month of Ramadan, Allah SWT will multiply every practice of our worship because this month is full of blessings.

During the month of Ramadan, it would be better if we practice obligatory worship and also sunnah worship. This is so that during the month of Ramadan, we do not waste the opportunity to become devout Muslims.

Then, what are the recommended worships when the month of Ramadan comes?

Come on, take a look at the following reviews so that Sinaumed’s can use this good opportunity in this month of Ramadan to improve self-quality!

7 Main Worship During the Month of Ramadan

1. Congregational Prayer

Congregational prayers are prayers that are performed together by more than two people. One of the people will play the role of priest and lead the prayer.

Congregational prayer is a worship that has great virtues, especially in the month of Ramadan, even for those who practice it regularly, Allah SWT will surely get a multiplied reward. This has been said by Rasulullah SAW, which reads:

“All the good deeds of the children of Adam in the month of Ramadan are multiplied by 10 to 700 times.” (HR. Muslim)

The practice of praying in congregation is more important than praying alone. In fact, the more people there are (prayer participants), the priority will be multiplied as well. As has been said by Rasulullah SAW, which reads:

“Praying in congregation is more important than praying alone by 27 degrees” (HR Bukhari and Muslim)

It should be noted that to become an imam one must be fluent in reciting the Koran, older in age, memorizing more letters of the Koran, and knowing the sunnah of the Prophet. So, not just anyone can become a priest, huh…

When we want to carry out this worship, as a congregation, we must tighten and tidy up the prayer lines so that we get the perfection of congregational prayers.

A number of scholars have argued that by praying in congregation we will get many good things, including:

  • Obtain tazkiyah (declaration of holiness) and a great gift from Allah SWT
  • Obey the orders of Rasulullah SAW
  • In an effort to obey the commands of Allah SWT
  • Glorify and emphasize what has been taught by Rasulullah SAW
  • As a witness of faith In this case, praying in congregation will make the mosques not quiet
  • Free from hellfire
  • His prayer was not rejected
  • Strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and affection
  • Protect yourself from demons
  • Big reward

2. Tadarus Al-Quran

In connection with the month of Ramadan, tadarus is an activity of reading the Al-Quran together or individually, which can be done in mosques, prayer rooms, and homes. As with the month of Ramadan which is full of blessings, we must read the Al-Quran according to the word of Allah, namely:

“…The month of Ramadan is the month in which the (beginning) of the Quran was sent down…” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 185)

In fact, people who just teach the Koran will get ridha and a reward that is multiplied by Allah SWT. This was explained by Rasulullah SAW in his words:

“The best of you are those who study the Koran and teach it to others.”

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So, in reciting the Al-Quran there are several things that must be considered so that we can get the priority from Allah SWT, namely:

  • When reading the Koran, it must be with a sincere heart and intention because of Allah Lillahi Ta’ala
  • Must be in a state of purity from small or large hadas and read in a clean place
  • Reading ta’awudz, which is a prayer asking for protection from Allah SWT from the temptations of the accursed devil at the beginning of carrying the Al-Quran
  • Read the Al-Quran tartil and slowly only
  • Should prostrate when reading verses prayer rug. The prostration is the recitation prostration

3. Tarawih prayers

Tarawih prayer is a night prayer which is only performed during the month of Ramadan. In carrying out this tarawih prayer, it is recommended to congregate in the mosque. This prayer was highly recommended by Rasulullah SAW.

Tsa’labah bin Abdil Malik Al-Quradzi once told me that one night during the month of Ramadan, Rasulullah SAW left the house, then witnessed people praying at the end of the mosque.

Then, he asked, “What are they doing?”

Someone then replied, “O Messenger of Allah, they are people who have not memorized much of the Koran, while Ubay bin Ka’ab, a reciter, so they pray and pray to him.”

Rasulullah SAW then responded, “Indeed, they have done good”

Please note, every night from the 1st to the 30th night of the month of Ramadan, the tarawih prayers will always get a reward from Allah SWT. Starting from the forgiveness of sins and the sins of his parents, he will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment with a radiant face, elevating human degrees in Paradise, lifting the torment of the grave, to granting ease to pass Shirath al-Mustaqim in the afterlife.

4. Midnight Prayer

Tahajud is a prayer that is done at night. The prayer time is after Isya prayer until dawn. However, there are also those who say that the midnight prayer will be better held in a quarter of the night.

