5 Examples of Short Speeches on Various Themes and Explanations!

Examples of Short Speeches – When attending an event, we will definitely meet people giving speeches. Generally, this is done at the beginning of the event. Each speech that is delivered has its own theme, depending on their goals, the atmosphere, and also the conditions.

Therefore, before giving a speech, there are several preparations that must be planned properly, such as scripts and mental preparation. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of speech, structure, and examples of short speeches that can be used as references when you want to give a speech at an event.

Definition of Speech

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, speech is an expression of thoughts that is poured in the form of words or discourse addressed to many people. When someone gives a speech, they will convey thoughts, ideas, and ideas orally in front of the general public. This is often referred to as an oration. That means income-giving activities that are carried out in public.

Speech itself is very important to convey several messages to the listeners. The message can be delivered directly or indirectly. If delivered directly, the message will appear in the form of an invitation or appeal. Meanwhile, if it is not direct, then the message will be in the text implicitly.

Speech Purpose

So, what is the speech for? Why are there always those things in every event? Apparently, this speech was made for a specific purpose, including:

– Convey some information needed by the listener.
– Convey facts to support or refute a statement.
– Warm up the atmosphere so that the speaker and listeners seem more intimate.
– Entertain listeners.
Convince listeners to have opinions or take certain actions.

Types of Speech Based on Purpose

Based on the objectives previously mentioned, we can conclude that speech is divided into several types. The following are several types of speeches based on their purpose, including:

1. Argumentative Speech

This argumentative speech generally contains arguments or arguments to defend an opinion. This type of speech only supports statements, but can also reject statements. In making an argumentative speech, factual data must be added. For example, statistical data or statements from experts who are experts in their fields.

2. Persuasive Speech

This type of speech has a function, namely to influence listeners to take an action or have one voice on a matter. A speech can encourage listeners to do something because there is an element of psychological manipulation in it. Without realizing it, the listener will be willing to do something that is asked.

3. Informative Speech

This type of informative speech generally has the goal of providing information to listeners. This speech is also the most performed by people. This type of informative speech is usually divided into three, namely:

a. Oral reports: namely speeches in the form of research reports, activity results reports, and project reports.
b. Oral instruction: usually in the form of teaching, in which the speech is usually delivered by the teacher.
c. Informative lectures: this speech comes in the form of a public lecture or conference.

4. Recreative Speech

The last type of speech is a recreational speech which has the aim of bringing entertainment or joy. Where this type of speech is done to melt the atmosphere so that it is warmer, relaxed, and also happy. When making a recreational speech, it is not uncommon for humor and jokes to be included in it.

Speech Text Structure

There are three parts in the structure of speech text, namely opening, body, and closing. The following is an explanation of the three sections:

1. Opener

A speech must begin with an introduction. Where this opening must be made as attractive as possible so that listeners are interested in paying close attention to the speech. This opening includes several things, namely opening greetings, thanksgiving, respect to people who are invited guests and also the audience, conveying the purpose of the speech, and finally an introduction to the contents.

2. Fill

Content is the most important part of a speech because this section will describe the purpose of the speech itself. For example, if the type of speech that is made is argumentative, then the content must be in the form of facts that support or reject the statement. Meanwhile, if the speech is informative, then the content is information that must be understood by the audience.

3. Cover

At the end of a speech is the closing. In this section, the speaker must make a conclusion from the various things that have been conveyed to the listeners. Not only that, there are other things in the closing that must be conveyed, namely invitations, appeals, thanks, apologies, and also closing greetings.

Examples of Short Speeches

The following are some examples of short speech texts that can be used as references. The examples of short speeches below have varied themes, including:

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Examples of Short Speeches about Science

Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Good morning, best wishes to all of us.

First, let us offer adoration and gratitude to God Almighty for having given us so many blessings and opportunities for all of us, so that we can gather at this happy event.

On this occasion, I will deliver a short speech about the importance of studying. Because basically, with knowledge, our life will be easier and also a blessing. In addition, knowledge can also elevate our degree and will get goodness in the sight of God.

Then, in a larger context, science can also encourage the human resources of a nation to be even better. With qualified human resources, a country will be more advanced and society will be more prosperous.

Therefore, from young to old, seeking knowledge is something that must be done. Don’t because we are getting old, then become lazy to sue you. Because science has a very broad meaning.

Thus a short speech about the importance of studying. Even though it’s short, hopefully it will be useful for all of us.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Short Speech on Gotong Royong

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Honorable Mr/Mrs Teacher and also friends that I am proud of. First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah SWT for His Mercy on all of us, so that we can all gather in this place in good health.

As we all know, Indonesian people are known to be very happy to help and work hand in hand. One of the proofs is the existence of a culture of gotong royong. Mutual cooperation or community service is one thing that is very positive. With this mutual cooperation, the sense of togetherness and also tolerance will be higher.

The culture of gotong royong is the key to peace for Indonesia’s heterogeneous society, because this nation consists of various ethnicities, religions and different races. But unfortunately, along with the times, the culture of gotong royong in Indonesian society seems to be disappearing little by little.

Nowadays, most people are preoccupied with their own personal affairs. So they don’t have much time to socialize and to pay attention to the social interests of the community.

Therefore. let’s start everything from ourselves, try to take a little of our time to socialize with the residents and the environment around us. Let us continue and develop our nation’s noble cultural heritage so that we can face the current globalization.

