13 Verses of the Qur’an About Rizki and His Deep Understanding!

Al-Qur’an Verses About Rizki – For Muslims, sustenance is something that has been arranged by Allah SWT. Therefore, there are many verses in the Qur’an about sustenance that you can use as a guide in living this life. To find out more clearly about the verses of the Qur’an about rizki, you can see this article, Sinaumed’s.

Definition of Rizky

Fortune or sustenance is one of the things that is the secret of Allah SWT. Allah mentions in the verses of the Qur’an about sustenance that sustenance is the same as a person’s death, age, and mate. However, Allah has also confirmed that every creature on earth has guaranteed its sustenance. Therefore, we as Muslims who believe in Allah should no longer feel anxious about the problem of sustenance.

Because the problem of sustenance has been arranged by Allah, we as His servants only need to try our best to achieve it.

Islam views sustenance not only as material, other non-material enjoyment such as health, happiness, household harmony, knowledge, work, and so on are also very valuable and need to be grateful for.

Al-Quran is the holy book of Muslims which explains everything including the problem of sustenance. In the holy book, there are many verses that mention sustenance. Every human being and creature on earth has all been determined and regulated by God’s sustenance. The task of humans is only to seek sustenance in a lawful way and be grateful for it.

Fortune is the door of life that should be grateful for favors. Fortune comes from Allah SWT, because Allah SWT is the Most Giver and Most Rich.

Apart from trying to work to earn sustenance, humans must also place their trust by praying a lot to Allah so that the door of sustenance will be made easy and opened. Practices to bring sustenance include performing dhuha prayers, reading the Al Quran Surah Ar Rahman, giving charity and praying a lot.

As explained in the letter Ar-Rum verse 40. In that letter, Allah SWT says, “It is Allah who created you, then gives you sustenance, then turns off, then revives (again). Is there anyone among those whom you associate with Allah who can do something like that? Glory be to Him and Most High of what they associate.”

Verses of the Qur’an about Rizki

Human duty is to try and continue to work as well as possible. Well, the following verses from the Koran about sustenance will make you more enthusiastic and calm in waiting for Allah SWT’s sustenance. The following is an explanation of the verses of the Qur’an about sustenance:

1. Surah Ibrahim verse 34

Meaning: “And He has given you everything you asked of Him. And if you count the favors of Allah, surely you will not be able to count them. Indeed, humans are very unjust and very denying (the favors of Allah).”

Through this verse, we have been promised sustenance by Allah SWT if we do it seriously. However, it is inappropriate if we count anything and the number of favors given by Him. Because that is not grateful and includes wrongdoing.

2. Surah Ibrahim Verse 7

Meaning: And (remember) when your Lord announced, “Indeed, if you are grateful, I will surely add (favors) to you, but if you deny (My favors), then My punishment will be very severe.” (QS. Ibrahim Verse 7).

In this verse, Allah SWT again reminds His servants to always be grateful for all the blessings that He has bestowed. If they do it, then the favor will be added again by Him.

On the other hand, Allah also reminds those who deny His favor, and do not want to be grateful that He will inflict a very painful punishment on them. Grateful for God’s grace can be done in various ways.

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First, with a sincere greeting; secondly, accompanied by deeds, namely using the grace for purposes that are pleasing to Him. In everyday life, we can see that people who are generous and like to spend their wealth for the public interest and helping people, generally never fall into poverty or misery.

In fact, his fortune is always increasing, his wealth is increasing, and his life is happy, loved and respected in the association.

On the other hand, rich people who are stingy, or like to use their wealth for things that are not pleasing to Allah, such as gambling or taking usury, their wealth does not increase, in fact it quickly decreases. In addition, he was always hated and cursed by the people, and in the afterlife received severe punishment.

3. Surah Hud verse 6

Meaning: “And not a single creature moves (animate) on earth but all of them are guaranteed by Allah’s sustenance. He knows his residence and where it is kept. All (written) in a real Book (Lauh Mahfuzh).”

Creeping animals, which live on earth which includes animals that crawl, crawl, or even walk on two legs, are all guaranteed sustenance by Allah.

These animals are given instincts and the ability to seek their sustenance according to the nature of events, everything is arranged by Allah with His wisdom and wisdom so that there is always harmony.

Surah Hud verse 6 explains the sustenance guaranteed by Allah SWT. Actually, the sustenance of all humans and even all creatures in this world has been written and determined in the Lawh Mahfuzh.

So, you don’t have to worry about the fortune you get. You don’t need to feel deprived or poor because all the sustenance you get has been guaranteed by Allah SWT. So if you can accept it, all your needs will definitely be fulfilled.

4. Surah An-Najm verses 39-41

Verse 39

Meaning: “and that man only gets what he has worked for,”

Verse 40

Meaning: “and indeed his efforts will be shown (to him),”

Verse 41

Meaning: “then he will be rewarded with the most perfect reward.”

Surah An Najm verses 39-41 explains the door of sustenance that will open if humans try to get this sustenance. Because there is nothing in this world that is instantaneous, then everything must be worked on especially in meeting the necessities of life or making money.

