4 Objectives of the State of Indonesia based on the 1945 Constitution

What is Indonesia’s goal? Indonesia is a country with islands and a large population. This Indonesian state was not created and fought for immediately.

There are goals that must be achieved within the state of Indonesia. This goal is also the foundation for the Indonesian state in running the government. All applicable regulations also apply to the destination country of Indonesia.

What are the goals of Indonesia? This article will discuss the goals of Indonesia in detail.

Definition of State Goals

In general, the goal of the state is to organize welfare. In addition, the goal of the state is also to achieve the happiness of its people. State objectives are guidelines when compiling and controlling the equipment of a country. As well as regulate how the life of the people in the country.

When you know the purpose of the country, you can know the nature of the country’s organization. In addition, the legitimacy of state power can also be known. Therefore, the purpose of the state is very important for its people to know.

The goals of each country are influenced by several things. Such as the location of the country, the history of the formation of the country, and the influence of the rulers of the country concerned with that country. Just like other countries, Indonesia also has national goals.

Indonesia’s state goals are formed on several things. What are the goals of Indonesia? Check out the explanation about Indonesia’s destination below!

Indonesia’s Country Destinations

The objectives of the Indonesian state are clearly stated in the 1945 Constitution, precisely in paragraph 4. Based on the 1945 Constitution, the objectives of the Indonesian state read:

“Then than that to form an Indonesian State Government that protects the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia’s bloodshed and to promote public welfare, educate the nation’s life and participate in carrying out world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice.”

Based on this, it can be concluded that there are four objectives of the Indonesian state. These goals include protection, well-being, intelligence and peace. These goals will serve as guidelines when compiling and controlling state equipment. Here’s the explanation:

1. Protect the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia’s bloodshed

Indonesia’s first goal is protection. This objective is contained in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. The goal reads “Protect the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia’s bloodshed”.

Based on these objectives, it means that all components in Indonesia must be protected. Starting from the people, Indonesia’s natural wealth, culture, to the values ​​of the Indonesian state must be maintained. These things are included in the goals of the Indonesian state in the form of protection.

Parameter or a measure of the legal subject of a citizen has been protected. If the things as a citizen have been fulfilled. The fulfillment is based on Indonesian law.

The rights of Indonesian citizens themselves have also been included in the 1945 Constitution. These rights involve several things. Such as human rights, the right to equal legal protection, the right to education, the right to own something and so on.

The obligation to protect the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia’s bloodshed is not only the duty of the government or the Indonesian state. However, the role of citizens is also very much needed to protect the Indonesian state.

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The manifestation of this role or defending the Indonesian state can be done in various ways. Can be adjusted according to the ability of the citizens of the country. for example, such as instilling and having an attitude of love for the motherland and defending the country.

This attitude can be used as the role of a citizen in protecting the Indonesian state. When we instill an attitude of defending the country, we will act accordingly. When the Indonesian state experiences a problem, we must defend it. Through things like that, the goal of the Indonesian state in protecting the whole nation can be achieved properly.

2. Promote general welfare

Indonesia’s second goal is related to welfare. The goals of the Indonesian state are listed in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. The goal reads “to advance the general welfare”.

The parameters of welfare in Indonesia are three elements. As well as a condition that is subjective and the most minimal. When these three elements can be fulfilled, Indonesian citizens can be said to be prosperous.

The three elements are clothing or clothing, food or food, and shelter or boards. A general welfare also does not only cover matters regarding economic and material welfare.

However, physical and mental well-being must also be considered. Physical and mental well-being is also important. It must be owned by every citizen of Indonesia.

Welfare physically and mentally, among others, is the creation of a feeling of security and comfort for every citizen. In addition, attitudes such as mutual respect, mutual cooperation, respecting the rights of citizens, prosperous, just and equal citizens, carrying out the obligations of each citizen and so on.

Economic and material well-being must also be continuously improved. An example of what can be done is to continue to compete in terms of the economy nationally and internationally. Moreover, Indonesia has now entered the MEA or the Asean Economic Community.

This makes the Indonesian state must continue to compete in terms of the economy. A good economy certainly makes its citizens achieve prosperity. Therefore, the goals of the Indonesian state in terms of welfare will be realized.

3. Educating the life of the nation

Indonesia’s third goal is related to intelligence. The goals of the Indonesian state are listed in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. The goal reads “to educate the life of the nation”.

The goal of the Indonesian state in terms of education is to ensure that all Indonesian citizens are educated. The Indonesian state must ensure that all its citizens have the opportunity to receive proper education. Not only proper, the education provided to citizens must also be of good quality.

Since the Indonesian state was officially independent, the government has endeavored for the Indonesian state to be free from ignorance. Such as eradicating illiteracy in Indonesian citizens. To achieve this illiteracy-free state, the Indonesian state always improves the quality of its education.

However, the goal of the state in terms of intelligence is not only carried out by the state. Educating the Indonesian people is the duty of the state, government and all Indonesian citizens. All of these components must try to achieve the best level of education.

The reason is, with intelligent citizens, the development and progress of the country will be more easily achieved. The most important thing is that Indonesia’s goals regarding intelligence will be carried out properly. A citizen to achieve the goal of intelligence, can do it by pursuing education.

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Getting the highest possible education is one of the ways to achieve the goals of the Indonesian state in terms of nation intelligence. Being a smart citizen can of course advance the Indonesian state. In addition, it can improve the standard of living of all Indonesian citizens.

However, intelligence is a very broad thing. An intelligence does not necessarily have to be obtained from a high school only. All good things can be used as knowledge to achieve that intelligence.

4. Carry out world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice.

Indonesia’s third goal is related to intelligence. The goals of the Indonesian state are listed in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. The goal reads “and participate in carrying out world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice”.

Based on the goals of the Indonesian state, there is an important word. The word is peace. It is not only the Indonesian state that wants peace.

Peace is the ideal of all countries in this world. There are two kinds of the word “peace” in political science. The word “peace” means peace within a country and peace outside the country.

Peace in Indonesia can be realized by all citizens. The trick is to maintain peace among fellow citizens. Such as between religions or between ethnic groups.

In achieving this peace, mutual respect for one another is needed. Moreover, Indonesia is a country that has many cultures. Of course, this will cause many differences among citizens.

Through mutual respect for the differences that exist, peace can be created. Another way that every citizen can do in maintaining peace is to obey the rules that have been made. Every regulation made by the government is certainly made for its people. In addition, every regulation that is made is of course based on the goals of the Indonesian state based on the 1945 Constitution, fourth paragraph.

In addition to maintaining peace within Indonesia, peace between countries must also be carried out and maintained. The Indonesian state must maintain good relations with foreign countries. This is for the sake of creating peace.

The basis of Indonesia’s foreign policy is free and active politics. It will help achieve world peace. Peace that is created in each country will give birth to a free and active foreign policy.

Also based on the goals of the Indonesian state, cooperation with other countries can be carried out. This cooperation is also based on the values ​​of peace and social justice.

It is hoped that the objectives of the Indonesian state can be implemented when implementing the Indonesian government. The government can make policies for the benefit of Indonesian citizens. This will make citizens feel prosperous in this country of Indonesia. In addition, the goals of the Indonesian state can actually be created or realized.

That is an explanation of the four objectives of the Indonesian state which are contained in the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution. Find other things at www.sinaumedia.com . sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will always present interesting articles and recommend the best books for Sinaumed’s.