3 The Role of Pancasila in the Diversity of the Nation

The role of Pancasila in national diversity – The ideology of Pancasila is rooted in the flesh and blood of the Indonesian people. After Indonesia’s independence from Japanese colonialism on August 17, 1945, Pancasila was formed as a national guideline that should be instilled and applied in all our actions.

As Sinaumed’s knows, there are 5 precepts that you can find in Pancasila. The 5 precepts read: belief in one almighty God, just and civilized humanity, Indonesian unity, democracy led by wisdom in representative deliberations, and social justice for all Indonesian people.

It is not without reason why these precepts were chosen and made into the contents of Pancasila. The figures behind the creation of Pancasila ideology have thoroughly discussed the essence of the Indonesian state, before determining these points according to our identity.

One of the things that distinguishes Indonesia from other countries in the world is its diversity, both in terms of ethnicity, culture and religion. Then, the contents of Pancasila successfully describe the diversity that we have well.

In this article, Sinaumed’s will study the role of Pancasila in the diversity of the Indonesian nation. It is hoped that after Sinaumed’s reads this article, you will be able to understand more and more the essence of the diversity that Indonesia has, and appreciate this diversity even more.

The Role of Pancasila in the Diversity of the Nation

If we draw out the role of Pancasila in the diversity of the Indonesian nation, we can find at least 3 main discussions. From these 3 discussions, Sinaumed’s was also able to learn more about the role of Pancasila in the diversity of the Indonesian nation based on the existing Pancasila points.

Below, Sinaumed’s will receive an explanation in advance regarding the main points regarding the role of Pancasila in the diversity of the Indonesian nation. After that, then we will discuss these points based on Pancasila points. Check out the discussion below.

As a State Guide

Pancasila as the state guide has the ability to regulate the attitudes and behavior of the nation, in this case, attitudes and behavior in dealing with diversity. Here, Pancasila functions so that it can return Indonesian society to the right direction if they have committed deviant behavior and are not in accordance with the essence of Pancasila.

As the Foundation of the State

Apart from that, Pancasila is also the foundation of the Indonesian state, which should become a way of life for every Indonesian, regardless of status, age, gender, and of course, ethnicity and religion. Apart from that, of course, respecting diversity in this country is mandatory for all of us.

As a Benchmark for State Values ​​and Norms

It cannot be denied that the progress of science and technology (IPTEK) in the era of globalization has made Indonesia have a new culture and diversity that has never been seen before. Pancasila can be used as a filter to determine which diversity is compatible with national identity and which is not.

Based on the explanation above, maybe some of Sinaumed’s are asking themselves, is Pancasila so important that it can regulate the attitudes and behavior of its citizens? Is his role really that important to the point that people have to follow what is contained in Pancasila?

Sinaumed’s needs to know that the existence of Pancasila is not to dictate what its citizens should do. However, here the existence of Pancasila serves as a reference so that Indonesian people can behave properly and correctly, in accordance with the ethics and norms that exist in society.

Not only that, it is certain that respecting the diversity of a nation is something that must be done by its people. Appreciating the diversity of our own nation means that we also appreciate what our ancestors and predecessors have created for the country of Indonesia. In fact, appreciating can increase unity and oneness.

Understanding Indonesia’s diversity has become a learning topic in Citizenship Education subjects. This topic has even been discussed since students entered elementary school (SD), given the importance of understanding the topic. One of the books that can help elementary students to understand the diversity of nations is the book ” SD/MI/Erlangga X-Press Us PPKN “.

Application of Pancasila Points in National Diversity

As discussed earlier, the points in Pancasila also have their respective roles in the diversity of nations. Each precept was made in such a way by our predecessors, so that every Indonesian could live amidst differences without feeling left behind because they are different from the others.

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Below, we will learn about what is contained in each Pancasila point regarding the role in the diversity of the Indonesian nation. It would be nice if Sinaumed’s read this role carefully, and tried to apply it to each of your daily lives.

Belief in the one and only God

As Sinaumed’s knows, Indonesia has a variety of beliefs spread across the country. This diversity in religion is one of the factors that makes Indonesia unique and beautiful when compared to other countries.

It is only natural for us as good Indonesian citizens to always respect someone’s beliefs, and not force them to follow our own beliefs. Because, of course, no one wants you to be forced to follow a different belief from yours, right?

Just and civilized humanity

Indonesia’s diversity lies not only in religion. You must already know that Indonesia also has ethnic and cultural wealth. Each region has different habits, customs, and traditions from other regions.

This difference must always be supported by a human attitude that is full of compassion and morals. We should not behave differently which tends to be negative towards other people who are different from ourselves. Instead, we must accept the difference between the person and each other with open arms.
the unity of Indonesia

The motto ” Unity in Diversity ” or ” Different but still one ” is the motto that best describes Indonesia’s diversity, while at the same time showing that the third precept is true. Don’t let the differences between one person and another bring division.

Supposedly, with the diversity that Indonesia has, we must always try to respect each other. Because, regardless of religion, ethnicity and culture, our identity on paper will always be the same, namely as Indonesian citizens.

Democracy Led by Wisdom of Wisdom in Representative Deliberations

Of course there are times when the diversity that we have with other people can lead to different views or opinions on a matter. This is something that is normal in a country with its diversity. However, as previously stated, we should not be at odds because of this difference.

If you find differences in views or opinions because of background with other people, it would be nice if you discussed these differences in deliberation until a consensus was reached. It is not wise for you to choose the path of violence to resolve your differences.