So in conclusion, gotong royong is one of the noble cultures of the Indonesian people which is useful for making every job feel lighter, can speed up the completion of work, and also strengthens a sense of unity and oneness.

Thus I convey this short speech. Sorry if there are words that are wrong or unclear. Thank You.

Wasalamualaikum wr.wb

Short Character Education Speech

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

First and foremost, let us offer adoration and gratitude to God Almighty because today we have been given the opportunity to be able to gather in good health without lacking in anything thanks to His grace and favor. On today’s occasion, I will deliver a short speech about character education. Hopefully later what I will convey will then provide many benefits for all of us.

Ladies and gentlemen, today, the younger generation is facing various kinds of quite serious problems, namely the decline in moral values ​​and also character. The modern young generation is very easily influenced by a hedonic lifestyle and often ignores various values ​​or norms that exist in society. Not only that, according to BNN, drug users from the youth group in 2019 reached 4.3 million people.

Even every 7 minutes, there is one person who dies because of using illegal drugs. Seeing this kind of phenomenon, of course, questions arise about where is the role of school education, teachers, and also parents. Why can these teenagers fall into a free lifestyle that is not in accordance with the values ​​and norms that exist in society or religion?

Upon closer examination, it turns out that this is happening due to the weakness of character education in Indonesia. The formal education system still seems to focus too often on values ​​only. So many ignore the importance of good and noble character. In fact, even in schools, hours of moral and Pancasila education have also been reduced. This is what causes the younger generation to lose a good role model for their morale.

Therefore, we must start emphasizing moral education again, not only at school, but also at home. That’s the speech I can deliver. If there are words that are not pleasing to the hearts of the audience, I apologize profusely. Thank You.

Examples of Mother Theme Short Speeches

Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings

We thank Allah SWT because all of us here are still given the opportunity to meet together in this event. Thank God we say because we are all still blessed with healthy bodies, so we can all stay in touch.

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Friends and audience who are blessed by Allah SWT, on this occasion I will deliver a short speech about someone we always care about in our lives, namely mothers.

In the teachings of Islam, we are obliged to respect mothers and even place them in our top priority. In fact, the Apostle also mentioned the mother three times, only after that did the father respect and love her. Then in Surah Al Isra, Allah mentions, “And your Lord has commanded you not to worship other than Him and to do good to your mother and father.”

In this verse it is clearly said that we as children must respect both parents, especially mothers. We are also not allowed to say ‘ah’, especially to yell and say rudely to mother. Because of mothers, we can be born in this world and Allah gives trust through our mothers and fathers.

Mother has played a very big role and contributed greatly to our lives, even since we were still in the womb. Mother was pregnant for nine months and had to give birth to us with great pain. When we are born, mothers who are still in pain selflessly give all their love and attention to us, namely their beloved children. Therefore, a saying emerged, mother’s love is eternal and of course the saying is true. Yes, right?

From mother’s struggles since we were still in the womb and after we were born, mothers are always willing to give love without expecting us to return anything. Like a children’s song,

“Mother’s love for beta
is infinite for all time.
Only giving without expecting it back.
Like the sun, shining on the world.”

Apart from not expecting anything, the paradise we hope for in this world is also under the soles of mother’s feet. Of course, we cannot take this literally. However, that means that the mother has a very great service, until heaven is under her feet and even the blessing of Allah is also in the blessing of the mother and both parents.

For that, we are all obliged to behave well and be devoted to our mothers until the end of our lives. Don’t let us become disobedient children because we don’t want to do what our mother says, or simply refuse to help our mother with household matters.

Because by being devoted to mothers and also parents, Allah will give an abundance of His blessings and also His grace to all of us. Thus my short speech about mothers this time. Hopefully we all benefit from the speech that I delivered.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Speech on Innovation in Education

Honorable Mr. and Mrs. Student Guardians, I respect Mr., Mrs. Sukamaju Elementary School teacher and all my proud children

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

There are no appropriate words to say on this occasion other than our obligation to offer praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT, it is thanks to His grace that we can gather together at this place in the context of an annual meeting to discuss various materials and also next year’s teaching materials and try to innovate in education.

The presence of ladies and gentlemen and all of you here is proof that we all hope that education can be even better in the future. Ladies and gentlemen, if we all here agree that education is very important to improve people’s lives. Education plays a very important role in building the quality of a nation’s human resources.

With education, this nation will be increasingly seen because it has adequate human resources and is able to compete. Therefore, we as the spearhead of educational practice must always strive together in improving the quality of education so that education becomes more evenly distributed throughout the region.

The obstacle we often face is the lack of public awareness of the importance of education. There are still many people who think that education is not so important. This kind of paradigm must be abandoned immediately, so that our children can also understand the importance of education for the future.

As educators, the first thing we can do apart from the intention to build a better generation is to carry out various innovations in the field of teaching.

Maybe our students are too bored with the monotonous way of learning without things that make enthusiasm. Therefore, the education system should be changed through a different way of teaching. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here to invite all levels of education to be able to form a new learning system that is fun and friendly to our students. So that children no longer need to be afraid of learning or lazy and reluctant to read.

We as parents, both at school and at home, should start improving our children’s learning systems, accompany them, and learn together. So that apart from gaining new knowledge, they will also feel cared for. That’s all I can say to the audience. I’m more or less sorry.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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