Humans must be active in running their business, of course adhering to the principles of trustworthiness and responsibility. Humans must be able to utilize the energy and ideas that Allah SWT has given to seek sustenance. Allah SWT actually does not like people who are lazy.

5. Letter of Noah verses 10-12

Verse 10

Meaning: so I said (to them), “Ask forgiveness from your Lord, Indeed, He is Forgiving,

Verse 11

Meaning: “He will surely send down heavy rain from the sky on you,”

Verse 12

Meaning: “He multiplied your wealth and children, and made gardens for you and made rivers for you.”

Surah Noah verses 10-12 explains about the door of sustenance that opens if we always remember Allah SWT with istighfar and ask Him for forgiveness. Beristighfar and begging for forgiveness will make it easier for you to get through all obstacles in seeking sustenance.

Obstacles in seeking sustenance can be due to bad things that are done by us unconsciously. So, if you encounter obstacles in your quest for sustenance, don’t despair, you must remain in the way of Allah SWT by making istighfar and asking Him for forgiveness as much as possible.

6. Surah At-Talaq verses 2-3

Meaning: ” Whoever fears Allah, surely He will open a way out for him, and He gives him sustenance from where he does not expect. And whoever puts his trust in Allah, Allah will fulfill his (needs). Verily, Allah carries out His affairs. Indeed, Allah has made provision for everything.” (QS. At Thalaq: 2-3).

The verse explains that if the wife’s iddah period is almost over and the husband still wants to be reunited, then he may refer to his wife and live well together as husband and wife, carry out his obligations, provide groceries, clothes, housing, and so on.

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People who fear Allah, and obediently comply with the rules that have been set, among others, regarding the reconciliation and divorce mentioned above, He will surely show him a way out of the difficulties he faces.

For those who fear Allah, they are not only given and made easy ways out of the difficulties they face, but also provided with sustenance by Allah from unexpected directions, which have never crossed their minds. Then, Allah calls on them to put their trust in Him, because it is Allah who fulfills their needs to make their affairs successful.

Putting your trust in Allah means surrendering yourself to Him, fully surrendering to Him the success of your business. After he tries and establishes an endeavor, then he puts his trust in it.

It is not trustworthiness if a person surrenders his situation to Allah without effort and endeavor. Try and endeavor first then put your trust in Allah.

Surah At-Talaq verse 3 explains about the sustenance of Allah SWT which can come from anywhere and sometimes unexpectedly. Allah SWT is the source of all the sustenance that we get, so we should be grateful.

7. Surah Al Mulk Verse 21

Fortune does not come by itself but must be picked up by trying and doing good and lawful work.

Meaning: “Or who is he who gives you sustenance if Allah withholds His sustenance?” (Al-Mulk: 21).

In this verse it is emphasized who is the person who can provide you with sustenance apart from Allah, if He decides it from you. In other words, no one can give, prevent, create, give sustenance, and help other than Allah SWT. alone, there is no partner for Him. They know this, but they worship other than Him.

8. Surah Al Jumuah Verse 10

Meaning: “When the prayers have been performed, then scatter you on the face of the earth; and seek the bounty of Allah.” (Al-Jumu’ah: 10).

After being prohibited from carrying out transactions after the call that ordered Muslims to gather for Friday prayers, then it was allowed for them after that to spread over the face of the earth in order to seek God’s gift, namely sustenance.

9. Surah Al Ankabut Verse 62

Meaning: “Allah expands sustenance for whom He wills among His servants and He (also) narrows it down for him. Surely Allah is All-Knower of all things.” (QS. Al Ankabut Verse 62)

In this verse, Allah states that it is He who widens sustenance for whom He wills and constricts sustenance for whom He wills. He alone has the power to determine sustenance, so that believers need not be reluctant to emigrate for fear of poverty.

Allah provides sustenance wherever they are, whether in their own country, or in other people’s lands or on their way, even when they are captured by enemies. Allah says: Indeed Allah, He is the Giver of sustenance Who Has Strength and is Very Sturdy.

10. Surah Al Baqarah Verse 172

Meaning: “O you who believe! Eat of the good sustenance that We give you and give thanks to Allah, if you only worship Him.” (QS. Al Baqarah verse 172)

In this verse it is emphasized that a believer eats the good food given by Allah, and the sustenance that He gives must be grateful. In verse 168 the command to eat good food is addressed to humans in general.

Therefore, the order was accompanied by a prohibition on following Satan’s teachings. Whereas in this verse the command is directed to the believers only so that they eat the good sustenance of Allah. Therefore, this order is accompanied by an order to be grateful.

11. Al-Quran verses about sustenance: QS Ar-Rum: 37

12. Al-Quran verses about sustenance: QS Al-Qasas: 82

13. Al-Quran Verses About Fortune: QS Al-Isra: 30

Gratitude is not only spoken verbally, but also practiced with deeds. Helping people who are in trouble or giving charity is a form of gratitude. That way, surely Allah SWT will fulfill the needs of life.

Basically, talking about good fortune has been arranged by Allah SWT and good luck does not always have to be about money, but good luck can also be in the form of health. Therefore, it is appropriate for Muslims to live this life full of gratitude for the health that we have today, so that it becomes easier to carry out various activities.