Social justice for all the people of Indonesia

And one other important thing that must be implemented by good Indonesian citizens is not to discriminate against other people based on religious background, ethnicity, culture, and even gender. We must be fair to anyone, whenever and wherever we are.

There is no reason why we should act differently because someone does not share the same background as us. Being discriminating or categorizing someone just because of this difference in background has entered into an act of discrimination or even racism.

Based on the explanation above, Sinaumed’s can conclude that Pancasila has a big role in shaping the thoughts and understanding of the Indonesian people regarding diversity in this country. Even so, the application of attitude towards the differences that we have is not something that is difficult to do, right?

Pancasila is something that every Indonesian will learn, even when they no longer have any education. This lesson can be found on various occasions, and can be done anytime and anywhere. One way is to read books, such as the book ” Pancasila Insights – Ed. Comprehensive ”.

Examples of Good Attitudes and Bad Attitudes in the Face of Diversity

Lessons on the topic of Indonesia’s diversity have been instilled in children from an early age. This planting is of course intended so that children can know how to properly and correctly respond to differences in Indonesia, and can apply them until they are adults.

Luckily, this lesson has proven to be quite effective in increasing children’s awareness of Indonesia’s diverse culture. Many of them already understand the importance of respecting the differences of the people around them.

Unfortunately, even though they have been intensively outreached to children, there are times when they still often act as they please and do not care about the diversity around them. There are various factors that can be the reasons behind this indifference, starting from friendship factors, parental factors, to educational factors from educators.

Below, Sinaumed’s will get some explanations regarding examples of good attitudes in dealing with diversity, and bad attitudes in dealing with diversity. The explanation below will be explained briefly and simply, suitable for Sinaumed’s who want to learn quickly or for children.

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Good Attitude in Facing Diversity


Respect basically has the meaning of respecting others. In the case of this diversity, Sinaumed’s means respecting the differences that a person has, regardless of their background, showing that you have applied the principles of Pancasila properly and correctly.

Mutual cooperation

Gotong royong has been the identity of the Indonesian state since the colonial era, which means “cooperation”. Those of you who have carried out mutual cooperation means that you already have the ability to face and appreciate the differences and diversity of the Indonesian people.


Broadly speaking, empathy is a person’s ability to feel the emotions of others. Someone who has the ability to empathize with other people can also be interpreted as a form of respecting the diversity of the Indonesian nation.


The meaning of tolerance is more or less similar to the definition of empathy, namely the ability for someone to respond to differences between one another. Those of you who are able to tolerate each other means that you already understand the beauty of Indonesia’s diversity because you want to respect and respect these differences.

Bad Attitudes Dealing with Diversity


Racist is a bad attitude where someone feels that their race, ethnicity, religion or ethnicity has a higher position than other people. In fact, in reality there is no race, ethnicity, religion, or ethnicity that is in a higher position. All of them are the same and have their own contribution in the social order.


Discriminatory attitudes can be interpreted as actions that treat people differently because of their background. Difference here refers to the negative, and is definitely not something that is allowed to be done in the wider community.


One form of discrimination above is to isolate people who are considered different. Isolating other people means not thinking that this person is among them, and practicing indifference and not wanting to care about anything that happens to this person.

It should always be emphasized that civics education is something that is important to learn for Indonesians regardless of their age. Adults also need to study this topic, so they don’t quickly forget their national identity in the midst of globalization. The book “New Paradigm of Citizenship Education: Guide to Lectures in Higher Education” can be Sinaumed’s reading material to deepen knowledge about citizenship.


Since 1945, Indonesia has succeeded in liberating the country after hundreds of years of being colonized by foreign nationals. At that time, Indonesia also had a state foundation as a guideline and reference for the life of the people of this nation, namely Pancasila.

Pancasila is the basic formulation of the state that has been established by our predecessors. Pancasila itself has been planned in such a way, to adapt to what has been the essence and identity of the Indonesian nation for a long time and one of the things that is most attached to Indonesia is its diversity.

The diversity in this country can be found right down to the roots of its people. Almost all Indonesian people have different backgrounds, and this is not only limited to their religion, ethnicity and culture. If we look deeper, the differences between these communities can also be found in other factors, starting from education, economy, social environment, and other factors. Therefore, it would be nice if we started appreciating the differences that surround us.

This is because you can find the differences mentioned above in various situations and conditions. As long as you are still in Indonesia, it will be difficult to keep away from the diversity of its people.

For this reason, the role of Pancasila as a guide and reference in the life of the Indonesian nation cannot be dismissed. As discussed above, there are many roles of Pancasila in the diversity of nations . So, it is only natural for us, Indonesian citizens, to try to apply the teachings of Pancasila in our lives as best we can.

After all, Pancasila does not contain things that can make us deviate from the right path. Conversely, Pancasila contains any teachings that are in accordance with moral and ethical values ​​in everyday life. This further strengthens the main reason why Indonesians should follow Pancasila.

At the end of this article, I hope that none of the Sinaumed’s want to leave the teachings of Pancasila. Of course, after reading this article, it is hoped that it will further strengthen Sinaumed’s’ sense of responsibility to carry out the life of the nation and state in accordance with the teachings of Pancasila.

In addition to the articles and a number of book recommendations above, sinaumedia, #SahabatTanpaBatas, also has various other reading materials related to citizenship on our website, namely sinaumedia.com . The more diligently Sinaumed’s reads, the more likely you are to get #MoreWithReading knowledge and information.

Author: M. Adrianto S.

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