14 Traditional Balinese Weapons, Here’s the Complete Information

Traditional Balinese Weapons – Bali still has traditional weapons which are still very well preserved. As we know, Bali still has a very strong culture, either as the identity of the people or the values ​​that are still upheld by the people until now. Bali is an area with many cultural characteristics, one of which is traditional weapons.

Currently, Balinese traditional weapons have shifted slightly and changed their function from their original function. Guns were originally a tool for self-defense and hunting wildlife, but are now rarely used. So far, traditional Balinese weapons have only been used in various Balinese rituals. The following is a list of traditional Balinese weapons that Sinaumed’s needs to recognize and know:

List of Names of Traditional Balinese Weapons

In practice, these traditional weapons in Bali have their own history and function. But now almost all of these traditional weapons function as tools for rituals or matters related to culture, such as the following traditional Balinese weapons:

1. New Elephant Kiris

The Ki Baru Gajah keris is a traditional Balinese weapon presented by Dang Hyang Dwijendra Saka in 1411. This keris is believed to be a keris that can bring prosperity to the Balinese people. Therefore, the Nglisah traditional calendar takes place every June (the Christian calendar) or the 210th day of the Balinese calendar.

The Nglisah tradition is a hereditary tradition that aims to purify the Keris. Cleaning is done by applying coconut oil to each Keris blade. The tradition is preserved as a form of respect and worship to the kris god known as Hyang Pasupati.

The Ki Baru Gajah keris is also trusted by the Balinese to help control all types of plant pests and ensure agricultural fertility. That is what makes this keris respected by the people of Bali. That is why the Ki Baru Gajah keris is closely related to various traditional ceremonies in Balinese culture.

2. Keris Tayuhan

The Tayuban keris is a dagger that comes from the culture of an ancient kingdom, namely the Majapahit kingdom. The Balinese see Keris as a symbol and identity. Not only that, the keris also has a high sacred value. As a result, the Tayuban Keris is always cared for both in terms of maintenance and storage. On the other hand, in terms of its function, the Tayuhan Keris is usually used as a means of self-defense, especially during times of war.

But over time, the function of this keris is to become an heirloom with various decorations such as decorations on the handle, blade and scabbard. The Tayuhan Keris is usually cleaned during the annual turnover and other religious ceremonies in Bali. Keris Tayuhan is the name given to a Keris made for supernatural powers (luck), not beauty.

This keris is often cleaned by Balinese people at New Year’s ceremonies and other religious ceremonies. Usually this type of keris has a haunted impression and carries an aura that is sometimes frightening, so it is often purified or purified. So do not be surprised if the care and storage of this keris is always a consideration.

3. Balinese Kris

Keris is a traditional weapon from Java. Including the place where the Bali region was first taken over during the Majapahit Kingdom, so that it was also influenced by its culture. So the Balinese started making Keris in 1343 to be exact. Balinese Keris and Javanese Keris were of different sizes, where the Javanese type of keris tended to be smaller in size.

Meanwhile, the Balinese keris is slightly larger in shape, which has a different ornament on the keris sheath. Not only the size and sheath, but also the shape of the handle design. The handle of the Balinese keris is more complicated than the handle of the usual Javanese type of keris.

The similarity between these two kerises is that the keris curves are made during the manufacturing process, but the number of Javanese keris curves must always be odd. This also happens when making Balinese keris, where a perfect keris must always have odd curves. Because the shape of the Keris itself contains elements of its own philosophy.

4. Panambad

The Panambad weapon is a traditional weapon that was born in Bali and has various advantages according to needs. For example, it is used to cut bamboo and cut grass. Panambad has a simple shape and is not much different from a knife. The only difference was the length of the blade, which was much longer than a typical modern knife.

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The algae themselves are made of wood and are very easy to find. This weapon is still valid today, because it is always used by Balinese people in all walks of life. Penampad is a traditional Balinese weapon shaped like a long sword like a knife and is often used to clear the grass on the slopes of the rice fields (Garengan). The Panambad Weapon is not a weapon intended for war or combat.

5. Trident Bali

Trisula is a traditional Balinese weapon that has three very sharp spearheads. The name Trisula comes from the Sanskrit word Tri which means three and Sula which means spear. On the other hand, the Trident weapon can help stab or injure enemies in hand-to-hand combat. The advantage of the Trident is its undoubted sharpness.

Even this traditional weapon allows each spear head to enlarge the wound on the victim’s body. The weakness of the Trident Spear is that this weapon is not strong enough to deal with enemies at medium to long distances. As a result, the user of the weapon would not be able to accidentally throw something like a javelin.

The Trisula weapon is also known as one of the Trimurti, the weapon of Lord Shiva. The Balinese who are loyal to the Hindu-Buddhist religion make this weapon, so they have a special character in their hearts. The trident is Shiva’s main weapon which is one of the three main gods (Trimurti) which was often worshiped during the heyday of the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom in Java.

As in Roman and Greek pagan religions, the sea god Poseidon (Neptune) always had a Trident weapon. In ancient Greek culture, the god Poseidon who has a trident is the main god and no less important than the god Zeus.

6. Wedhung

Wedhung is a traditional weapon which is a symbol of the willingness to serve a subordinate to his boss or employer. Meaning, when a subordinate married her, it could be considered as a pledge of allegiance to his superior until the end of his life.

Wedhung traditional weapons are also found in the Cirebon area. The difference lies in the sculptural motifs. The Wedhung weapon from Bali has patterned eyes, but the Cirebon Wedhung does not have this motif. The Wedhung weapon is a forged metal dagger or knife with a wooden handle.