Even though the midnight prayer is a sunnah prayer, Allah SWT always rewards those who carry it out and will grant their every request. Allah SWT says that:

“And part of the night, you pray Tahajud as an additional worship for you; hopefully your Lord will raise you to a commendable place” (QS. al-Isra: 79).

In addition, Allah SWT also said regarding the primacy of the midnight prayer,

“And those who spend the night prostrating and standing for their Lord ” (QS. Az-Zumar: 64)

Carrying out midnight prayers especially during the month of Ramadan is very special. But unfortunately, many people do not know the virtues of this worship. In fact, Abu Hurairah has narrated a hadith from Rasulullah SAW, namely:

“The main prayer after the obligatory prayer is the night prayer (tahajud)”

Not only do you get a charity reward from Allah SWT, the midnight prayer can actually have a good impact on your health, you know…

A number of studies have stated that people who diligently carry out the midnight prayer will have a cool view. There is also research from Mohammad Sholeh, a lecturer at IAIN Surabaya, which states that the midnight prayer can free a person from infections and cancer.

5. I’tikaf

According to the language, i’tikaf means ‘to live’. So it can be said that i’tikaf is residing in the mosque with a specific purpose. These specific goals must be good things, for example, dhikr, prayer, and reading the Koran.

This worship has many benefits, one of which is that people who perform i’tikaf will find it easy to perform fardhu prayers continuously and in congregation. Apart from that, i’tikaf also helps us to be humble in our prayers.

Indirectly, i’tikaf can help and make it easier for us to be in the first row when we want to pray in congregation. Please note that the first row will get a lot of good and reward from Allah SWT.

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I’tikaf is also useful for educating the human soul so that it can get used to being patient when doing good deeds.

6. Multiply Alms

Alms is giving help physically and spiritually to people in need. Rasulullah SAW once said about the practice of alms, namely:

Every member of the human body has an obligation to give alms every day. That is like reconciling two people who are at odds is charity. Helping people who ride in vehicles or helping lift their belongings onto the vehicle, that is also charity. Good words or words are alms. Every step you take to perform your prayers is charity. Removing anything harmful on public streets is charity.” (Muslim HR).

Therefore, we are required to give alms to the poor, especially during the month of Ramadan. There are many virtues of giving alms during the month of Ramadan. It was narrated by at-Tarmidzi from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah said “The main charity is charity in the month of Ramadan”

7. Zakat Fitrah

Zakat fitrah is an obligation that must be carried out by all Muslims during the month of Ramadan. This zakat fitrah will later be given to people who are entitled to receive zakat (mustahiq), to purify themselves, and patch deficiencies that may occur while fasting.

It is called zakat fitrah because it is given after the fasting of Selesia Ramadhan. The law of carrying out zakat fitrah is obligatory, according to His words, namely:

“And those who issue zakat ” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 11)

There are special provisions in zakat fitrah, namely in the form of one bushel (2.5 kg) of staple food, usually rice.

The wisdom from the practice of zakat fitrah has been narrated by Ibn Abbas, namely: “Rasulullah required zakat fitrah as a purification for fasting people from vain and abominable things, as well as food for the poor” (HR. Abu Daud)

In addition to getting the pleasure of Allah SWT, zakat fitrah can also be related to human aspects between other individuals. Through this zakat fitrah, we can instill a sense of love for the poor and those in need. So, indirectly, we have given alms to others.

Actually, there are also livestock zakat, trade zakat, agricultural zakat, to professional zakat. However, not all of these zakat practices can carry them out. Therefore, through this zakat fitrah, where the provisions are only in the form of 2.5 kg of rice, many people can pay it. This is in accordance with the purpose of zakat fitrah which has been prescribed, which is to return every human being to his nature.

So, those are the seven acts of worship that are recommended during the month of Ramadan. Even though some of these worships can be carried out in normal months, the practices that are obtained in this month of Ramadan will later be multiplied by Him. Therefore, come on Sinaumed’s , we are competing to worship Allah SWT so that one day we will get convenience in the afterlife until the last day.

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El-Bakar, Efri and Uup Gufron. (2009). Guidance on Ramadan Fasting Plus Prayers of Blessings . Jakarta: PT Variapop Group.