Usually a little bigger. The length of this weapon is about 38 cm. The function of this traditional Balinese weapon is also increasingly shifting. Because of its unique motif, Balinese Wedhung is currently widely used for decoration or weapons in traditional ceremonies. In ancient times, this weapon was commonly used by the community as a weapon of war and fighting against enemies, or as a sharp weapon in the kitchen or a tool for cutting meat and other hard materials.

7. Balinese Tiuk Knife

Tiuk knife is a small tool that has artistic value for Balinese culture. This Tiuk Knife is an object that cannot be separated from the style and exotic nuances of Balinese culture. Tiuk knives are usually used for cooking, slicing meat and processing other ingredients.

Although knives have artistic value, small items are always used for everyday household needs. The Tiuk weapon itself is a traditional weapon such as a keris/knife and is very similar to the Wedhung. The difference is, wedhung is usually used by men as a defense in war.

Tiuk is used for cooking utensils, offerings, or other kitchen needs. Tiuk is also simpler than Wedhung. Of course, the function behind all these differences in Balinese daily life is very important.

8. Kandik

Kandik is a traditional Balinese weapon used to chop trees, chop wood, or do something that requires a lot of energy. Kandik is relatively large and heavy, so not all of these people can use Kandik weapons properly. Kandik is a typical Balinese weapon that comes from the Balinese language which means axe.

Judging from its large and heavy shape, this weapon is a royal weapon made of iron or steel and forged for a long time with an unusual process. Here’s how to make a super powerful powerful weapon. Kandik’s distinctive feature was that the hilt was longer than that of an ordinary ax. Kandik is often used for heavy work.

9. Taji or Tajen

The Taji weapon is a traditional Balinese weapon used for cockfighting as the main weapon. To use this weapon tied to a chicken leg as a weapon. Apart from that, this weapon is also commonly used when casting traditional spirits. The ceremony is carried out by shedding animal blood from the slaughterhouse.

The Balinese are no strangers to cockfighting and often use taji as their main weapon in this activity. Using this weapon is very easy. In other words, simply tying it to a chicken leg as a weapon. Apart from being used for cockfights, these spurs are also commonly used in traditional spiritual rituals.

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This ritual is carried out by spraying the animal’s blood at the time of slaughter. Until now, this traditional weapon and cockfighting culture has become a common practice and is still associated with the daily life of the Balinese people.

10. Caluk

The Caluk weapon is a traditional Balinese weapon in the form of a curved blade with a long hilt or handle. Long algae have the ability to reach much higher areas with weapons. For example, if you want to harvest fruit or cut high branches.

This weapon is made of iron or copper arranged in such a way as to create a unique shape. The shaft of this traditional weapon is made of wood which is also locked with a very strong copper material. Even though its function sounds trivial, this tool is very useful and important for the activities of Balinese people who are still closely related to farming activities.

Caluk is a traditional weapon that actually exists in other areas, but with different names. Even though it is not a weapon of war, Celuk is one of the traditional Balinese weapons that is still preserved today.

11. Sickles

The Arit weapon is a traditional Balinese weapon which is shaped like a half-circle crescent and is made of strong steel. This weapon has the same shape as Arit Madura, which is a curved blade. The Balinese themselves use sickles when traveling to the fields and gardens to find grass and work in the fields.

Sickles are sharp objects made of strong and sturdy steel. Even though the shape is simple. However, these weapons can be very dangerous. This is because the bend is very sharp. Therefore this weapon had become a weapon of ancient war for the people of Bali. having a sturdy and frightening shape makes this traditional weapon the main weapon of the soldiers.

Apart from Balinese culture, sickle weapons are also found in many other cultures. Like Madura which is commonly called sickle, or in Betawi culture which is commonly called sickle.

12. Blakas

Blakas is a traditional Balinese weapon similar to machetes and kitchen machetes. This weapon is made of steel with a wooden handle. Blakas are usually used for kitchen purposes and can also be used for slaughtering sacrificial animals. With a two-dimensional blade in the sheath, Blakas is one of the best weapon choices.

One blade was very thick and heavy, while the other blade was thin and light. At first glance the weapon resembles a Blakas (Cepot Machete), or people know it as a kitchen machete. This weapon looks very effective for cutting things.

There are two different blades in one scabbard, which is unique, unlike ordinary knives. Besides that, this traditional weapon was also often carried by Balinese people in ancient times as a means of self-protection from enemies or wild animals. Its sturdy, strong and sharp weapons made the Balinese at that time confident if they carried this weapon under their clothes.

13. Spear

The spear is an ancient weapon of war in Balinese culture. Spears are often used by soldiers to act as weapons of war. Spear weapons are displayed in Balinese dance or what is called the Wirayuda dance. This dance is a war dance performed by 2 to 4 dancers with spear weapons. The dance depicts a group of Dwipa Bali warriors preparing to advance to the battlefield.

The spear is a weapon that symbolizes sharpness of heart, and is generally characterized by the weapons of the gods, including Ayuda Dewata at the top. On the islands themselves, spears were used as weapons of war by soldiers of ancient kingdoms. In Balinese history, the spear is depicted in a Balinese dance known as the Wirayuda dance.

Until now, this spear weapon is still widely used in traditional ceremonies because this traditional weapon is still closely related to the people of Bali. That is why we are no strangers to Balinese spears when visiting this area because there are many traditional performances using this traditional weapon.

14. Bow and Arrow

Bows and arrows are the most commonly used weapons among the inhabitants of the archipelago. This includes the Balinese people who are still closely related to their culture. The curved shape of the bow can support the force of the spring, allowing the arrow to glide towards the target or enemy. This weapon is none other than functioning as a weapon of war which is closely related to combat.